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Мајор Гашпар

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Мајор Гашпар

  1. Majku mu, nece i ovde valjda biti 400
  2. jebi ga, pravoslavni obicaji su preuzeti iz slovenskog paganizma..Recimo slave, izlazak na groblje, unosenje badnjaka..
  3. Block out..u nedelju svira u Nisu
  4. Rece mi covek juche za to.. Vidimo se galoa
  5. Ma, dobro je..cim si uspeo da sastavis recenicu,a mi da procitamo
  6. Kako mislis precenjena?
  7. JA POD STOLOM A POD KIM SI TI VEDRA PJESMA VELI Kako si mogao agi obećati da ćeš mu Naučiti magarca za deset ljeta pričati Seljani će Nasrudin Hodži a on će ma neću Ga ja naučiti ali morti će prije aga Odapeti tako početkom osamdeset treće U Beogradu ušuškam se u društvo tica sve Ljepotica službenih manekenki ne znaš koja Je ljepša na svojim sijelima u strogo ženskom Društvu mene su snosile kao kurve siroče Tek bude među njima jedna najviša koja je Zbilja božanstvena bila mene je podsjećala Usporedimo li malo s velikim na onog Košarkaša traktoristu Tasića koji je u To vrijeme igrao samo zato što je najviši Bio pretpostavljam negdje dva i deset moj prijo Ali ga u podhodniku čestitog uhvatiše Gdje viski krade mislim osim visine ničega Drugog imao nije pa se ni ova vještinom Nije isticala ampak je vanjštinom blistala Par godina potom upitam što je s njom pusti Bre napravio joj neki taksista dvoje djece I otišao divnu je ucvilivši jebote To me podsjeća da sam moguće sedamdeset i Pete gledao u zagrebačkom Domu sportova Ćosića gdje sa vrha reketa koš zakucava Svega je osim sreće Jugoslavija imala Premda dugo je takova dična i potrajala A kako i ne bi kad su mi na straži a toplo Ljeto je lijenog nedjeljnog popodneva bilo Tisuću devetsto sedamdesetčetvrte alo Kad su mi u vojski kažem snenom pušku ukrali Šest godina poslije toga sjedimo u travi Kraj piste sarajevske zračne luke negdje rujna Mjeseca u trojci čekamo na zrakoplov kući Nigdje žive duše rano popodne nedjelja je Vruće u džuboksu na aerodromu imaju Balkan i Šta da radim a ja grickam travu gledam Jarom pritisnuta okolna brda omaglicu Korov i bumbare odnekuda zvuci dopiru I baš sam svoj na svome kao desetka na kecu ETO KAKO SAM PRESTAO ZA PENEZE SKRBITI U proljeće osamdeset prve odoh u mjesnu Banku zapravo veću prostoriju vidjeti da Li mi ča dođe uđem oko šest uri popodne A odaja krcata obližnjim šljakerima sa Gradilišta dođem na red pružim karticu žiro Računa i pitam ima li šta ovaj reče na Moje iznenađenje ima hoćete li sve ja Rekoh sve misleći koja stotina maraka kad On vadi iz sefa svežnjeve vezanih dinara Jerbo odjednom je petnaest hiljada maraka Pristiglo i ja se znojit stadoh pošto cijela Soba ne samo zuri u mene već mi i za vrat Duva a tad još nije Tuđman zbog istog razloga Crtu u bankama povukao i da zlo bude Veće ništa nisam ponio gdje bih sve tê šolde Stavio i tako natrpam ja ove svežnjeve Pod bluzu kanda banku pljačkam te presavijen ka Trudnica pridržavajući laktovima skute A trbuh obujmivši pođem kući i od tog sam Dana prestao o novcima voditi računa Međutim osamdeset i treće nisam zbog toga Najveći porez u gradu Zagrebu imao već Zbog svojstvene nesebičnosti naime ljubeći Muziku snimio sam za svoj trošak Fazane i Srastanje recimo pedeset hiljada maraka Jugoton mi je to platio ali par mjeseci Potom to je iznosilo četrdeset ne samo Poradi obezvrijeđivanja dinara već i Zato što nisam računao putne troškove i Slično elem to sam bio primoran učiniti Pošto u to vrijeme Jugoton nije mogao Zakonski u inostranstvu poslovati te je sve Preko moga žiro računa išlo mimo toga Došla mi je lova od svih prethodnih ploča ali Nisu mi to na tri godine razdijelili na Što sam imao pravo već su mi i po plaćenom Porezu i nadalje šolde plijenili sve dok Nisam osamdeset i sedme potvrdu donio Ali svejedno nisu mi ni dinara