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Destructor's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)
CDs Act of Gods - Dies Irae (neotpakovan) - 300 Aerosmith - Big Ones (odličan) - 500 Criminal - Dead Soul (odličan) - 400 Crowbar - Past and Present (odličan) - 500 Darkane - Rusted Angel (odličan) - 750 Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists (odličan) - 800 God Forbid - Determination (odličan) - 600 Godus - Phantomgrave: I Am the Catacombs (neotpakovan) - 500 Gromm - Hapiness Its When You Are Dead (odličan VG+) - 600 Haemorrhage - The Kill Sessions (odličan) - 600 Halford - Crucible (vrlo dobar, lagani tragovi) - 600 Honor - Droga Bez Odwrotu (Dantiscum - odličan) - 1200 Iced Earth - Dystopia - (Japanac, odličan NM) - 1500 Imperial - Thrasheurs 13 (nov) - 300 Impurity - At the gates of dawn (odličan) - 1000 Marilyn Manson - Smells Like Children (VG, tragovi korištenja) - 350 Mercyless - Cold (odličan) - 500 Millencolin - Kingwood (digipak, odličan) - 500 Possessed - Beyond The Gates/ Eyes of Horror (odličan disk i vrlo dobar digipak) - 1800 Pro-Pain - Road Rage (odličan) - 600 Reverence - Inactive Theocracy (slipkejs, neotpakovan) - 350 Rob Zombie - The Sinister Urge (odličan) - 600 Six Feet Under - Bringer of Blood (vrlo dobar digipak) - 600 Six Feet Under - Graveyard Classics 2 (odličan digipak) - 750 The Unkinds - Violence Is a Girls Best Friend (nov) - 350 The World Domination III (Osmose kompilacija - nov) - 350 Thesyre - Exist! (neotpakovan) - 350 Third Eye Blind - Out of the Vein - CD/DVD (odličan) - 400 Unwritten Law - Elva (odličan) - 300 Varathron - Crowsreign (odličan NM) - 750 Warhead - Defenders of The Blood (odličan) - 1800
Act of Gods - Dies Irae (neotpakovan) - 300 Aerosmith - Big Ones (odličan) - 500 Darkane - Rusted Angel (odličan) - 750 Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists (odličan) - 800 God Forbid - Determination (odličan) - 600 Godus - Phantomgrave: I Am the Catacombs (neotpakovan) - 500 Gromm - Hapiness Its When You Are Dead (odličan VG+) - 600 Haemorrhage - The Kill Sessions (odličan) - 600 Halford - Crucible (vrlo dobar, lagani tragovi) - 600 Honor - Droga Bez Odwrotu (Dantiscum - odličan) - 1200 Iced Earth - Dystopia - (Japanac, odličan NM) - 1500 Imperial - Thrasheurs 13 (nov) - 300 Impurity - At the gates of dawn (odličan) - 1000 Marilyn Manson - Smells Like Children (VG, tragovi korištenja) - 350 Millencolin - Kingwood (digipak, odličan) - 500 Reverence - Inactive Theocracy (slipkejs, neotpakovan) - 350 Six Feet Under - Bringer of Blood (vrlo dobar digipak) - 600 Six Feet Under - Graveyard Classics 2 (odličan digipak) - 750 The Unkinds - Violence Is a Girls Best Friend (nov) - 350 The World Domination III (Osmose kompilacija - nov) - 350 Thesyre - Exist! (neotpakovan) - 350 Third Eye Blind - Out of the Vein - CD/DVD (odličan) - 400 Varathron - Crowsreign (odličan NM) - 750 Warhead - Defenders of The Blood (odličan) - 1800
rezervisan Soulfly - Soulfly (odličan NM) - 600
Act of Gods - Dies Irae (neotpakovan) - 300 Aerosmith - Big Ones (odličan) - 500 Darkane - Rusted Angel (odličan) - 750 Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists (odličan) - 800 Gromm - Hapiness Its When You Are Dead (odličan VG+) - 600 Haemorrhage - The Kill Sessions (odličan) - 600 Halford - Crucible (vrlo dobar, lagani tragovi) - 600 Honor - Droga Bez Odwrotu (Dantiscum - odličan) - 1200 Iced Earth - Dystopia - (Japanac, odličan NM) - 1500 Impurity - At the gates of dawn (odličan) - 1000 Marilyn Manson - Smells Like Children (VG, tragovi korištenja) - 350 Reverence - Inactive Theocracy (slipkejs, neotpakovan) - 350 Six Feet Under - Bringer of Blood (vrlo dobar digipak) - 600 Six Feet Under - Graveyard Classics 2 (odličan digipak) - 750 Soulfly - Soulfly (odličan NM) - 600 The Unkinds - Violence Is a Girls Best Friend (nov) - 350 The World Domination III (Osmose kompilacija - nov) - 350 Thesyre - Exist! (neotpakovan) - 350 Varathron - Crowsreign (odličan NM) - 750
