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greeter of the rising sun

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by greeter of the rising sun

  1. ma neeeee, nego je stvoren za te gothic-face koje Burton voli
  2. 'Botuljica' - srpsko-hrvatski prevod 'Beetlejuice' od '89., '90...... inace, kasnije su uradili i crtace kao serije. bilo je interesantno, ali ne kao prvi utisak koji ostavlja film. u crtacima se vec sve ocekivalo...
  3. covek od svakodnevne price napravi kultni film. sta da se kaze za njega?
  4. jej! odobrena je tema! elem, temu sam otvorila jer sam licno obozavalac njegovih radova i primetila sam da ih ima jos na forumu, pa - eto teme!
  5. :) pa nije da mirisem, ali oseti se 'smradna bomba'
  6. uh kako ga mrzim sad, odvratan osecaj...mislis svi spavaju, a onda cujes iza sebe nesto sto ne bi trebalo da bude tamo!!! a on je trebalo da bude u drugoj sobi!!! njemu lepo, on spava, boli njega... idem sad ja njega da plasim a necu, tako mi je sladak neka 'pava..
  7. ma kapiram ja ironiju (ti drugacije i ne bi mogao:D), samo ne mislim da si u pravu za to da "oni ne vide svoje greske" jer se masa najvecih gresnika upravo i okrece crkvi jer znaju da su cinili greske...to im samo olaksava savest... ublazi malo text i mozes da ga saljes. jesi li prostudirao sajt koji sam ti pomenula?
  8. jao kakva jeza!!! sedim u sobi, ugaseno svetlo, vrata od sobe otvorena, na hodniku upaljeno svetlo, a je se uzivela surfujuci po netu... i cujem odvratan zvuk iza sebe, prestravila sam se! kad ono Cezar stoka, lezi na krevetu, spava sve u 16 i hrche!!! manijak 'ladno hrche!! mislim, hrkao je i ranije, dok je jos imao problema sa disanjem, ali sada je ok, hrkne tek po koji put.....ovo sada je, medjutim, bilo apsolutno, potpuno i 100% neocekivano...uh!!!
  9. znas kako, svidja mi se, ali mi ne lici na tebe. e sad, sto se tice patnje i odricanja za zivota zarad mesta u raju, ima fora da ako se najokrutniji ubica iskreno pokaje pred smrt, ide pravo u raj i cak ce dobiti bolji status od onog vernika koji je ceo zivot posvetio bogu. nije fer, right? ajd odgledaj film "gutach greha", mozda te to inspirise da napises jos jednu pesku u slicnom fazonu ili dopunis ovu. obrati paznju na onaj deo "And you shall burn for all your sins?"...nesto mi ne zvuci... trebalo je da bude ostro, ali nekako mi ne zvuci....
  10. ma znas sta, kada ga gledas kao pricu, onda jeste. kada ga posmatras i umetnickog ugla, onda i nije tako lose odradjen. u njemu je bila vazna samo forma... jesi skontao kako je i snimak izduzen, kao stari kaubojski filmovi...
  11. a bilo jednom u mexiku? to je kao nastavak desperado...i mariachi.... kill bill mi je bez veze...ali mi se svidja nacin na koji je sniman film, kao oni kineski
  12. bila sam u pravu, 3 do 5 pa covece, to su sve filmovi koji su nas obelezili... prosto ne verujem da ima osobe koja ne zna za ovog genijalca! kojih 5 i koja 3?
  13. imamo mi i dzukele, chupave, samo su oni dobri, pa ih ne ogovaramo kao machke @roadchick - vidi slike mog macana na prethodnoj strani...onaj sa velikim lampama umesto ociju
  14. joooooooj kako znam ovaj pogled dusha mackasta
  15. jedan od prvih njegovih filmova koje sam odgledala je Botuljica (takav je bio prevod Beetlejuice)...imala sam 5 godina, to mi je bio omiljeni film...trazila sam posle toga mami da se oblaci u crno-belo deeeeeeeejooooooooo
  16. aha, nesto u fazonu "neee, ne moras da mi se izvinjavas, sve cu ja da resim" :) sve ce Horacije da resi jer postavlja prava pitanja u pravo vreme "I wonder why? I wonder how?" ma, na kraju, nije ni on tako los, jedino sam njega gotivila iz Majamija, a sad mogu i NY da gledam jer ih on malko vadi
  17. sigurno obozavate bar po tri njegova filma, a da niste znali da ih je radio on, nego ga mesali sa Tarantinom... koji je inace njegov najbolji friend i oni sve rade zajedno... zato ih ljudi i mesaju...
