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About pearLgirL
- Birthday 04/24/1983
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Anonimus of Metal (1/6)
na synergy sam odavno prestala da idem, a na red mosquito-u sam takodje pearlgirl,... ali postovala sam mozda 5 puta u zivotu doduse bila sam se uclanila kad je rm tek bio u osnivanju i kad je trebalo ljudi...al onda nisam svracala 2-3 godine do prosle...a u medjuvremenu on naraste veci od synergyja, i sa manjom kolicinom glupih amera
pa stigle su sa pjvaulta isti dan kad i te u tvom navodu...koji je pokupljem sa rma... nista potvrdjeno, zato nisam ni stavljala album listing, to tek izgleda sumnjivo... eto tek da se zna da ih vjerovatno ne treba ocekivati prije jeseni...sto se i dalo pretpostaviti, ali ipak,,, a nisi pomenuo da ce se album zvati 'pangea'... 1 od milion fan verzija vjerovatno
rumors, rumors..... "PEARL JAM's eighth studio album will be released internationally during the week beginning May 1st. The yet-to-be titled album, their first through new label J Records, is a heavier effort than their recent albums and is sure to please fans. In late February they will release the first single "Worldwide Suicide", a rocker that breaks the mould of previous Pearl Jam singles, accompanied by a music video and exclusive CD-ROM components for fanclub members. The band penned 25-30 new songs over the recording period and finalised 12 album tracks in their new Seattle studio last week. A representative for the band has also stated that although no specific tour dates have been finalized, Pearl Jam will begin their most comprehensive world tour on the US East Coast in May, followed by a West Coast/Canada leg. Fans in Europe will also get to see the band for the first time since 2000 in October and November, before the band concludes their stretch of shows in Australia and New Zealand in December. -- "
ko ce da spusti cijenu ako nece pearl jam specially za srbiju... pa eto sad sviraju juznu ameriku u turi po prvi put u zivotu mislim (ranije su samo u brazilu jednom, a mozda i ne...) ma ni evropa nije tako daleko ako stegnete kais na neko vrijeme btw , pojavili su se na mtv-ju prije neki dan na nekoj svirci za zrtve katrine ...kao i uvijek pj na dobrotvornim akcijama, ali mtv odavno nije bio u igri...cak su pustili edijev mali anti-establisment govor...i svirali su given to fly
...srecan rodjendan layne...r.i.p.
e momak je car! tek sam sad malo trazila po red mosquito-u, jedan od administratora je sklepao pjesmicu, njegove gitare i bas, bbubnjevi programirani i njegov glas!! ali ne da je skinuo edija, nego svaka mu cast...snimak jeste malo los, kao neki stari demo...odlican fazon crapshoot je kool, volim onaj edijev bijesni ton...
novi album je u 'vs' fazonu...kako mike tvrdi ,ali to je vec stara informacija....a sudeci prema ovim pjesmicama koje kruze- 'crapshoot' i 'worldwide suicide', bice ragy u svakom slucaju PEARL Rumor: The new Pearl Jam album will be released October 3, 2005 per record stores in Canada, UK, and Australia. JAM Fact: False .ali i dajle se suska o oktobru... metalbeer: bili bi najbolje da svima narezes po komad...
mozda ipak reunion.... Steve Hochman of The Los Angeles Times is reporting that the surviving members of the popular Seattle grunge-metal group ALICE IN CHAINS, whose singer Layne Staley died of a drug overdose in 2002, are exploring ways they might be able to perform again on a regular basis. The seeds were planted this past February when guitarist Jerry Cantrell, bassist Mike Inez and drummer Sean Kinney reunited at a benefit for victims of the Indonesian tsunami. At that show, which took place in Seattle, four vocalists — TOOL's Maynard James Keenan, PUDDLE OF MUDD's Wes Scantlin, DAMAGEPLAN's Pat Lachman and HEART's Ann Wilson — stepped in for Staley. "The guys had so much fun that they thought maybe there's something else we want to do," Bill Siddons, who co-manages the band with original manager Susan Silver, tells The Los Angeles Times. "We'd love to find a way to let these guys perform together and have the fun they had and honor and respect what they created in the past, as well as Layne's contributions." What shape that might take is very uncertain at this point, though Siddons insists there will be no reality show to find a singer, à la "Rock Star". "That's a perfect example of what happens when you marry television and music badly," Siddons says. "It's not what ALICE was ever about." They may not even be looking for a lead singer, at least not one full-time member, Siddons adds. While they're open to the potential of something along the lines of the current QUEEN tour (in which veteran rocker Paul Rodgers is filling in for the late Freddie Mercury), that's far from a given. "We might do a date here or there if there are opportunities to get a special guest to sing," Siddons says. "That's been discussed. More likely at this point we'll do benefits rather than paying gigs." "Part of the enigma," Silver tells The Los Angeles Times, "was they didn't play that much." That, she said, was as much the case for the band as for the fans, and the February show let the musicians get a taste of what they'd missed. "It was so terrific for them to play together," she said. "But they're not ready to announce a new person, make a new record and start the cycle over yet. They want to just go have fun and give a tip of the hat to Layne and the people who enjoyed the music."