ode i ovaj merrimack
par noviteta Act of Gods - Dies Irae (neotpakovan) - 300 Aerosmith - Big Ones (odličan) - 500 Darkane - Rusted Angel (odličan) - 750 Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists (odličan) - 800 Haemorrhage - The Kill Sessions (odličan) - 600 Honor - Droga Bez Odwrotu (Dantiscum - odličan) - 1200 Marilyn Manson - Smells Like Children (VG, tragovi korištenja) - 350 Merrimack - Grey Rigorism (neotpakovan) - 350 Reverence - Inactive Theocracy (slipkejs, neotpakovan) - 350 The Unkinds - Violence Is a Girls Best Friend (nov) - 350 Impurity - At the gates of dawn (odličan) - 1000 The World Domination III (Osmose kompilacija - nov) - 350 Thesyre - Exist! (neotpakovan) - 350
rezervisano Hate Eternal - I, Monarch (slipkejs, odličan) - 850 Hate Eternal - King Of All Kings (digipak, odličan) - 850
rezervisano: Faith No More - King For A Day... (par ogrebotina) - 350 Merrimack - Grey Rigorism (neotpakovan) - 300 Reverence - Inactive Theocracy (slipkejs, neotpakovan) - 300
Act of Gods - Dies Irae (neotpakovan) - 300 Aerosmith - Big Ones (odličan) - 500 Darkane - Rusted Angel (odličan) - 750 Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists (odličan) - 800 Faith No More - King For A Day... (par ogrebotina) - 350 Haemorrhage - The Kill Sessions (odličan) - 600 Hate Eternal - I, Monarch (slipkejs, odličan) - 850 Hate Eternal - King Of All Kings (digipak, odličan) - 850 Honor - Droga Bez Odwrotu (Dantiscum - odličan) - 1200 Marilyn Manson - Smells Like Children (VG, tragovi korištenja) - 350 Merrimack - Grey Rigorism (neotpakovan) - 300 Reverence - Inactive Theocracy (slipkejs, neotpakovan) - 300 The Unkinds - Violence Is a Girls Best Friend (nov) - 500
otišlo: Aerosmith - Draw the Line - 10 Aerosmith - Permanent Vacation - 10 Budgie - Impeckable - 20 Cult - Sonic Temple - 10 Gary Moore - Live In Japan - 10 Grand Funk Railroad - Closer To Home - 10 Grand Funk Railroad - E Pluribus Funk - 20 Motorhead - Another Perfect Day - 15 Motorhead - No Sleep til Hammersmith - 12 Mountain - Flowers of Evil - 10 Thin Lizzy - Black Rose - 10 Uriah Heep - Salisbury - 15 Vanilla Fudge - Near the Beginning - 15 Vanilla Fudge - ST - 10 Wolfsbane - Live Fast, Die Fast - 10 Rory Gallagher - Photo Finish - 10 Ten Years After - Watt - 15 The Allman Brothers Band - Brothers and Sisters - 8 Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger - 12 Johnny and Edgar Winter - Together - 15 Manowar - Kins of Metal - 20 Humble Pie - Performance - 15
za sljedeće ploče cijenu množite sa 60 da dobijete iznos u dinarima, sve ploče su strana izdanja (uglavnom holandska i njemačka) osim gdje je naveden ex-yu izdavač, sve je od baš vrlo dobro do odlično očuvano osim gdje su navedena oštećenja preuzimanje moguće u utorak u beogradu tokom dana do 17h, NE pred samu death DTA svirku 24 Carat Purple - 10 (jugoton) AC/DC - Ballbreaker - 50 AC/DC - Fly on the Wall - 15 AC/DC - If You Want Blood... - 10 AC/DC - Powerage - 15 Aerosmith - Draw the Line - 10 (omot oštećen vlagom na donjoj strani) Aerosmith - Permanent Vacation - 10 Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic - 15 Alcatrazz - No Parole From RnR - 12 