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Posts posted by chess

  1. http://www.last.fm/user/Priestofsyrinx


    I'm real. Yes, we know, it's nothing new. It's just a waste of time. I have no need for other songs. 2112 will do me fine. :-) For all you who wonder. There is no point to this. I listen to 2112. I enjoy it. Make up your own story as to why, how, who. Perhaps post it on here and see who has a great story to tell. Enjoy. XX

  2. lik sa last.fm na shoutu benda:


    Got my physical CD today, and there's a lot more lyrics than ever before on booklet. Also, the guests on this record are: Dave Nassie has some guitar parts in In Coelo Quies, Steve Hurdle is doing "transtonal disharmony" (whatever that is) on Feeding the Beast and Elena Vladi is doing additional vocals on You Can't Save Me. Oh and it seems this record is dedicated to said mr. Hurdle.

  3. pa to sam mislio, drzava kroz telekom


    meni je trenutno verat provajder, mislim da su oni jedini provajder koji ima svoj nezavisni link ka Deutsche Telekomu i dosta svoje infrastrukture.. i nemam nikakve zamerki na njih, nikad nisam imao problem sa njima, nikakv prekid, osim radova ali to uredno najave na statusu mreze


    videcu kakav je targo za par dana

  4. ovo je daleko najbolje resenje za internet, pogotovo zbog toga zato sto za istu cenu dobijas kvalitetniju i brzu vezu... posto zivimo u telekom monopolskoj zemlji, kada korisnici budu blagovremeno raskidali ugovore zbog ovoga, onda ce oni isto tako postepeno da sistemski uruse ovu kompaniju dok je ne uniste

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