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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by chess

  1. chess


  2. We are currently working on a live DVD with important bonus section : "The Way Of All Flesh From The Inside", the Sea Shepherd EP, (a non profit operation with a lot of people involved is a bit complicated to wrap, but we're getting there and we promise to release these songs soon). We're also composing a new album! We've written pretty much half of it, and we are very excited by this new material. It's a big step for us. These songs are original and a good reflection of what we are today. We are so focused on these things, that sometimes we forget to communicate with you guys, but we'll try to post more updates from now on. Big thanks to all of you for your patience and support. Cheers from the practice room!!! Gojira
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x13B5gwVg8Y&feature=email&email=comment_received
  4. http://www.livethesheendream.com/
  5. http://file.heavy.com/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu.swf 21.580
  6. samo Oceanborn
  7. chess


    btw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fo59fCISVFw
  8. :haha:
  9. Devin Townsend : Thanks to Fredrik!!
  10. chess


    jebes mi sve,ja ovo uvek procitam ''live at aragorn'' inace,bice sex ovo
  11. R.I.P majstore...
  12. chess


    http://www.myspace.com/realmofobscura nova pesma na spejsu,zove se septuagint,kul je
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNXXj7pR4zQ
  14. ovo su bese oni spanci thoundra tako nesto,nije lose
  15. odlican koncert sinoc,nemam reci,i jos su velibor i danilo zacinili nevremena na kraju....i bilo je previse ljudi,pun skc cini mi se,oko 800 ljudi moja neka procena
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQr2IDnvXR4
  17. *Year: 2010 *Genre: Hardcore/Sludge *Country: United Kingdom *Format: mp3@CBR320kbps http://files.metalarea.org/20652630/?logoff http://turbobit.net/o1bkl0vve37j.html
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-RSe_oT40Q
  19. i Tymon napusta Cynic
  20. chess


    :haha: :haha: :haha:
  21. he is 30 and what is this?
  22. na bjesovima je zvuk bio odlican,mesto je sasvim ok i moze dosta ljudi da stane,samo je problem sto nema garderoba,secam se na bjesovima svi su jakne nosili u rukama
  23. chess


    fudbal bolje da ne gledamo a kosarke ce biti......kad nisi mogao da gledas evroligu ili ne znam ni ja sta zbog tenisa? ne lupetaj
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