Alice Coopers Greatest Hits - 2 (gadno oštećena zadnja strana omota) Alice in Chains - Dirt - 80 Angry - Blood From Stone - 15 April Wine - First Glance - 8 April Wine - Harder... Faster - 10 April Wine - The Nature of the Beast - 10 Asia - Asia - 8 Asia - Astra - 10 Atomsko Sklonište - U vremenu horoskopa - 10 Autograph - Loud And Clear - 10 Bad Company - Desolation Angels - 8 Badlands - Voodoo Highway - 40 Balroom Blitz - 8 BBM - Around The Next Dream - 60 65]Best of Humble Pie - 10 65]Black Sabbath 1970 - 1987 - 20 65]Black Widow - Black Widow - 50 65]Blackfoot - Siogo - 10 65]Blackthorne - Afterlife - 40 65]Blue Murder - Blue Murder - 12 65]Blue Oyster Cult - Agents of Fortune+Spectres - 20 (oštećen omot) 65]Bo Diddley - The 20th Anniversary of Rock and Roll - 20 65]Bruce Dickinson - Tattooed Millionaire - 8 (oštećen omot, prednja strana, dolje) 65]Budgie - Impeckable - 20 65]Cathedral - The Ethereal Mirror - 80 65]Coverdale - Page - ST - 60 65]Cream - Goodbye - 12 65]Cult - Love - 15 65]Cult - Sonic Temple - 10 65]David Lee Roth - Eat Em And Smile - 10 65]Deep Purple - Deep Purple - 15 65]Deep Purple - The House of Blue Light - 8 65]Deep Purple - Who Do Think We Are - 15 65]Def Leppard - Pyromania - 10 65]Demon - Night of the Demon - 25 65]Dokken - Back for the Attack - 15 Dokken - Under Lock and Key - 10 Emerson Lake & Powel - ST - 5 (RTB) 65]Fastway - ST - 12 65]Fifth Angel - ST - 10 (omot oštećen na prednjoj strani) 65]FM Soundtrack - 10 65]Forcefield Three - To Oz and Back - 12 65]Frank Marino - Mahogany Rush Live - 10 (oštećen omot) 65]Gamma - Gamma 1 - 5 65]Gamma - Gamma 2 - 5 65]Gamma - Gamma 3 - 5 65]Gary Moore - Live In Japan - 10 65]Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues - 20 65]Gillan - Double Trouble - 10 jugoton 65]Golden Earring - Bloody Buccaneers - 30 65]Grand Funk Railroad - Closer To Home - 10 65]Grand Funk Railroad - E Pluribus Funk - 20 65]Grand Funk Railroad - Mark, Don & Mel - 10 65]Great White - Twice Shy - 10 65]Greg Lake - 10 (omot oštećen) 65]Guitar Speak II - 10 65]Humble Pie - Performance - 15 65]Ian gillan - Naked Thunder - 10 65]Iron Maiden - Killers - 14 65]Iron Maiden - Seventh Son - 15 (oštećen omot) 65]Iron Maiden - ST - 8 (oštećen omot naprijed i nazad pri dnu desno, dosta laganih linija na ploči) 65]Jeff Watson - Lone Ranger - 12 65]Jimmy Barnes - Barnestorming - 15 65]Johnny and Edgar Winter - Together - 15 65]Judas Priest - Rocka Rolla (Helidon) - 50 65]King Crimson - In The Wake of Poseidon - 20 65]Kiss - Unmasked - 10 65]L.A. Blues Authority - 15 65]Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains the Same - 30 65]Legs Diamond - Town Bad Girl - 15 65]Lynch Mob - ST - 20 (gadno oštećena zadnja strana omota) 65]Lynyrd Skynyrd - Second Helping - 10 65]Magnum - Chase the Dragon - 25 65]Magnum - Chase The Dragon - 8 65]Mammoth - Mammoth - 10 65]Manowar - Battle Hymns - 12 65]Manowar - Kins of Metal - 20 65]Manowar Sign of the Hammer - 20 65]May Blitz - May Blitz - 50 65]Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell - 10 65]Molly Hatchet - Flirtin With Disaster - 10 65]Moly Hatchet - ST - 10 65]Montrose - Jump On It - 15 65]Montrose - Mean - 10 65]Mothers Finest - Another Mother Further - 8 65]Motorhead - Another Perfect Day - 15 65]Motorhead - Bastards - 40 65]Motorhead - No Sleep til Hammersmith - 12 65]Motorhead - Overkill - 30 65]Motorhead - The Best Of - 25 65]Mountain - Flowers of Evil - 10 65]Nazareth - Loud and Proud - 10 65]Neil Young - Harvest - 15 65]Ozzy - Just Say Ozzy EP - 15 65]Ozzy Osbourne - No Rest For The Wicked - 15 65]Pat