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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by niking

  1. btw, poprilicno je nemoguce da OS sam refreshuje stranu u Firefoxu...
  2. Opera 9.5 review by opeen-source community, sa poredjenjima sa FF3 jebeni imbecili :) Opera postigla 100/100 na Acid3 testu btw, FlashGot za Operu, ovde: http://my.opera.com/Lex1/blog/oget-2-4 Top 150 Popular Firefox Extensions and Opera
  3. niking

    Fallout 3

  4. wut? edit: aha...
  5. Meni je No-Man bolji od Blackfielda by far
  6. hah, gle ko se vratio... btw, pesma je ocaj
  7. realno, do jaja je
  8. niking


    Sta, ti vidis sta drugi slusaju i oni vide sta ti slsuas i onda se osecas superiorno jer slsuas bolju muziku?
  9. One Day As A Lion is the creation of musical comrades Zack De La Rocha & Jon Theodore. This is music about space - the space between friends and collaborators where ideas form; the space in a song where the tension builds waiting for the next wave of sound; the space in the corners of the recording studio (Sinatra's old room at Ocean Way) where the sound gathers to fade and die. One Day As A Lion worked hard to capture that space on tape, unadulterated, unmolested, from heart to hand to skins to mics to tape to speaker to ear. The result, someone said, sounds like Led Zep meets Dr. Dre. http://rapidshare.com/files/130694865/One_..._-2008__V0_.rar
  10. zahvaljujem... btw, Broken Strings 26.7. u Dangubi
  11. The Glamour Manifesto - Hide and Eat
  12. niking


    juce se pojavila Beta? Betu ovoga furaju vec par meseci
  13. Jea, izreklamirao si se... gde u Uzicu svirate?
  14. http://www.myspace.com/onedayasalion obesena prva pesma
  15. niking

    Guitar Hero

  16. Jebo ih strob. E-Play ftw
  17. niking

    Pink Floyd

    Sa sajta KSTa:
  18. *bump* again... nacuo sam da je "Odlazim" hit dana na Leskovackom radiju 016
  19. ali je mnogo kul ako umesto A pises 4, umesto T pises 7 i umesto E pises 3?
  20. niking

    Max Payne

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JboQmDIdKWs Max Payne The Movie - trailer
  21. Ja sam odusevljen ovim juce... kakvi su carevi, kakav sou naprave, a i sjajno zvuce
  22. Sjajan program, koristim ga vec duze vreme, nema sta ne cita i ne transkoduje
  23. Landlord seeks new longterm tenant to immediately occupy recently vacated apartment. Tenant would preferably be female. Basement apartment, 2 bedrooms, bathroom and economy kitchen. 650 sq ft. Special Features: Noise proof so you don't have to hear those pesky neighbors, and secure entrance w/ keycode. Furnished. Rent is $600 or free in return for rape Please Contact Josef Fritzl
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