vratili Zašto to velim zato što sam osamdeset osme Radeći Balkansku rapsodiju u tri mjeseca Pet boravišta promijenio seleći se ka Don Kihot budući me je i rođeni ćaća iz Stana potjerao a milioni su nitkova I onda i sada imali barem gdje spavati Da ne spominjemo aute i kućerine a Kamoli plaćanje poreza i onda kažu to Je naše i uzmu pa čak i ne trebaju išta Reći civilno društvo sjeme ti se zatrlo i Tebi i tome koji na tvoj račun živi a da Te ne priječi živjeli Mongoli hoću reći TELEMAŠE POŠTO TI JE PONOS VEĆ NABUBRIO Osamdeset i pete zaželim knjigu Big bang u Tristo primjeraka izdati tako neki spomen O sebi ostaviti a i uljudbenu ravan Podići no budući sam bio u Holandiji Nisam to osobno mogao učiniti te sam Lajnerovoj ženi prepustio sve priređeno Obaviti jer kao što Telemah reče nikog Dokonog smislit ne mogu tko mi sljedovanje Jede međutim otkako sam ja to plaćao a Trebalo je novce iz Jugotona dići morao Sam punomoć načiniti koju mi je odvjetnik Iz Zagreba sastavio a ja kod bilježnika I u poslanstvu dužno ovjerio to sređeno Ja po dogovorenom punomoć natrag zatražim I dobijem ali u žurbi i ofrlje znači Neovjereno kao nisam imala vremena Pomislili su da je sve njihovo ako umrem I premda je toga i ranije bilo otada Su mi doista o glavi radili i ne samo Oni mislim takvi su to pozemljari moj prijo Osamdesetsedme se Janković koji je kao Ćata negdje radio zdušno ponudi nastupe Po selima urediti te uzme svu lovu i Na svoj račun prebaci a da stvar bude još gora Počeo se ko pijani grof ponašati jerbo Mu je sjekira u med pala držeći se točke Usmenog dogovora kako će mu peti dio Pripasti ako sve bude u redu ali pošto Očito nije ćopi sve novce kao zalog i Na sud me stavi elem probudi me jednog jutra Pađen u svome stanu gdje smo spavali i snenog Na sud odvede pošto je htio svoje dobiti I tako smjeste me za govornicu i tu ja u Zid piljeći rečem nikoga ne imenujući I skoro bezvoljno kako je bilo što poluči Da Janković spor u ime naroda dobije a Da je poznati menedžer neki mu glazbenici Posvjedoče iako dinara poreza dotle Platio nije a i kako bi kad je ka pisar Ili računovođa smjerno platu dobijao I tako sam ja koji je sve novce zaradio Bez kinte ostao pucam od smijeha naravno ZAŠTO JE PRESTAO TAKO MU JE DOBRO STAJALO Čim sam primijetio da i sa naočalama Pjevam sklopljenih očiju namah sam ih skinuo NIT MI JE POVJEROVALA NITI SE NASMIJALA Tek osamdeset i treće misleći posjetiti Ameriku odem u američki konzulat u Zagrebu vizu zatražiti kad me konzulica Upita gospodine Štuliću kako možemo Znati da ćete se vratiti a ja velim moram Porez platiti vizu nisam dobio boga ti Živi dokaz kako se sa ženom nije šaliti Pošto smisla za humor nikada neće imati A to je upravo ono što nas od drugih bića Razlikuje il bar si tako volimo laskati A TKO BOljE SVIRA GITARU HENDRIKS ILI STIV REJ VON Jednom zgodom osamdeset pete u Frankfurtu vidim Sebe u glazbenom dućanu gdje se rasprava tko je Bolji Hendriks il Stiv Rej Von zapodjela ja sam bio Za prethodnoga a momak u prodavaonici za Potonjega tek primi on to izdanje toliko k Srcu da skroz zapjenjen potegne zadnji dokaz kako Stiv ima crnu dušu našto ja ladno primjetim da I Hendriks isto nato čujem gazdino kikotanje A trinaest godina prije toga na beogradskoj Željezničkoj stanici s gitarom u presvlaci od Platna u cik zore šećkam čekajući bus za Zagreb Po redu vožnje kad mi pristupe kći i mati vele Oprostite gospodine je l to vaša gitara Na moje začuđeno da one će a koja je to Vrsta kontrabasa toga sam se sjetio pet ili šest Godina potom kad je Dražen Vrdoljak preveo Rok Enciklopediju i svaki dabl bejs ka dupli bas Poslije ne samo da je Plavu travu zaborava Napravio već je i javno rođendane slavio ZAŠTO TRULI NOSI KACIGU NA GLAVI KAD IZLAZI Sveduša je zbilja u svemu prisutna evo jednog Primjera krajem pedesetih Truli je svirao bas Gitaru