  18. genije...zaista genije...
  19. Covek je rodjen 27. marta 1963. u Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.... naradio se do sad... evo sta je uradio i u kakvoj ulozi: Actor: In Production 2000s 1990s 1980s Sukiyaki Western Django (2007) (post-production) .... Ringo Grindhouse (2007) (completed) .... The Rapist - segment 'Planet Terror'/Warren - segment 'Death Proof' ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) "Duck Dodgers" .... Master Moloch (1 episode, 2005) ... aka Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century (USA: long title) - Master & Disaster/All in the Crime Family (2005) TV Episode (voice) .... Master Moloch "Alias" .... McKenas Cole (4 episodes, 2002-2004) - After Six (2004) TV Episode .... McKenas Cole - Full Disclosure (2004) TV Episode (voice) (uncredited) .... McKenas Cole - The Box: Part 2 (2002) TV Episode .... McKenas Cole - The Box: Part 1 (2002) TV Episode .... McKenas Cole Little Nicky (2000) .... Deacon Jackie Brown (1997) (voice) (uncredited) .... Answering Machine Voice Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair (1996) (VG) (voice) .... Jack Cavello Girl 6 (1996) .... Q.T. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) .... Richard Gecko "Saturday Night Live" .... Guest Host (1 episode, 1995) ... aka SNL (USA: informal title) ... aka SNL 25 (USA: alternative title) - Episode #21.5 (1995) TV Episode .... Guest Host Dance Me to the End of Love (1995) .... Groom Four Rooms (1995) .... Chester Rush (segment "The Man from Hollywood") Desperado (1995) .... Pick-Up Guy Destiny Turns on the Radio (1995) .... Johnny Destiny "All-American Girl" .... Desmond (1 episode, 1995) - Pulp Sitcom (1995) TV Episode .... Desmond Somebody to Love (1994) .... Bartender Sleep with Me (1994) .... Sid Pulp Fiction (1994) .... Jimmie Dimmick The Coriolis Effect (1994) (voice) .... Panhandle Slim ... aka Kisses in the Dark (USA: video compilation title) Reservoir Dogs (1992) .... Mr. Brown Eddie Presley (1992) .... Asylum Attendant "The Golden Girls" .... Elvis Impersonator (3 episodes, 1988-1990) - The President's Coming! The President's Coming! Part 2 (1990) TV Episode - The President's Coming! The President's Coming! Part 1 (1990) TV Episode - Sophia's Wedding: Part 1 (1988) TV Episode .... Elvis Impersonator My Best Friend's Birthday (1987) .... Clarence Pool Miscellaneous Crew: In Production 2000s 1990s 1980s Grinder (2007) (filming) (very special thanks to) Hostel (2005) (presenter) Broken (2005/I) (special thanks) Budd Boetticher: A Man Can Do That (2005) (TV) (special thanks) 'Pulp Fiction' on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect (2004) (TV) (special thanks) Left for Dead (2004) (thanks) Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) (executive soundtrack producer) ... aka Kill Bill (USA: closing credits title) ... aka Kill Bill 2 (USA: informal title) Waisa Bhi Hota Hai Part II (2003) (thanks) Grand Theft Parsons (2003) (special thanks) Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) (executive soundtrack producer) ... aka Kill Bill (USA: informal short title) ... aka Kill Bill 1 (USA: informal title) ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill: Volume One (USA: promotional title) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) (special thanks) My Name Is Modesty: A Modesty Blaise Adventure (2003) (presenter) Ying xiong (2002) (presenter) ... aka Hero (USA) ... aka Jet Li's Hero (USA) ... aka Quentin Tarantino Presents Hero (USA: promotional title) Chelsea Walls (2001) (special thanks) ... aka Chelsea Hotel The Cat's Meow (2001) (special thanks) Dogma (1999) (special thanks) Seul contre tous (1998) (special thanks) ... aka I Stand Alone (USA) ... aka One Against All (literal English title) Jackie Brown (1997) (conceiver: "Chicks Who Love Guns") (executive album producer) (uncredited) A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies (1995) (TV) (special thanks) White Man's Burden (1995) (special thanks) ... aka White Man (France) Maximum Potential (1987) (V) (production assistant) ... aka Dolph Lundgren: Maximum Potential (USA) Producer: In Production 2000s 1990s 1980s Hell Ride (2007) (in production) (producer) Inglorious Bastards (2008) (announced) (producer) Hostel: Part II (2007) (post-production) (executive producer) Killshot (2007) (post-production) (executive producer) Grindhouse (2007) (completed) (producer) ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) Freedom's Fury (2006) (executive producer) Daltry Calhoun (2005) (executive producer) Hostel (2005) (executive producer) Siu nin Wong Fei Hung ji Tit Ma Lau (1993) (producer) (2001 release) ... aka Iron Monkey (USA) ... aka Iron Monkey: The Young Wong Fei Hong ... aka Shao nian Huang Fei-Hong zhi tie ma liu (Hong Kong: Mandarin title) ... aka Wong Fai Hong: The Informative Years (Hong Kong: English title: literal title) From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter (2000) (V) (executive producer) ... aka The Hangman's Daughter (USA: closing credits title) From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999) (V) (executive producer) God Said, 'Ha!' (1998) (executive producer) Curdled (1996) (executive producer) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) (executive producer) Four Rooms (1995) (executive producer) Killing Zoe (1994) (executive producer) ... aka Killing Zoe (France) Past Midnight (1992) (associate producer) My Best Friend's Birthday (1987) (producer) Writer: In Production 2000s 1990s 1980s Inglorious Bastards (2008) (announced) Grindhouse (2007) (completed) (written by) (segment "Death Proof") ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) Reservoir Dogs (2006) (VG) (screenplay) (story) "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (2 episodes, 2005) ... aka C.S.I. (USA: short title) ... aka CSI: Las Vegas (USA: syndication title) ... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title) ... aka Experts, Les (Canada: French title) - Grave Danger: Part 1 (2005) TV Episode (story) - Grave Danger: Part 2 (2005) TV Episode (story) Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) (character The Bride) (as Q) (written by) ... aka Kill Bill (USA: closing credits title) ... aka Kill Bill 2 (USA: informal title) Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) (character The Bride) (as Q) (written by) ... aka Kill Bill (USA: informal short title) ... aka Kill Bill 1 (USA: informal title) ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill: Volume One (USA: promotional title) Jackie Brown (1997) (written by) Curdled (1996) (Gecko Brothers news report) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) (screenplay) Dance Me to the End of Love (1995) Four Rooms (1995) (written by) (segment "The Man From Hollywood") Natural Born Killers (1994) (story) Pulp Fiction (1994) (stories) (written by) True Romance (1993) (written by) ... aka Breakaway (Philippines: English title) Reservoir Dogs (1992) (background radio dialog) (written by) My Best Friend's Birthday (1987) Director: In Production 2000s 1990s 1980s Inglorious Bastards (2008) (announced) Grindhouse (2007) (completed) (segment "Death Proof") ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (2 episodes, 2005) ... aka C.S.I. (USA: short title) ... aka CSI: Las Vegas (USA: syndication title) ... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title) ... aka Experts, Les (Canada: French title) - Grave Danger: Part 1 (2005) TV Episode - Grave Danger: Part 2 (2005) TV Episode Sin City (2005) (special guest director) ... aka Frank Miller's Sin City (USA: complete title) "Jimmy Kimmel Live" (1 episode, 2004) - Episode dated 20 April 2004 (2004) TV Episode Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) ... aka Kill Bill (USA: closing credits title) ... aka Kill Bill 2 (USA: informal title) Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) ... aka Kill Bill (USA: informal short title) ... aka Kill Bill 1 (USA: informal title) ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill: Volume One (USA: promotional title) Jackie Brown (1997) Four Rooms (1995) (segment "The Man from Hollywood") "ER" (1 episode, 1995) - Motherhood (1995) TV Episode Pulp Fiction (1994) Reservoir Dogs (1992) My Best Friend's Birthday (1987) Soundtrack: Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) (writer: "The Legend of Pai Mai") ... aka Kill Bill (USA: closing credits title) ... aka Kill Bill 2 (USA: informal title) Editor: My Best Friend's Birthday (1987) Self: In Production 2000s 1990s Dead On: The Life and Cinema of George A. Romero (2008) (filming) .... Himself Live from the Red Carpet: The 2007 Grammy Awards (2007) (TV) .... Himself "Iconoclasts" .... Himself (1 episode, 2006) - Quentin Tarantino & Fiona Apple (2006) TV Episode .... Himself Scream Awards 2006 (2006) (TV) .... Himself 50 Films to See Before You Die (2006) (TV) .... Himself ... aka Film4's 50 Films to See Before You Die (UK: complete title) "The Tyra Banks Show" .... Himself (2 episodes, 2006) - Tyra's Favorite Moments (2006) TV Episode .... Himself - Icons: Tarantino & Twiggy (2006) TV Episode .... Himself 2006 Asian Excellence Awards (2006) (TV) .... Winner, Bridge Award "Last Call with Carson Daly" .... Himself (3 episodes, 2004-2006) - Episode dated 13 January 2006 (2006) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 30 April 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 21 April 2006 (????) TV Episode .... Himself "Jimmy Kimmel Live" .... Himself (6 episodes, 2003-2006) - Episode dated 9 January 2006 (2006) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 23 September 2005 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 29 December 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 9 August 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 19 April 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself (1 more) "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" .... Himself (6 episodes, 1997-2006) - Episode dated 4 January 2006 (2006) TV Episode - Episode dated 3 January 2006 (2006) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 13 May 2005 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 14 April 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 30 October 2003 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself (1 more) Back to the Well: Clerks II (2006) (V) .... Himself ... aka Back to the Well: Making Clerks II (Australia: DVD box title) Budd Boetticher: An American Original (2005) (V) .... Himself "Magacine" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005) - Episode dated 14 October 2005 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself 2005 Taurus World Stunt Awards (2005) (TV) .... Himself Blood, Guts & Cleaning Supplies: The Making of 'The Janitor' (2005) (V) .... Himself "Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005) - Episode #1.4 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself 2005 MTV Movie Awards (2005) (TV) .... Himself Make Your Own Damn Movie! (2005) (V) .... Himself Sin City: The Premiere (2005) (TV) .... Himself "Late Show with David Letterman" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005) ... aka Late Show Backstage (USA: title for episodes with guest hosts) ... aka The Late Show (USA: informal short title) - Episode dated 11 May 2005 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself The Muppets' Wizard of Oz (2005) (TV) .... Himself Starz on the Set: Sin City (2005) (TV) .... Himself The 20th IFP Independent Spirit Awards (2005) (TV) .... Himself (presenter: special awards) The 47th Annual Grammy Awards (2005) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005) (TV) .... Himself Budd Boetticher: A Man Can Do That (2005) (TV) .... Interviewee Planet of the Pitts (2004) .... Himself The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing (2004) .... Himself A Conversation with Quentin Tarantino & Scott Spiegel (2004) (V) .... Himself 'Pulp Fiction' on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect (2004) (TV) (also archive footage) .... Himself 2004 MTV Movie Awards (2004) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter "Filmland" .... Himself - Jury President of Cannes Film Festival (1 episode, 2004) - Episode #3.16 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself - Jury President of Cannes Film Festival Z Channel: A Magnificent Obsession (2004) (TV) .... Himself "Tracks" .... Himself (1 episode, 2004) - Tarantino Special (2004) TV Episode .... Himself Mario Bava: Operazione paura (2004) (TV) .... Himself "4Pop" .... Himself (2 episodes, 2003-2004) - Sorretun Suomen sävelet (2004) TV Episode .... Himself - Leffamarkkinoinnin pahat pojat (2003) TV Episode .... Himself John Travolta: The Inside Story (2004) (TV) .... Himself "Howard Stern" .... Himself (3 episodes, 1998-2004) - Episode dated 20 April 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 19 November 2003 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 12 January 1998 (1998) TV Episode .... Himself "On-Air with Ryan Seacrest" .... Himself (1 episode, 2004) - Episode dated 19 April 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) (voice) (uncredited) .... Himself ... aka Kill Bill (USA: closing credits title) ... aka Kill Bill 2 (USA: informal title) "American Idol: The Search for a Superstar" .... Himself (2 episodes, 2003-2004) ... aka American Idol (USA: new title) ... aka American Idol 2 (USA: promotional title) ... aka American Idol 3 (USA) ... aka American Idol 4 (USA: fourth season title) - Episode #3.27 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode #2.35 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself The Making of 'Kill Bill: Volume 2' (2004) (TV) .... Himself Double Dare (2004) .... Himself The 46th Annual Grammy Awards (2004) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter "Silenci?" .... Himself (1 episode, 2004) - Episode dated 18 January 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself Épreuves d'artistes (2004) .... Himself ... aka Words in Progress (International: English title) Celluloid Horror (2004) .... Himself "Charlotte Roche trifft..." .... Himself (2 episodes, 2003) - Quentin Tarantino: Teil 2 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself - Quentin Tarantino: Teil 1 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself "Rove Live" .... Himself (1 episode, 2003) - Episode #4.36 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself "Extra" .... Himself (1 episode, 2003) ... aka Extra: The Entertainment Magazine (USA) - Episode dated 15 October 2003 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself "Friday Night with Jonathan Ross" .... Himself (1 episode, 2003) - Episode #5.4 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself The Making of 'Kill Bill' (2003) (TV) .... Himself "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" .... Himself (1 episode, 2003) - Episode dated 29 September 2003 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself "Tinseltown TV" .... Himself (1 episode, 2003) - Episode dated 13 September 2003 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself 2003 ABC World Stunt Awards (2003) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself "Biography" .... Himself (2 episodes, 1999-2003) - John Travolta (2003) TV Episode .... Himself - Samuel L. Jackson (1999) TV Episode .... Himself The Class of '92 (2002) (V) .... Himself ... aka The Class of '92: The Memories, the Moments, and the Misery of the Sundance Film Festival (USA: DVD title) Jackie Brown: How It Went Down (2002) (V) .... Himself Pulp Fiction: The Facts (2002) (V) .... Himself Baadasssss Cinema (2002) (TV) .... Himself All the Love You Cannes! (2002) .... Himself Sundance 20 (2002) .... Himself "Film Genre" .... Himself (1 episode, 2002) ... aka Hollywood History (UK: new title) - The Western (2002) TV Episode .... Himself Once Upon a Time: Sergio Leone (2001) (V) .... Himself Zehn Gebote der Kreativität, Die (2001) (TV) .... Himself ... aka The 10 Commandments of Creativity (USA) "Music Behind the Scenes" (2001) (mini) TV Series .... Himself Hollywood Goes to Hell (2000) (TV) .... Himself "E! True Hollywood Story" .... Himself (1 episode, 1999) - Christopher Jones (1999) TV Episode .... Himself "Intimate Portrait" .... Himself (1 episode, 1999) - Pam Grier (1999) TV Episode .... Himself Forever Hollywood (1999) (TV) .... Himself Jackie Chan: My Story (1998) (V) .... Himself "Mundo VIP" .... Himself (1 episode, 1998) - Show nº98 (1998) TV Episode .... Himself God Said, 'Ha!' (1998) .... Himself "The Charlie Rose Show" .... Himself (2 episodes, 1995-1997) - Episode dated 26 December 1997 (1997) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode dated 21 August 1995 (1995) TV Episode .... Himself Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's (1997) (uncredited) .... Himself Full Tilt Boogie (1997) .... Himself "Caiga quien caiga" .... Himself (1 episode, 1996) - Episode dated 13 October 1996 (1996) TV Episode .... Himself The Typewriter, the Rifle & the Movie Camera (1996) .... Himself The American Film Institute Salute to Clint Eastwood (1996) (TV) .... Himself "Dennis Miller Live" .... Himself (1 episode, 1996) - Being Single (1996) TV Episode .... Himself The Anatomy of Horror (1995) (TV) .... Himself The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) (TV) (also archive footage) .... Himself (Winner, Best Original Screenplay) "American Cinema" (1995) TV Series .... Himself (unknown episodes) 1995 MTV Movie Awards (1995) (TV) .... Himself Archive Footage: "Cinema mil" - Episode #1.8 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode #1.3 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode #1.1 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself 'Reservoir Dogs' Revisited (2005) (TV) .... Himself "Silenci?" - Episode dated 30 May 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself Histories de festival (2002) .... Himself MST3K Little Gold Statue Preview Special (1995) (TV) .... Himself
