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Takav je album ali fanovi benda nisu navikli na to i na kompleksnostkoju naglasavaju na novom albumu.E sad,to se nekom svidja,nekom ne....Ibas je bila potrebna ovakva produkcija da bi se oziveli svi instrumenti,da svaki dodje do izrazaja Valjda dobra produkcija treba da bude + za taj album,ne znam.......ili je ono fora,more raw,more kvlt Ne znam,ja sam slab na produkciju kad slusam progresivu,to mora sve lepo chisto da bude
Album je za progresivce
E stvarno,sta ova tema radi na black podforumu? Prebacujte to u progresivu...
Odlican album!!! Produkcija fantasticna!
Slobo,chitaj xD Bilo pre godinu dana
Znam znam,ma,nije vredno cimanja zbog toga Former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen will enter the studio in early February to begin recording her new solo album, "What Lies Beneath".She writes on her web site, "In these last couple of weeks I have beendaily preparing the production, schedules, arrangements for the songsand for the album itself. "It feels great to be able to startthe recordings very soon, since I have been waiting for the momentalready for a long time. I am truly excited to witness how all willunfold! "The process for my second album started back in June2008. Among the first songs that my friends and I composed at thattime, a character called Naiad was born. The fantasy story of Naiad gave me the idea for the album title and for the whole album concept: 'What Lies Beneath'. "Thelast touches for the music, last lines of lyrics and arrangements forthe songs need to be done now before getting into the studio. "Ihave chosen the musicians for each song, the recording and mixingengineers and some the studios where the album will come alive. "We are also starting to organize the artwork and photos for the album. "Ithas been wonderful to be able to brainstorm again and decide thedirection the album is going to take. I hope that you will be surprisedagain by my work; because that's the way I like it. "Therecordings of the drums will begin on February 4th. I will be in touchwith you daily from the studio, so you will have a chance to read, seeand maybe also hear what is happening there." Turunen recently recorded three songs for a Finnish Christmas album, produced by Olli Ahvenlahti. According to Turunen, this was "a charity project for missionary workers in Finland." Tarja's last album, "My Winter Storm", was re-released in January 2009. This double CD "extended special edition" was packed with 32 tracks, including the CD "My Winter Storm" with the addition of the song "The Seer" in its original version. The bonus disc presented several new tracks, remixes and live recordings. Among them, the new song "Enough" and "The Seer", this time featuring a duet with German rock star Doro Pesch.
Ma jesam,al ponovo,lepo je sve to ali ja hocu novi album pa onda da gledam koncert.I MWS smo slusali i NW stvari smo slushali i Enough smo slushali,samo ove 2 nove neke pesme nismo ali nije strasno.Razlika izmedju koncerta obicnog koji je bio kod nas o tog koji spominjes je ta sto ce biti taj cert nabudzeniji nekako.
Ja ne idem nigde dok ona ne izda nov album,mislim,nema smisla gledati jedan te isti cert koji sam gledao u Beogradu sa istim repertoarom pesama.....Lepo ona izda albumchicj,turneja,pa onda cu da razmislim dal da idem negde da vidim Tarjanu i da cujem te neke njene pesmice nove Ocekujem osvezenje na novom albumu sto se tice gitara,malo neke solaze ovo ono Ipak Kiko svira,malo da objasni neke stvari na par traka pa da bude haos
Poslusao sam ,odlicno je Bas onako dissection-ovska pesmica
Slozicemo se da su Morningrise i MAYH keva Meni samo nije jasno kako je Blackwater Park bzvz pesma xD Pa jebote gledam na DVD-u,pesma raznosi ,pogotovo kraj......mislim,jebote -> Ljudi,Opeth ima odlicne i manje odlicne pesme ,nista ispod toga
Slozio bih se,Human Equation je zakon.
Dobro,u medjuvremenu sam skinuo koncert xD Sta,neko skinuo,gledao,ima li utisaka? Ja gledam i ne verujem koliko je fantastican cert!
E jeste stvarno Ja samo slusam sa demoa verziju te pesme,mnogo je bolja Jedva cekam novi EP
Porcupeth quickly rose to a level of popularity far beyond that whicheither band had reached. They even surpassed the popularity of Mikael'sparents Simon and Garfunkel :haha: :haha:
Ma slusaj ti mene xD Znam da gotivis Tool i APC,na SLS ima najvise Tool like deonica ,svidece ti se taj album najvise,pazi sta ti kazem
Volis Korn a ne volis prvi album? Kultni prvi album? xD Blind,Faget,Clown,Ball Tongue? Kultovi? Ma,kako ti pade na pamet da preskocis Second Life Syndrome,najbolji Riverside album?
Moze ti se oprostiti ako volis samo prva 2 albuma Korna xD Prvi album Korna je genijalan i ja ga volim Cekaj ,a SLS jesi slusao? xD
Pa,nisam rekao da su ostale pesme lose xD Sve ostale pesme su odlicne ali ta pesma se istice i po duzini i kvalitetu vise od ostalih Nekako hedlajner albuma Moglo bi se reci hedlajner svih pesama riverside-a zato sto u tih 15 min moze da se cuje sve sto Riverside kao bend nudi svojim slusaocima
E onu stvar Back To The River mogu da cujem milion puta,nece me nikad smoriti Pink Floyd a la Riverside Kako dobro zvuci to....
Meni je Second Life Syndrome mnogo zreliji album i ambiciozniji od Out of myself......ne znam,do jaja mi je Out of myself samo mi je nekako prelagan .... Ja kad cujem pesmu SLS,tu cujem svu char Riverside-a