ali je nije imao stoga riješi Dotičnu napraviti pošto je bio u posjedu Slike jednog sastava sa gitarama i njihovim Mjerama članova sastava mislim uzme šiber te Izračuna promjer gitare spram tijela pa dade Gitaru sačiniti međutim pošto je sjena na Slici bila zaključio je da bas ima pet žica I takav je svirao sve dok par godina izatog Nije pravi Fender vidio i grozno se snuždio Ne zbog četiri žice već što mu je bas i veći Bio i bolji zvuk imao dva desetljeća posle Toga Fender stvarno izbaci bas s pet žica alo NE SAMO DA SI SE ODMETNUO NEGO I VRIJEĐAŠ Izvrsni živi album Filma iz Kulušića ima Publiku i pljesak iz Studentskog Centra sa uzvratnog Gostovanja beogradskih sastava u Zagreb gradu Točnije rečeno sa Riblje čorbe dodatno tome Nadosnimavanje glasova i gitara a što se Lako ustanoviti može usporedbom dotičnog Sa mojim Ravno do dna gdje je osamsto ljudi duplo Manje nego u Studentskom Centru Piko Stančić ktome TA KMETOVI NAVEK VOLE NEKAJ DOMA PONIJETI Drugom zgodom krajem osamdeset treće povedem ja Lajnera prvi put sa sobom u inozemstvo da bi Ploču snimili dođemo kod Cetinića i započnem Sa Klinčekom i ritam mašinom stoga ode Lajner Kad za dva sata zazvoni telefon iz policije Uhvatili Lajnera kako u šopu knjigu krade Cetinić ga izvuče a ja preko toga prijeđem ZAŠTO SU MIKENJANI KORISTILI IJEKAVICU Zamislite lijeno popodne na rivi pod zidom Od klesanog kamena svakih pol sata mine koji Umirovljenik s rukama na leđima a dolje S remorkera udarac čekića zvekne odjekne Zamirući u ljeskanju mora fjakaste bonace Pedeset metara poviše na izlazu za cestu Velikim slovima AZRA piše do odlaska dalje Na svirku još ura vrimena imade ostala je Džoja i boca nepopijenog gemišta od juče To ljeto pred rat imadoh stvarno najbolje nastupe Od četristo ljudi pa naviše bilo bi ih manje Da nijesam otvarao gažu riječima dobro Veče mi smo HARI MATA HARI i sviraćemo vam Naše najveće uspjehe mislite da su kužili A kad smo jednom zgodom stvarno kao Bitlsi divlje U hotel uletili nekom ženskom praćeni jerbo Zbilja smo ludo odsvirali pa smo pred njima je da Bilo je i takvih morali giljati reče nama Recepcionar znate kako se to radi vi olfa Kao otključavate a zapravo zaključavate I ne zaboravite vašeg portira i tu migne A drugom zgodom došavši u Đakovo zabavljam ja Namjernike čekajući momke koji se nekuda Izgubiše kad eto njih sa cekerima a sve za Njima leprša od perja ka za okupatorima I u takvom raspoloženju prilegnemo na svirku OKUPAJ ME I NA GRUDI PRIMI SVOJE PA ME SPALI Huovci prvi na pozornicama lomiše gitare Zatim Hendriks i Jardbrdsi ja petnaest godina Potom a Riblja čorba dvadeset tri poslije mene AL ŠTO BIH SE PONAVLJA MENI JE MRSKO IZNOVA GOVORIT ONO ŠTO VEĆ RAZGOVJETNO KAZAH VALA U redu zašto sam u živo puno bolji nego Na snimkama zato što se oni koji nošahu Daske za pozornicu zvahu scenski radnici ti Koji duže studio snimatelji a ostali Koji su bananu okusili sladokusci da I ne spominjem ine koji auto vidješe Pa da su automehaničari pomisliše Ukratko lezilebovići se uzoholiše To je upravo i prvi razlog zašto se zemlja Raspala drugi je što je Tito predobar bio A treći je strani čimbenik što se babi htilo To joj se i snilo il već tome slično viđeno Razlika između akustične i električne Gitare je kao između malog i velikog Nogometa pardon glasovira i orgulja u Svakom slučaju glazbenike možemo staviti U tri razreda kod gitare to su oni koji Trzaju žice s više ili manje uspjeha To je prvi razred oni koji sviraju blanju To je drugi razred a oni pak koji sviraju Muziku to je treći razred ono što podjelu Uslovljava je odnos prema sredstvu znači prvi I drugi razred pristupaju tamburi ka pukom Oruđu dok je treći razred za oružje drži I sukladno utoliko manje slobodu ćuti Njime da se kurči iako bi i on da ruži Ampak po Tinu Ujeviću proza je jebanje A poezija drkanje pjesnika