  20. nema teme ni o ovom geniju,,,, Filmografija Director: In Production 2000s 1990s Sin City 3 (2008) (announced) Sin City 2 (2008) (pre-production) Grindhouse (2007) (completed) (segment "Planet Terror") ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) Sin City (2005) ... aka Frank Miller's Sin City (USA: complete title) Ten Minute Film School: Big Movies Made Cheap (2004) (V) Inside Troublemaker Studios (2004) (V) Ten Minute Cooking School: Puerco Pibil (2004) (V) Ten Minute Flick School: Fast, Cheap and in Control (2004) (V) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) Del Castillo: Live (2003) (V) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Spy Kids (2001) The Faculty (1998) 10 Minute Film School (1998) (V) 10 More Minutes... Anatomy of a Shootout (1998) (V) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) Four Rooms (1995) (segment "The Misbehavers") Desperado (1995) Roadracers (1994) (TV) ... aka Rebel Highway Mariachi, El (1992) Bedhead (1991) Editor: In Production 2000s 1990s Sin City 3 (2008) (announced) Sin City 2 (2008) (pre-production) Grindhouse (2007) (completed) (segment " Planet Terror") ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) Sin City (2005) ... aka Frank Miller's Sin City (USA: complete title) Inside Troublemaker Studios (2004) (V) Ten Minute Cooking School: Puerco Pibil (2004) (V) Ten Minute Flick School: Fast, Cheap and in Control (2004) (V) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) (chopped by) Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) Del Castillo: Live (2003) (V) Film Is Dead: An Evening with Robert Rodriguez (2003) (V) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Spy Kids (2001) The Faculty (1998) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) Four Rooms (1995) (segment "The Misbehavers") Desperado (1995) Roadracers (1994) (TV) ... aka Rebel Highway Mariachi, El (1992) Bedhead (1991) Producer: In Production 2000s 1990s Sin City 3 (2008) (announced) (producer) Sin City 2 (2008) (pre-production) (producer) Grindhouse (2007) (completed) (producer) ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) Curandero (2005) (executive producer) Ten Minute Cooking School: Puerco Pibil (2004) (V) (producer) Ten Minute Flick School: Fast, Cheap and in Control (2004) (V) (producer) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) (producer) Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) (producer) ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) (producer) ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Spy Kids (2001) (producer) From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter (2000) (V) (executive producer) ... aka The Hangman's Daughter (USA: closing credits title) From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999) (V) (executive producer) The Faculty (1998) (producer) (uncredited) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) (executive producer) Desperado (1995) (producer) Mariachi, El (1992) (producer) Composer: In Production 2000s 1990s Sin City 3 (2008) (announced) Sin City 2 (2008) (pre-production) Grindhouse (2007) (completed) ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) Sin City (2005) ... aka Frank Miller's Sin City (USA: complete title) Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) ... aka Kill Bill (USA: closing credits title) ... aka Kill Bill 2 (USA: informal title) The Anti-Hero's Journey (2004) (V) The Good, the Bad & the Bloody: Inside KNB EFX (2004) (V) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Spy Kids (2001) Bedhead (1991) Writer: In Production 2000s 1990s Grindhouse (2007) (completed) (written by) (segment "Planet Terror") ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) Curandero (2005) The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) (written by) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) (written by) Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) (written by) ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) (written by) ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Spy Kids (2001) (written by) From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter (2000) (V) (story) ... aka The Hangman's Daughter (USA: closing credits title) Four Rooms (1995) (written by) (segment "The Misbehavers") Desperado (1995) (written by) Roadracers (1994) (TV) (written by) ... aka Rebel Highway Mariachi, El (1992) Bedhead (1991) (also story) Cinematographer: In Production 2000s 1990s Sin City 3 (2008) (announced) Sin City 2 (2008) (pre-production) Grindhouse (2007) (completed) ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title) ... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title) The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) (director of photography) Sin City (2005) ... aka Frank Miller's Sin City (USA: complete title) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) (shot by) Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) Del Castillo: Live (2003) (V) (director of photography) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Mariachi, El (1992) Bedhead (1991) Miscellaneous Crew: In Production 2000s 1990s Ten Dead Men (2007) (post-production) (inspiration and love to the works of) Karma Café (2006) (special thanks) In the Headlights (2006) (V) (special thanks) Broken (2005/I) (special thanks) Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) (special thanks) (as Robert Rodriguez 'My Brother') ... aka Kill Bill (USA: closing credits title) ... aka Kill Bill 2 (USA: informal title) The Anti-Hero's Journey (2004) (V) (special thanks) The Good, the Bad & the Bloody: Inside KNB EFX (2004) (V) (special thanks) Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) (special thanks) ... aka Kill Bill (USA: informal short title) ... aka Kill Bill 1 (USA: informal title) ... aka Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill: Volume One (USA: promotional title) Swimming with Sharks (1994) (special thanks) ... aka The Boss ... aka The Buddy Factor Mariachi, El (1992) (additional editor) Bedhead (1991) (animator) Sound Department: 2000s 1990s The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) (sound re-recording mixer) Sin City (2005) (sound re-recording mixer) ... aka Frank Miller's Sin City (USA: complete title) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) (sound effects editor) (sound re-recording mixer) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) (sound effects editor) ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Spy Kids (2001) (sound re-recording mixer) The Faculty (1998) (sound re-recording mixer) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) (sound re-recording mixer) Mariachi, El (1992) (music editor) (sound editor) Bedhead (1991) (sound effects) Soundtrack: 2000s 1990s The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) (writer: "Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream (Dream, Dream)", "Sharkboy & Lavagirl") (producer: "Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream (Dream, Dream)", "Sharkboy & Lavagirl") Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) (writer: "Siente mi amor") (producer: "Flor de mal", "Siente mi amor") Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) (writer: "Game Over", "Heart Drive", "Spy Wedding Theme") (producer: "Game Over", "Heart Drive") ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) (writer: "Oye Como Spy") (music: "Isle of Dreams", "Floop's Dream") (producer: "Isle of Dreams") ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Spy Kids (2001) (writer: "Oye Como Spy", "Los Robotos") Commandments (1997) (producer: "After Dark") Roadracers (1994) (TV) (writer: "Flying Saucer Baby") ... aka Rebel Highway Camera and Electrical Department: 2000s 1990s Sin City (2005) (camera operator) ... aka Frank Miller's Sin City (USA: complete title) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) (camera operator) Spy Kids (2001) (camera operator) The Faculty (1998) (camera operator) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) (camera operator) (steadicam operator) Desperado (1995) (steadicam operator) Mariachi, El (1992) (camera operator) (still photographer) Visual Effects: The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) (visual effects supervisor) Sin City (2005) (visual effects