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Everything posted by Xibir

  1. Kasete: The Stone - Golet i Sargeist - Funeral Curses su prodate.
  2. The Stone i Numinous prodati. Ildra rezervisana.
  3. CD: Xasthur - Nocturnal Poisoning (Blood,Fire,Death Records) 1200 Xasthur - The Funeral of Being (Blood, Fire, Death Records) 1200 Xasthur - Telepathic With the Deceased (Moribund Records) 1200 Xasthur - Suicide in Dark Serenity (Total Holocaust Records) 1200 Vargsang - Throne of the Forgotten (Undercover Records) 1200 Havohej - Dethrone the Son of God (Hells Headbangers Records) 1000 Dødsfall - Djevelens Evangelie (Obscure Abhorrence Records) 1000 Vinterriket - Lichtschleier (Flood the Earth Records) 1000 Dies Ater - Hunger for Life (Obscure Abhorrence Records) 1000 Numinous - Numinous (Northern Heritage Records) 1000 Bestial Summoning - The Dark War Continues (War Hammer Records) 1200 Trist - Sebevražední andělé (De Tenebrarum Principio) 1000 Eminenz - Death Fall (Eminenz Records) 1000 Eminenz - Blackest Dimension (Last Episode Records) 1000 Gestapo 666 - Nostalgiah (BlackSeed Productions) 1000 Arkthos - Knights of the Eternal Sun (Supernal Music) 800 Dødkvlt - III: Domĭni Ascensiōnem (Misanthropic Art Productions) 1000 Pestiferous - Gateway (Behemoth Productions) 1000 Geimhre - Mollachd (Vinland Winds) 1000 Geimhre - Noidagh (NHR Records) 1000 Huldrefolk - Morbide Elite (Iron Age Records) 800 Nostalgie - As Life Dissapears (Misanthropic Art Records) 800 Nostalgie - The Early Years (Misanthropic Art Records) 800 Destruktor - Nailed (Hells Headbangers Records) 800 Nethervoid - In Swarms of Godless Wrath (Possession Productions) 800 Galaktik Cancer Squad - Ghost Light (Hypnotic Dirge Records) 800 Sarkrista - The Acheronian Worship (Misanthropic Art Productions) 800 Van Compilation 2013 (Van Records) 500 Lycanthia - Oligarchy (Hypnotic Dirge Records) 500 Wintarnacht - Todhen Uothal (Obscure Abhorrence Productions) 500 Lut' - Dnipro 14/88 (Evil Barber) 500 Zgard - Reclusion (BadMoodMan Music) 500 Arcanum Inferi - Ars Hermetica (Black Orgon Records) 500 The Stone - Golet (Folter Records) 500 Vietah - Zorny Maroz (Stygian Crypt Records) 800 Flegethon - Behind a Side of Times (Marche Funebre Productioins) 800 Lost Inside - Cold Days (Solitude and Despair Records) 500 Nethermost - Alpha (Hypnotic Dirge Records) 500 Dark Fury - The Price of Treason (True Underground Records) 800 Ildra - Eddeland (Sonnenrune Records) 800 Tunes of Despair - The Process of Leaving (Solitude and Despair Records) 500 Lascowiec - Unbroken Spirit (Werewolf Promotion) 500 Chelmno - Under our Cemetery (Hearse Records) 600 Nontinuum - Dwelling in Oceans (Misanthropic Art Productions) 500 Silent Path - Mourner Portraits (Hypnotic Dirge Records) 500 Calm Hatchery - El Alamein (Defense Records) 500 TAPES / KASETE: Black Cilice - Diabolic Sorcery and Unholy Blood (Cocainacopia) 600 Kallathon - Before Drifting into the Abyss (Crepusculo Negro) 600 Furdidurke - Furdidurke (CW Records) 600 Vociferian - Iscariot Gospel (Obey Profanatory Forces) 500 Drowning the Light - Diabolical Winter Spells (Versets Noirs) 600 Drowning the Light - Of Celtic Blood and Satanic Pride (Hammer of Damnation) 600 Sargeist - Funeral Curses (Adversary Prod.) 500 Asymmetry - Ashes Into Wood (Kuunpalvelus) 500 Osculum Infame - Sadomatic Impure Artgoat (Adversary Prod.) 500 Angelscourge - In the Realm of the Horned (Saturnian Prod.) 500 Gethsemane - S/T (Colloquial Sound Recordings) 500 Ordhrein - Atavism (Black Gangrene Productions) 500 Naught - Night Eternal (Cold Void Emanations) 500 Svarti Loghin - Luft (Total Holocaust Records) 400 Incorporea - Tongue of the Moribund (Oniric Records) 500 Unearthly Trance - V (Witch Sermon Productions) 500 The Stone - Golet (Darkness Shade Records) 400 Musta Kappeli - Kohti Manalaa (Spread Evil Productions) 500 Finis Gloria Dei - Consecration of the Horned God (Semen and Blood) 500 Fluisteraars - Dromers (Cold Void Emanations) 500 Eucharist - Demise Rites (Total Holocaust Records) 400 Ysengrin - To Endotaton (Exitum Productions) 400 Ysengrin - T.R.I.A.D.E (Saturnian Productions) 400 VINYL: Graveland - Wotan Mit Mir (Darkland Records) 1600 12" Trist - Zrcadlení melancholie (Fallen Empire Records) 1600 12" Drowning the Light / Eternum - United By Iron Will (Obscure Abhorrence Productions) 1200 7" Bilskirnir - Wolfswut (Wotanstahl Klangschmiede Germania) 1200 7" Picture Vinyl White Medal - White Medal (Grief Foundation) 800 7" Продајем испод наведене наслове, углавном underground BM. Могуће је једино лично преузимање, у Земуну/Београду, или на предстојећем концерту Gorgoroth / Gehenna, у Новом Саду. Може попуст за више купљених наслова. Контакт само путем e-maila: [email protected] Увек спреман за договор и одговор на сва питања. Поздрав и Хвала унапред.
  4. Nema.
  5. Zrbija
  6. Tirana hahahaha... Bice ovo do jaja!
  7. CC ne moze da se poredi sa ovim... Svako slusa Behemoth, a Immortal fanova ima dosta koji bi dosli da vide Abbata i Kinga... Plus Inquisition i Entombed. Dobar koncert u najavi Pa kad ce Behemoth kod nas ako ne sada!?!
  8. Tour with ABBATH, BEHEMOTH, INQUISITION and ENTOMBED AD : 29 Jan 16 København (DK) Amager Bio 30 Jan 16 Götenborg (SE) Traedgarn 31 Jan 16 Stockholm (SE) Arenan 02 Feb 16 Hamburg (DE) Markthalle 03 Feb 16 Berlin (DE) Astra 04 Feb 16 Praha (CZ) Meetfactory 05 Feb 16 Essen (DE) Weststadthalle 07 Feb 16 Antwerp (BE) Trix 10 Feb 16 Fribourg (CH) Fri-Son 11 Feb 16 Trezzo sull´Adda (IT) 12 Feb 16 Pratteln (CH) Z 7 13 Feb 16 München (DE) Backstage More dates to be announced soon. Eto ovo bi moglo kod nas...
  9. Да ли наступа само Сабатон или ће бити предгрупа?
  10. Потпуно си у праву.
  11. Ili https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpBm0hiujMs
  12. Hoce biti oldschool karata u Felixu?
  13. Oво се не пропушта.
  14. http://www.last.fm/event/4045843+Winterblut
  15. Xibir


    Odlican line up ove godine! Kako je prosao Dimmu?
  16. Xibir


  17. Xibir


    Drugar prodaje gitaru Yamaha RGX 121 Z: https://www.kupujemp...filter_id=73655 Kontakt: 064/0620225
  18. Odlican koncert! Odusevljen sam pre svega Hamferdom. Vise doom-a u Srbiji. Sve pohvale za organizatore.
  19. Треба покушати. Да умем, покушао бих.
  20. Волео бих да Србија има дум метал фест.
  21. Рапорт: http://nocturnemagazine.net/izvestaji/251/zloslut-i-propoved-mracni-obred-u-beogradu
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