opet dvije Vrste ima oni koji su svjesni sebe ali Baš ništa im se pod milim bogom ne događa i Oni koji takoreć nesvjesno prate zbivanja Uostalom najbolji nogometni sudija je Onaj koji se najmanje vidi na igralištu To je primjereno i mnogom drugom stanovištu Budući sam na Fazanima i Krivom srastanju Premda to nije važno odsvirao bas gitaru Koliko para toliko i muzike k vragu Cetinić je tri pjesme odsvirao na Srastanju Mislim bas gitaru ali to ne igra ulogu ČA NAD STRAŠNIM NJEDRIMA UZVALJANOG MORA RIBE HVATAJUĆI GUSTA KRILA U SLANOJ PJENI KVASI Devedesetpete izdajem ja knjigu Božanska Ilijada u Beogradu dođem u vrijeme Kad se to il uvezivalo il umnožilo A to je u nekom podrumu bilo gledam i sve Ne vjerujem u knjigovežnici svojim očima Kad me gazda pogleda i drekne šta čekaš tamo Nosi to a ja iz okreta ka struna zapeta Skočim kad on jekne ama ne ti okrenem se a Iza mene stvarno neki koga nisam vidio Tko ne bi guzicu samo da bude Homer dao Četiri godine prije toga penjem se uz Baš Čaršiju u Sarajevu za sutona a dugu Kosu sam imao kad mi jedan iz mraka sjedeć Pred vratima dobaci što ti je to odozada A ja velim ono što mi fali sprijeda našto On zarže od smijeha i kane i meni ba Vlado Kalember je među prvima od sredine Osamdesetih godina živio od plej beka Po diskotekama te bi obično pred nastupe Posjećivao mjesne radio postaje gdje bi Redovno pustili Klinček stoji pod oblokom a Onda rekli dragi slušaoci kao što već i Sami pogađate Vlado Kalember to mi je on Sâm kazao a ja uzeo zdravo za gotovo Kako sam se samo razočarao kada mi je Bora Čorba zaprisegnuo da najbolji stihek Srpskog rokenrola naime rado ide Srbin U vojnike nije njegov već da ga je od nekog Drugog uzeo a tako mu je dobro stajao Kao i primjedba Crnjanskog Krleži znači i Tebe su kupili našto se Krle razbjesnio KAD TREBAŠ NIGDJE NIKOG NEMA ČA TU NOVOG IMA Čuvenost i smiješnih strana imade na primjer Osamdeset i prve se govorilo da ako Uzmeš praznu kutiju šibica na kojoj piše Azra i baciš je na Terazije za ciglih Petnaest minuta se zakrči sav promet zbilja Devedesetpete kad god sam ulicom išao Autobus bi se gradskog prevoza nakrivio Prema onoj strani gdje bih se zatekao mislim Dok bih na zeleno svjetlo čekao a jednom sam U kolima sjedeći pored busa čekajući Na crvenom ugledao o staklo priljubljene Noseve kao krumpire bilo mi neugodno DRIBLATI ZNAČI SLINAVITI EJ NE BUDI BALAV Tek nogomet je najbliži šahu po tome što su Beskonačne mogućnosti veličajnih poteza Ja ću navesti dva koja samo jednom viđeh i To oba iz šezdesetih na Svjetskom prvenstvu u Čileu šezdesetdruge a gledao sam ga na TV jedan tuče škaricama sa polovice Igrališta ali iskosa bezmalo sa crte Vratar krajnjim naporom bacivši se izbacuje Loptu preko prečke drugi u Zagrebu moguće Šezdesetosme u proljeće gostuje Partizan Na Maksimiru e sad desni bek skoro iz svoga Kuta na kraju igrališta izbija dugu baš Napucanu žogu ravno po crti a Galić je Centarfor u punom trku sa pola igrališta Petom preko glave prebacuje i stiže tik na Samoj ivici pokraj rubne zastavice i tu Divno zavrne na šesterac a suigraču mu Lopta kosu okrzne ne gremo na utakmice Samo zbog pogodaka i pobjeda razumete Uostalom par godina prije toga bio sam Na Plinari starom Hajdukovom placu OFK Beograd je gostovao pratio sam rođaka Po nekom drugom poslu pa smo slučajno svratili Zašto to kažem zato što sam jedini za goste Među petnaest tisuća ljutih Dalmatinaca Glasno navijao rođak se usrao i sveđ me Kišobranom ubadao da umuknem ništa mi Nije bilo prođoh lišo nisam môra popio Opet nogomet se premda lov i rat oličava U jednom od života razlikuje grubostima Naime i prljavštinom ništa se ne postiže A Binić pak dvije hiljadite izjavi da bi Stojković mogao u reprezentaciju i s Jednom nogom igrati sušta istina pošto ni S dvije to zasigurno bolje uspio ne bi Branimir Štulić 2004.