mike odgovara na pitanja fanova (a vecinu od toga vec i znamo, jelte... ) --->http://www.usatoday.com/life/columnist/popcandy/2005-07-12-pop-candy_x.htm What is the hardest Pearl Jam song to play? — Bill Hayden, Cleveland Definitely In Hiding. I am constantly watching Stone (Gossard)'s fingers. I try not to mess it up but usually do … There are many changes and notes to remember.
@IRA: diskove narezani za tebe su se vec uprasnjavili...stoje vec 2-3 mjeseca:) kad sam pokusala da ti posaljem pm nekad bio ti je pun inbox valjda...pa ako si jos uvijek za razmjenu, pm me da se dogovorimo (meni je trebalo onih 3-4 video certa ...)
May 02, 2005 Pearl Jam played a short set at Easy Street Records in Seattle last Friday as part of the 10th anniversiary for the Coalition of Independent Music Stores. First Set.._ 01. 1/2 full 02. corduroy 03. lukin 04. the american in me 05. state of love and trust 06. down 07. sad 08. elderly woman... 09. crapshoot 10. spin the black circle 11. even flow 12. save you 13. bleed for me 14. the new world First Encore.._ 15. fuckin' up 16. porch a sto se albuma tice : Pearl Jam are just about done with a new record, which will be out on “J” Records (a new record label started by the legendary Clive Davis). When asked what the overall feel of their new stuff sounds like, Mike says that he is very excited by it & it is very “rocking.” Mike said that he has played it for some of his buds, and they compare it to the sound of their second CD “Versus.” novi vs dakle...nice album ne treba ocekivati prije jeseni nikako...a kako se stvari razvijaju, eurotour dolazi u obzir tek 2006... (kanada je na redu vec u septembru 2005)
dakle, nista spektakularnije? some news: 27.04.2005 Seattle 2 - Key Arena – 25th April 2005 After the success of first night in Seattle u2 hosted a fantastic party. All of the band were there, along with Bill Gates The Killers and Eddie Vedder and Stone Gossard from Pearl Jam. Before the end of the night The Kings of Leon also showed up and obviously they and Pearl Jam hit it off. As U2.com can report, a wonderful night was had by all and it lead on to a tremendous musical moment for fans at the second show. As The Kings of Leon were playing through their set, Eddie Vedder joined the young rockers from Tennessee on stage during their final track Slow Night, So Long to a huge cheer from the local audience. A long time fan of the band - Eddie turned up to sound check for the second show with tambourines at the ready. Slow night is reportedly Vedder's favourite song by the Kings. He perhaps smashed 3 or 4 Tambourines - tossing them out into the audience - all the while getting down with the Kings and looked to be loving every minute of it. vec sam se bila uplasila da je imao duet s bonom ali kingsi su ok
sve je tu ----> http://www.aperfectcircle.net/content/gift_05_03_01.html 01. Killer Is Me (4:56) 02. No Excuses (5:08) 03. Heaven Beside You (5:36) 04. Brother with Ann Wilson (6:27) 05. Got Me Wrong (5:01) 06. Down In A Hole (6:33) 07. It Ain't Like That with Pat Lachman (5:37) 08. Again with Wes Scantlin (4:40) 09. Would? with Wes Scantlin (4:22) 10. Angry Chair with Wes Scantlin (5:04) 11. Them Bones with Maynard James Keenan (3:35) 12. Man In The Box with Maynard James Keenan (4:51) 13. Rooster with Wilson, Lachman, Scantlin, Keenan (8:12)
"4/20/02" ces tesko da nadjes, ja sam uzaludno pokusavala dugo vremena na sve moguce nacine...ali ko zna... imas za 99 centi na itunes, samo sto zivis u srbiji ko ceka taj doceka...