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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by chess

  1. ne radi me place mi se
  2. spreman sam
  3. chess


    lud tip
  4. chess


    jbt u isti sekund
  5. chess


    Album almost done
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxfbzdoueVg ovo je propisno jebanje keve, jedan od najboljih njihovih live nastupa ako ne i najbolji!
  7. ne znam koliko je pametan potez sa ovim koncertom s obzirom da je vec bio prosle godine cini mi se. meni je licno to bilo dovoljno tako da ovo preskacem
  8. imam knjigu ali jos nisam procitao, bas cu da vidim o cemu se radi kad budem krenuo
  9. http://www.earsplitcompound.com/site/2014/01/21/today-is-the-day-tenth-lp-set-for-mid-2014-release/ “I am super excited about this new album. I feel it is my finest work to this date. It is the most complex and HEAVY metal/noise record we have ever made. This is real. We got together and wrote these songs. No bullshit Protools crap; just pure violent energy and real band songwriting in the middle of the woods in Maine. I would say it lies somewhere betweenTemple of The Morning Star and In The Eyes of God, and Jeff’s playing is beyond incredible. I was determined to push the limits in complexity, musicianship, and creativity as far as we could and I feel we have put together a record that narrates the horror and pain that we have been living through.” da..... DA!
  10. realno, da li ima neki bolji bend koji pici grindcore da je dostojan svirke sa napalm deathom
  11. chess


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlBZcxMYOew&feature=youtu.be nastavak! jao hhahaha <3
  12. chess


  13. ovaj bend jebe mame
  14. chess


  15. ebote izgleda kao debeli klinac od 15 godina, bolestan je sigurno... :/
  16. valjda je fora da gledas film sa onim 55D naocarima, da osetis kao da si u svemiru. ja se generalno ne primam na efekte u filmovima ali mnogo se lozim na te spejs tripove, planete i asteroide i to, tako da ce mi verovatno biti zanimljivo. kapiram da ovde nema nesto mnogo dobre glume sad niti je akcenat na likovima, valjda ni situacija ne zahteva sad neku ludnicu od glume. pogledacu ga ovih dana.
  17. luv the photo
  18. neverica kolki je tuljan postao
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