  8. Džoni Štulić: Sećanja (1) KUŠATI SVAKOG OD VAS ŠTO VIŠE ZADOVOLJITI Na jesen početkom školske godine sedamdeset Sedme imadosmo kao četvorka prvi nastup U Dubravi zavjesa se otvori i mi prvu Stvar krenemo žica mi puče zastor se zatvori A mi u znoju lica svog žicu promijenimo I drugu stvar počnemo kad drugoj gitari struna Prsne opet se zastor navuče i jošte više Znoja prolije i po treći put nova popjevka Grune i opet meni žica pukne i ponovo Zavjesa i tako desetak puta sve do kraja A početkom juna sedamdesetosme odemo U Vinkovce i stignemo popodne čekajući Da se pojačala i pozornica postave tek Dođu neka dvojica i zažele naše blanje Vidjeti mi im pokažemo a sve su jeftine Trećerazredne bile oni se odmah lijepo Uozbilje i pokupe i da znate nijesu Bili u krivu bar ako danas mene pitate Mjesec dana poslije toga dođosmo u Požegu Gdje nas društvo za doček od samih mladih pankera Dočeka i muških i ženskih izbodenih svima Rinčicama kroz uši i noseve desetak njih Istog časa kad nas ugledaše onako zdrave Neizbodene i svakodnevne počeše se na Mah topiti i ne znajući kamo oči svrnuti Niti kako nelagodu sakriti jerbo su se Grozno u nama prevarili i razočarali Doduše mi smo tu zadano odsvirali ali Nismo dojam nimalo popravili ta kako bi A sedamdesetdevete hladne zime s bog te Pita kojom postavom odsviram Ljubljanu i tad Čekam zadnji vlak za Zagreb u pola dva izjutra Koji stiže iz Trsta uđem premda jedva jerbo Krcat je bio tako da sam kao sardina na Hodniku s gitarom četiri sata do belog Zagreba proveo ono što me je ponajviše Izluđivalo bile su dvije babe koje su Cijelo vrijeme kraj mene stajale onako U crno zabrađene noseći veliku lutku Sa sobom iz Trsta a išle su negdje tamo u Slavoniju rista znači još par sati dulje od Mene u sedamdesetima stare žene sve od Trsta na nogama pa do onamo što su samo Italijani mislili o nama bog te mazo A kad smo već kod Talijana par godina prije Ovih događanja krene zagrebačka družina Studenata u Italiju proslaviti netom Završene studije na povratku dođu busom Na granicu pošto se duga povorka stvorila A tadašnji busevi nisu imali zahoda Pošalju cure naprijed momke a jedna kojoj Je bila sila uzme konzervu od koka kole Spusti je na stepenicu kod zadnjih vrata i nad Njom čučne na to potpuno slučajno vozač pošto Je vruće bilo otvori vrata a svi Italijani Carinici i ostali tamo složnu nadignu Graju i zdušno navijati stanu bravo bravo Sedamdesetdevete s proljeća probam ja s Parnim valjkom u Husovom stanu dva tjedna stvarno Svirali smo šest mojih i šest njegovih pjesama Kad na jednoj od zadnjih proba prije odlaska u Studio demo snimke puknuti uhvati mene Hus a upravo smo njegovu pjesmu svirali gdje Prevrćem očima te i njemu i meni smjesta Postade jasno da se i za tisuću godina Nećemo složiti naravno snimke pokažu da Nisam dovoljno čvrst ali molim vas pokušajte Samo zamisliti moje su pjesme tada dvije I po minute trajale a pedeset obrata Akorada su imale i to ne durova i Molova već pošto sam došao sa akustične Gitare dimova majeva suseva pluseva I pripadajućih minusa dok su te njegove Trajale pet minuta sa puke četiri harme A mol G dur F dur E dur i kao za inat baš Smo neki bluz svirali znači svakih po minute Udariš jednu dobu tad sam mlad bio kalio Sam se pa sam i toliko izdržao no danas Mi i na samu pomisao žuč proradi alo Nazaj na Azru osamdesete krajem oktobra Svirka u Ivanić Gradu kino sa sjedalima Prvih par redova popunjeno ostalo prazno Budući sam ja već tad imao scensku obleku Tu koju možete vidjeti na omotu prve Ploče znači konobarske crne hlače od nekog Polimera koje su imale porub jer tako Su napravljene da se ne trebaju peglati čim Sam na pozornicu stupio diže se prvi red Jednodušno i napusti dvoranu u znak surog Prezira i prosvjeda protiv toga mislim ruba Na hlačama jer ne samo da to nije novi val Nego i muljam a da ni ton odsvirao nisam Par tjedana prije toga evo nas u prestolnom Beogradu na živom snimanju Nedjeljnog oko dva Sata popodneva ktome Parafi i Prljavo Kazalište te neka mjesna skupina Krvava Meri mi nikad bolje nije zvučala cijela Jugoslavija je uostalom to gledala tek Neposredno prije toga uvrijede se prljavci Otvoreno gađenje i mržnju glede tih Srba Iskazujući a ja čim ugrabim tren uđem u Svlačionicu i velim Houri kako možeš Tako a on se izdere na me i pošalje me U pizdu materinu te se ja povučem a on Ene ga frajeru sušta snošljivost čistih ruku Sedam godina potom sjedimo u Makarskoj u Društvu Galije oni su tu dvomjesečnu gažu Imali a mi na turneji svirku opičili Tek s njima je tada jedan rasta svirao bas Gitaru i ja onako nevezano po naški Kažem Neši ovaj je najbolji među vama a Neša me krvnički pogleda i veli mater ti Jebem a zbilja je čovjek u redu bio jer je Par tjedana potom videći Azru u Splitu na Gripama procijedio da je Azra avion diže se diže i ode a baš tako je bilo Devedeset i pete u Košutnjaku igram ja Nogomet u dvorani i pošto sam uvijek žicar Bio ostanem poslije svoje momčadi da bi Jednoj koja nije imala dovoljno igrača Pomogao tek vozi me jedan od njih kasnije U grad i pita me ko si ti zapravo a ja Velim Džoni Štulić a on će mislio sam da si Profesionalni fudbaler a meni premilo
