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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by chess

  1. chess


    lazo, ^ bukvalno dva posta gore
  2. chess


  3. jasno prelepo izgleda ovo izdanje :aham:
  4. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2374902/ ima neko link za ovaj film? preturio sam ceo internet nema sile da ga nadjem
  5. chess


    hahaha pa ovo je nesto najjace ikad! dobro zvici lesser key, zanimljivo neko postuje na ovoj temi a da nisam ja, in your face lou
  6. muda
  7. http://sleepersawake.bandcamp.com/album/transcension odlican bend!
  8. chess


  9. kako mu landara ćuna ko helikopter
  10. sitne duse mogu samo da ga puse, to to ali kakvo ime, sizife daj kamen... sizife, let there be rock ; sizife, baci kamen da se igramo
  11. chess


    nova stvar i obavestenje: In a few weeks you guys will lay your hands on the last GridLink record and probably the last record I will ever make. It wasn't always going to be that way, but during the recording I realized that this was the end of the line for me. I don't think I will make a better record and I don't want to be in a band with anyone other than Takafumi Matsubara, who was cashing out his chips as well. This is a hard genre to play in. I've loved the style since I first heard it in the late 80's, via Napalm Death, however I have been notoriously critical of the genre and really only ever liked a handful of bands that play "grind"(I have gone so far as to say 99% of bands that call themselves grindcore are just playing short death metal songs). It's earned me a lot of scorn over the years but I haven't lost any sleep over it I think about how lucky I have been to work with such talented people over the past 20+ years creating music in a genre that few can understand or engage with. I'm especially lucky to have met and worked with people like Rob Marton and Takafumi Matsubara, people who were not content to play in that space, but were committed to carving out a whole new sub-genre that was distinctly their own. Then there's the percussion team of Witte and Fajardo, both guys who were the absolute best at what they did, eclipsing not only their peers but those that inspired them to something more. And then there's the bass, which I grudgingly agreed to but turned out pretty damn good LOL To this day, I am still surprised anyone listens to or vaguely understands any of the music I've been a part of. So once again, I find myself saying goodbye. I'm going to be focusing on writing new graphic novels, making video games and films, etc.
  12. chess


  13. chess


  14. poslusao sam ovaj deafheaven, mnogo mi je ovo gejasto da bi bilo black metal, nema tu estetiku, vise je kao ubrzani post rock shoegazes
  15. chess


  16. o boze, konacno je neko spomenuo ovaj album! album godine
  17. chess


    <3 a albumu se ne nadam, najvise bih voleo da ga ne snime, al kad vec moraju i rade nije lose da bacim povremeni hajp btw adam jones dobio bebu naslednika, okacio na fejsu sliku ja sam ti ko Mena13Suvari na temi Korn, nenadjebiv
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LL1gLIIH0Y&feature=c4-overview&list=UUfLRDLSEEPD-pprEeI83GWg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxysVRrDS2k&list=UUfLRDLSEEPD-pprEeI83GWg
  19. chess


    jao jebem ti sve koji je trol ovaj covek, djavo ga odneo!1 hahhaha <3
  20. Pa kada bi nastavili pod drugom imenom jos vise bi se popisali po sebi, nema logike da to rade. Sta kao, gitarista nam je izasao iz benda hajde da promenimo ime? Nisu oni krivi sto je on tu dosao i nacinio taj bend svojim zivotom toliko da se poistovecuje sa njim... delimicno jesu sto su mu to dozvolili. Njihova jedina greska je ta sto su trebali tamo jos pre 10 godina da zavrse sa njim, ne znam sto su se toliko vukli i trudili da promene nesto... muzicka formula je radila al dzabe kad je covek tezak namcor i ne mozes sa njim saradjivati. Sad te muzicke formule nema, imaju puno pravo da traze novi put i pod tim imenom a on nek svira tamo svoje pesme sa svojim bendom.
  21. Prvi utisci : naravno live kvalitet im se srozao, malo zvuce praznjikavo ( pritom je taj klub los za svirke, i zvuk je bio sranje tako svi kazu ) ali bice bolje, ovo im je prva svirka. Treba da nadju zamenu za debelog, znaci jos jedan gitarista koji ce da digne atmosferu i bice to sve ok. Nije toliko lose ali ovo je pocetak, bitno je da vlada dobra atmosfera u bendu.
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