supervisor) ... aka Frank Miller's Sin City (USA: complete title) Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) (executive producer: Troublemaker Digital Studios) (visual effects supervisor) Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) (visual effects supervisor) ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) (visual effects supervisor) ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Spy Kids (2001) (visual effects supervisor) Actor: 2000s 1990s Nice Guys (2005) .... Mr. Lewis Bullfighter (2000) .... Bull Boy "Deadline" .... Chicago SWAT Lt. (1 episode, 2000) - Pilot (2000) TV Episode .... Chicago SWAT Lt. Famous (2000) .... Punk #2 ... aka Lisa Picard Is Famous (USA) "Nash Bridges" .... Marlo Veras, Commercial Director (1 episode, 1997) ... aka Bridges - Bombshell (1997) TV Episode .... Marlo Veras, Commercial Director Production Designer: Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) ... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: video title) Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002) ... aka Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (USA: video box title) Special Effects: The Faculty (1998) (mechanical department: XFX Inc.) Mariachi, El (1992) (special effects) Second Unit Director or Assistant Director: Scream 2 (1997) (director, stab scene) (uncredited) Mimic (1997) (second unit director) Self: In Production 2000s 1990s Dead On: The Life and Cinema of George A. Romero (2008) (filming) .... Himself Scream Awards 2006 (2006) (TV) .... Himself Back to the Well: Clerks II (2006) (V) .... Himself ... aka Back to the Well: Making Clerks II (Australia: DVD box title) The Shark Is Still Working (2006) (V) .... Himself 2005 Taurus World Stunt Awards (2005) (TV) .... Himself Sin City: The Premiere (2005) (TV) .... Himself Starz on the Set: Sin City (2005) (TV) .... Himself "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005) - Episode #1.53 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself "Sunday Morning Shootout" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005) - Episode #2.23 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself Champion (2005) .... Himself The Making of 'Kill Bill: Volume 2' (2004) (TV) .... Himself Ten Minute Film School: Big Movies Made Cheap (2004) (V) (voice) .... Himself Ten Minute Cooking School: Puerco Pibil (2004) (V) .... Himself Ten Minute Flick School: Fast, Cheap and in Control (2004) (V) .... Himself The Good, the Bad & the Bloody: Inside KNB EFX (2004) (V) .... Himself Inside Troublemaker Studios (2004) (V) .... Himself The Anti-Hero's Journey (2004) (V) .... Himself "HBO First Look" .... Himself (1 episode, 2003) - Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) TV Episode .... Himself Film Is Dead: An Evening with Robert Rodriguez (2003) (V) .... Himself El Mariachi: 10 Years Later (2003) (V) .... Himself (interviewed) "Breakfast" .... Himself (1 episode, 2002) - Episode dated 13 August 2002 (2002) TV Episode .... Himself "The Big Breakfast" .... Himself (1 episode, 2001) - Episode dated 6 April 2001 (2001) TV Episode .... Himself Hollywood Goes to Hell (2000) (TV) .... Himself 10 More Minutes... Anatomy of a Shootout (1998) (V) .... Narrator 10 Minute Film School (1998) (V) .... Narrator Full Tilt Boogie (1997) .... Himself Archive Footage: "Cinema mil" - Episode #1.3 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself - Episode #1.1 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself "VH1: All Access" - Awesomely Wacky Celebrity Baby Names (????) TV Episode .... Himself
  21. nikad cula... eto, jos jedno otkrice za mene... covek se uci dok je ziv
  22. maaa.... odgledah malopre CSI NY... kao, doputovao neki ubica iz Majamija, za 48 sati (ili bese 72) pobio 18 zena jer je bio kao poremecen, nije ga tata ljubio kao bebu, nije ga priznao za sina, pa on sad ubija zene poistovecujuci ih sa svojim sestrama, koje ne znaju da im je on brat i sl.... ma bez veze... a bitno je to da je Horacije dosao da im pomogne da ga uhvate kao sto je Grisom dosao u Majami da pomogne Horaciju kada je poceo serijal u Majamiju
  23. namestaj ukljucuje ne samo drvo, vec i plastiku i zice i metal...sve zivo...njima visak, a tebi treba... kako hoces. sta god mi je trebalo za "uradi sam" nasla samo u lokalnoj radionici-fabrici, samo treba da pitas. ali ti naruci.
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