  9. EKSKLUZIVNO: Autobiografski zapisi Džonija Štulića Od ovog broja "Vreme" će ekskluzivno objaviti autobiografske zapise Džonija Štulića, svojevrsni amarkord jednog od najznačajnijih muzičara bivše Jugoslavije Glavni junak aktuelnog dokumentarca Sretno dijete Igora Mirkovića, posvećenog muzičkom novom talasu s početka osamdesetih, je Branimir Džoni Štulić, kontroverzni frontmen nekadašnje kultne novotalasne grupe Azra. S tim što u filmu Štulić zapravo nije prisutan. Odbio je da se pojavi pred kamerama, tako da, umesto njegovog svedočenja, savremenici pričaju o njemu i Azri. Sudeći po filmu, ispalo je da se priča o jednom popkulturnom fenomenu koji je odredio odrastanje čitavih generacija u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji, zapravo vrti oko njegovog odsustva, zanimljivijeg i uzbudljivijeg od prisustva ostalih aktera tadašnje muzičke scene. Danas, tačno trideset godina pošto je napisao Balkan i dvadeset godina pošto je prvi put napustio Balkan i nastanio se u Holandiji, o odsustvu Džonija Štulića i njegovom "potpunom koncentrisanju na odbijanje", ispleten je čitav mit. Manje ili više prisustvovali smo izdaji načela zbog kojih je navodno krenula u rokenrol avanturu većina novotalasnih prvoboraca, ali Džoni je odbio da nam priušti to zadovoljstvo. To je i razlog što Mirković njegov slučaj naziva "posljednjom nedovršenom pričom novog vala". Na stranu obožavatelji, ali dok je bio prisutan, Štulić je nekako bio manje zanimljiv. Sem s početka karijere, nikad nije bio sasvim prihvaćen od medija. Što je snimao bolje ploče, zaključno sa fenomenalnim Krivim srastanjem, dobijao je sve gore kritike. Nekako je previše pesama napravio, previše je albuma snimio, previše pričao o politici, psovao, previše filozofirao, previše mu je bilo stalo do toga što je radio, previše je bio težak, prgav, tvrdoglav i nestrpljiv. U prvom naletu 1980–1983. snimio je i objavio ukupno čak sedam albuma, od kojih jedan trostruki i dva dvostruka. Boks set od sedam CD-ova Azre, uglavnom iz ovog perioda, bez njegova učešća upravo je objavio Siti rekords Željka Mitrovića, srpskog pinkoidnog medijskog mogula i verovatno budućeg vlasnika Kroacije rekordsa. Danas pesme zabeležene na njima zvuče kao sa druge galaksije. Nekonfekcijske i neprepričljive. Retko ih možete naći u etru. Nakon erupcije energije i talenta s početka osamdesetih, Štulić je opsovao, okrenuo se i otišao u Holandiju. Apokrifna priča kazuje da je nakon šetnje po zagrebačkom Gornjem gradu seo u taksi i rekao taksisti: "Vozi me u Amsterdam, ja ovde više ne mogu…" Posle par godina, zadržavajući stalnu adresu u Beneluksu, vratio se i snimio još nekoliko albuma. Pesme su ovoga puta bile u sasvim novom registru, bez "energije pobune". "Iscurio je virus boje neba", priznao je, a ploče su sada nosile višak razočarenja i melanholije. Sevdaha, ako hoćete. Nad njima kao da je stajao koenovski moto: "Svaki čovek ima način da izda revoluciju – ovo je moj". Ali, kad se podvuče crta, ono što je jedino važno u svemu tome, i nije bila pobuna – i u "revolucionarnom" i u "antirevolucionarnom" periodu, Štulić je napravio neke od najlepših pesama domaće popularne muzike. A onda se sve raspalo. U raspadu Jugoslavije, u kojoj je prodao milion ploča i u kojoj je odsvirao minimum dva sata u svakom mestu do koga je bilo asfalta, Štulić je odbio da odabere stranu. Izuzev jedne tihe posete Beogradu 1995, kojom prilikom je Komuna objavila par CD-ova nalik na Anthology Bitlsa – nije se više vraćao. Poslednje njegove fotografije dostupne medijima stare su skoro deset godina. U ovdašnjim i hrvatskim medijima tek povremeno se pojavljuje. Kada se oglasi, to je uglavnom kada ga novinari pozovu telefonom, a on im kaže da ga više ostave na miru, da ga interesuje samo fudbal, i još iskoristi priliku da otera u kurac ko mu se namesti. Ali ništa zato – novine s vremena na vreme objavljuju intervjue s njegovim bivšim devojkama, bivšim prijateljima, bivšim kolegama. Pre nedelju dana najtiražniji časopis na Balkanu, novosadski tabloid "Svet", preneo je iz hrvatske "Arene" povelik tekst o njemu i naslovio ga "Genijalni seronja". Poenta i zaključak većine novinskih napisa o Štuliću su u stilu "ludilo gospodina Štulića se