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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by ^TK^

  1. Sto je sigurno, sigurno jr. Materija ipak treba da se prouci. A i to sto kazes... ko ce cekati jos mesec i po dana.
  2. Majkl Vajt- Ekvinocijum
  3. ^TK^


    na ovu krizu ?
  4. ^ to se podrazumeva, ali nista `na slepo`.
  5. ^TK^


    respect samo zato sto su odabrali bas panteru. za ostalo ne bih se moglo reci isto... posebno ne za vokal.
  6. ^TK^


    "Musically and lyrically, this is definately the most brutal and intense ONSLAUGHT album... `ajd` da vidimo i to cudo da nadmase power from hell. srecno im bilo
  7. fantasticno!
  8. ^TK^


    Novi single: 1. Cemetery Gates (Pantera cover) 2. Time No More (Japanese) link: http://www.mediafire.com/?kwqutwomxzj
  9. ^TK^


    novi spot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u95JTXzyHyA
  10. ^TK^


    `In september we will record our new album -Vol(l)ume 14- with producer Michael Mainx (Böhse Onkelz, Der W, Disbelief). The album will be out on december 17th on AFM then!` da docekamo i ovo
  11. ^TK^


    HYPNOSIA have completed work on five songs for their the follow-up to last year's Extreme Hatred album. Tentatively titled World Sacrifice, the upcoming effort “is a logical step forwards for the band,” according to a statement on the group's web site. “The new album will be dominated by very fast and aggressive thrash/death metal, but with a few new inputs and ideas to be explored within the boundaries of what can be considered to be the HYPNOSIA sound.” World Sacrifice will be recorded at Euphony Studios, Växjö, Sweden this spring for a late 2002 release. In related news, HYPNOSIA guitarist/vocalist Cab Castervall and SOIL OF THE UNDEAD drummer Chrille have started a “dark and blasphemous” death metal band called FUNERAL, which is due to record it debut demo in the next couple of months. ne ugleda taj album svetlost dana, na zalost
  12. jbt, odakle ti xentrix???
  13. Impact -USA -Radovi: Erosion of Will (Demo, 1989) Take the Pain (Full-lenght, 1991)
  14. auuu. ovo na ledjima joj daje posebnu draz
  15. poklon: pantera-reinventing the steel exodus-shovel headed kill machine
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk5SZoIC8Ys
  17. ^TK^


    nije fora... u novembru su u Grckoj.mogli su i do nas svratiti
  18. ^TK^


    odlicno je. ovo usporavanje u violent world zna da iritira, ali ok... inace, kad vec pre stigoste majice da rasturate?
  19. bogozube, jel opet nesto sa verskim motivima ?
  20. cilj istorije filozofije nije puka reprodukcija necijih ideja, nego samo pomoc u stvaranju svojih
  21. tako je bratac
  22. ^TK^


    slazem se za m-16. ali je agent orange vrhunac celokupne njihove diskog.
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