Travers - Boom Boom - 10 65]Pat Travers - Boom Boom - 14 65]Pat Travers - Radio Active - 10 65]Paul Rodgers - Cut Loose - 6 65]Peral Jam - Vs - 60 65]Phoenix - Phoenix - 15 65]Pink Floyd - Meddle - 20 65]Pink Floyd - Obscured by Clouds - 16 65]Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of The Moon - 15 65]Pink Floyd - The Wall - 35 65]Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here - 25 65]Pretty Maids - Red Hot and Heavy - 15 65]Pretty Maids - ST - 10 (oštećen omot) 65]Racer X - Extreme Volume Live - 10 65]Racer X - Second Heat - 8 (oštećen omot) 65]Rainbow - On Stage - 10 (RTB) 65]Rainbow - Ritchie Blackmores Rainbow - 15 65]Ratt - Invasion of Your Privacy - 10 65]Ratt - Ratt - 12 (oštećen omot) 65]Reading Rock Volume One - 5 65]Rory Gallagher - Photo Finish - 10 65]Russ Ballard - Barnet Dogs - 10 65]Sammy Hagar - Standing Humpton - 15 (omot oštećen) 65]Samson - Head Tactics - 20 65]Samson - Thank You And Goodnight - 14 65]Santana - Abraxas - 8 65]Saxon - Denim and Leather - 10 (ofucan omot) 65]Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream - 100 65]Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger - 12 (malo oštećenje omota na zadnjoj strani) 65]Soundgarden - Superunknown - 60 (Oštećena prednja strana omota i obe unutrašnje (gatefold) dolje) clear vinyls 65]Steavie Ray Vaughan - Soul to Soul - 20 65]Steavie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood - 30 65]Steve Marriot - Packet of Three - 15 65]Supertramp - Indelibly Stamped - 10 65]T. Rex - Electric Warrior - 30 65]Ted Nugent - Double Live Gonzo - 8 (ofucan omot, kompletan) 65]Temple of the Dog - ST - 80 65]Ten Years After - Watt - 15 65]The Allman Brothers Band - Brothers and Sisters - 8 65]The Best of Cream Live - 10 RTB 65]The Best of Emerson Lake & Palmer - 10 65]The Best of The Tygers of Pan Tang - 10 65]The Jeff Healey Band - Hell to Pay - 10 65]The Jeff Healey Band - See The Light - 8 65]The Michael Schenker Group - Live in Budokan - 30 65]The Michael Schenker Group - MSG - 15 65]The Pretty Things - Eve of Destruction EP - 10 65]The Who - Whos Next - 20 65]Thin Lizzy - Black Rose - 10 65]Thin Lizzy - Thunder and Lightning - 10 65]Thunderhead - Busted at the Border - 10 65]Triumph - Never Surender - 10 65]Triumph - Stages - 10 65]Triumph - Thunder Seven - 10 65]Triuph - Just a Game - 8 65]Trouble - Manic Frustration - 150 65]Tygers of Pan Tang - First Kill - 25 65]Tygers of Pan Tang - Wild Cat - 2 (gadno oštećena prednja strana omota) 65]UFO - High Stakes - 25 65]UFO - Misdemeanor - 8 (promo hole na omotu + malo oštećenje na zadnjoj strani) 65]Uriah Heep - Raging Silence - 15 65]Uriah Heep - Salisbury - 15 65]Uriah Heep - The Mgicians Birthday - 12 65]Uriah Heep - Wonderworld - 12 65]Van Halen - 1984 - 10 65]Van Halen - Balance - 100 65]Van Halen - Fair Warning - 10 65]Van Halen - For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge - 25 65]Van Halen - OU812 - 10 65]Van Halen - Women and Children First - 15 65]Vanilla Fudge - Mystery - 10 65]Vanilla Fudge - Near the Beginning - 15 65]Vanilla Fudge - Renaissance - 30 65]Vanilla Fudge - ST - 10 65]WASP - The Headless Children - 10 (oštećen omot) 65]WASP - Winged Assassins - 25 65]WASP - Winged Assassins - 25 65]White Lion - Fight to Survive - 15 65]White Lion - Pride - 8 65]White Spirit - ST - 15 65]Whitesnake - Come an Get It - 8 65]Who - The Story Of The Who (RTB) - 15 65]Wishbone Ash - Wishbone Four - 10 65]Wolfsbane - Live Fast, Die Fast - 10 65]Y&T - Black Tiger - 10 65]Yes - 90125 - 8 65]Yngwie - Odyssey - 20
pa da, dovoljno joj je to sranja u životu