nastavlja". Pa u čemu je ludilo gospodina Džonija? Najpre u tome što je besramno odbio da profitabilno evoluira u ustašu ili četnika, ali i da danas bude nostalgičan za počivšom Jugoslavijom. Dalje, što je ostario bez grotesknog "Petar Pan sindroma", pa ne glumata okolo ocvalog pankera pokušavajući nešto na sitno da ušićari. I što usred glamuroznog kapitalizma kojem prisustvujemo tvrdoglavo odbija ogromnu lovu koja se meri desetinama hiljada evra za samo jedan nastup. A ko danas odbija lovu (bez koje se ne može)? I ima li u ovom ludilu sistema? Kako za koga. Za onoga ko voli stih "kad kiša potjera narod sa ulice nekako joj se ljudskiji pričinja grad" – ima. Međutim, kao najzanimljiviji i najintrigantniji aktuelni detalj, najčešće se uzima to što u svom holandskom "egzilu" prevodi, prepevava, ponovo ispisuje – kako god – prethrišćanske klasike, od Homera nadalje. Istina, gledano sa strane, ima u tome nečeg što podseća na bartlbijevsko "Ne", na Učelov slučaj perspektive, na Hauarda Hjuza, na slučaj Borhesovog Pjera Menara (u Institutu Pjer Menar Roberta Moretija uči se da se kaže "ne" na više od hiljadu predloga, do onih najbizarnijih do onih najtežih za odbijanje). U Beogradu je u izdanju Komune 1995. objavio svoj "prepev" Ilijade, koji je većina ocenila kao "genijalnu budalaštinu". Džoni je ipak, sledeći svoj kompas, nastavio dalje. Nije samo preveo Ilijadu i Odiseju. Preveo je i celog Tukidida i celog Herodota i Ksenofonta i Empedokla i Apolonija Rođanina. I nije samo prevodio stare Grke. Preveo je i Bhagavad Gitu i Lao Ceovu Knjigu o Taou, i još toga. I nije samo prevodio i prepevavao, nego je i "rapsodirao" – povest o Aleksandru Makedonskom i istoriju Balkana. Štulićev "Zbornik" je neobična balkanska Kalevala u kojoj su se, pored ostalog, našli Konstantin Porfirogenit, Ljetopis popa Dukljanina, Vasilije II Bugaroubica, narodne epske pesme, Krležine Balade, sećanja o Crnjanskom, Kad su cvetale tikve Dragoslava Mihailovića, Smrt Marka Kraljevića... Kaže da bi njegov holandski prevodilačko-prepevačko-rapsodsko-istorijsko-književni opus stao u nekih jedanaest brojeva – "kao nogometna momčad". Osim toga, Štulić je u petnaestercu ispisao i neku vrstu svog amarkorda – stihovanu zbirku autobiografskih zapisa i uspomena. Ne bez zadovoljstva, Džonijeva Sećanja "Vreme" će ekskluzivno objaviti u par nastavaka. Prijatno.
  10. Indijski NS metal
  11. Ja dobijam za dz cim vidim ekipu
  12. On ih je sve nadjachao
  13. A zasto dobijate ban?
  14. Samo polako..Da smislim pitanja..Da ne trcim pred rudu..Uopste mi se ne zuri.. Saljem pitanja na pp Ziveli
  15. Mislio sam da ti posaljem pitanja na pp i ti mi odgovoris...Valjda ce biti ok
  16. Konacno da zivne ova tema Izdali su opet albume bez njegovog znanja i odobrenja Rece da nema lovu za advokate
  17. slazem se za vokal
  18. Kazes da ako neko ima bar malo pameti,a radnicka klasa je..da nije rasista.Ja kazem da nisam video veci sljam od tebe.Ako sudis na osnovu svog zivota onda ce ovom drzavom hodati narkomani i sljam.Mudonjo koji propagiras SHARP ideje, izadji mi pred oci i reci mi isto ako smes..Samo to da vidim, pa onda mogu slobodno da umrem. Na osnovu cega sudis da su hipici? Jel znas sta je R.A.C.? Naravno da se ogradio od punka kad je postao levicarski.Eto, vi imate punk, takav kakav je.Mi imamo R.A.C. i ponosni smo sto nas niko nikada nece povezati sa vasim govnima. I prestani da povezujes NS i homosexualizam.Ako ga ima on je medju SHARP bagrom.U NS ga nigde neces naci.Nemoj ni sa crnjam da nas povezujes.Jer mi sa njima nemamo nikakvu vezu. Ako ti je smor tema nemoj da zalazis ovde Idi ufixaj se..Bice ti bolje 14/88
  19. Originally appeared in Last Chance Magazine. 'WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE WAY SOME PEOPLE PROJECT GARRY BUSHELL AS THE WORKING CLASS HERO AND THE VOICE OF THE STREETS? Its hilarious, really, because no-one that was working class and stuck for the White race would ever get a job for one of the national newspapers. HOW DID YOU COME ABOUT THE NAME SKREWDRIVER? We got named Skrewdriver by the record company, because we didn’t have a name at the time. BUT WASN’T YOUR FIRST BAND CALLED THE TUMBLING DICE? That was just a rock band, we did a load of rock covers, so when we did a tape more punk style, we didn’t have a name, so the record company came up with Skrewdriver. SO HOW DID YOUR BAND FIRST GET PICKED UP BY THE RECORD COMPANIES? Well, we were playing a lot of pub gigs, doing the circuits, and then we went to see the Sex Pistols in Manchester with Buzzcocks and Slaughter & The Dogs, we really enjoyed it cos we thought that it was fresh, new sort of thing, so we did a tape more on that sort of line, sent it to a load of record companies. We got answered by a couple of companies who said that they were interested, but they would like to hear a more professional tape, because the one we sent them, we recorded in a metal factory! Chiswick asked us to come down and do a session in a studio, and we got a single deal out of that, and then once we done that single they updated the deal to two singles and an LP. WHY WAS YOUR THIRD SINGLE ”BUILT UP, KNOCKED DOWN” RECORDED IN MANCHESTER AND WHY WAS IT RELEASED ON THE INDIE LABEL TJM RECORDS? Well, I moved to Manchester and reformed the band for a while, actually it was with the Manchester line up that we supported Motörhead at Blackburn. We had already split from Chiswick records so we went on a local label TJM records. We played a lot of local gigs and got really good turn-outs. Then the gigs started to die down and we split up again. SO WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE CHISWICK LABEL? Basically because they were leftwing and didn’t like the way we wouldn’t denounce the skinheads. WHAT MADE THE IMAGE OF SKREWDRIVER CHANGE FROM PUNK TO SKINHEAD? Basically because we got fed up with punk turning a bit leftwing, whereas before everyone came along and had a laugh and danced about, but then it got to the stage where it became high fashion, and people would just stand there seeing who had the most drawing pins through their nose. When it got to that stage it got really silly. We had all been skinheads in the past so we all just reverted, and a lot of our mates coming to the gigs were skinheads. IS THAT TRUE THAT YOU SUPPORTED BANDS LIKE THE POLICE AND SIOUXIE AND THE BANSHEES IN THE EARLIER DAYS? When we supported the Police they were just a small band and most of the people came to see Skrewdriver anyway. We also supported The Boomtown Rats, Siouxie, The Damned, 999, loads of bigger bands. I can’t remember all of them now. CAN YOU TELL US THE STORY OF KING ROAD WITH THE PUNK VERSUS TED FIGHTS, AND THE EXPERIENCES YOU HAD? The worst occasion was when we were playing with the Police at the Railway Hotel in Putney, this was at the height of all of the violence between Punks and Teds. We were the last ones out of the gig and there had just been a rock and roll disco down the road, there was only about six of us left and we took a right hammering. Our drummer got his teeth knocked out and everything. CHANGING THE SUBJECT SLIGHTLY, WHAT WAS YOUR INVOLVEMENT WITH THE MADNESS FILM ”TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT”, ALSO CAN YOU TELL US THE STORY BEHIND THE MUCH REPORTED FRIENDSHIP WITH SUGGSY? Suggsy used to be the roadie for Skrewdriver back in 1978 and I went back down to London for a while and stayed at this mothers flat cos he’d moved out of his room and bought a house so I had his room. I was only there for about seven months, that was basically it, the picture was taken in his mums front room. The Madness film was done in about 1981 or something like that, anyway because I didn’t have much money at the time, they just got me on the film, that´s all. I got the agency fee which was about £60 or something, and that´s why I was in the film. ARE YOU STILL IN CONTACT WITH SUGGSY, WHEN IS THE LAST TIME THAT YOU HEARD FROM HIM? No, I’m not in contact, not since the article in the Sun newspaper, I didn’t try and contact him and he didn’t try and contact me, which is fair enough, he’s got to make a living and if he’s mixing with a nationalist he is gonna find it hard to make a living. We didn’t fall out or anything like that and as far as I know we were still on good terms with eachother, I’ve got nothing against the bloke, he’s done me a lot favours in the past. He’s just trying to make a living. If he wants to make a living like that, its up to him. I’ve got no intention of slagging him off, and why should I? WHAT MADE YOU TURN THE BAND POLITICAL, AS IN THE EARLY DAYS YOU KEPT OUT OF POLITICS, DID YOU JUST GET UP ONE MORNING AND SAY ”OH F*CK IT”, AND WENT FOR IT, OR WAS IT A GRADUAL CHANGE? I wasn’t really political at all to be honest, I didn’t like blacks, because I’d never seen one till I went down London, and there I met lots, and they all seemed to have a chip on their shoulder, I didn’t like the lefties funny enough, because they all reminded me of student being all anti-British and that put me off them. Most of our mates that came to our gigs were political, they were either NF (National Front) or BM (British Movement) and in the end what happened was the press ordered us along with Sham 69 to denounce those people in the audience, or get banned. We refused and Sham 69 said OK. So Sham 69 became very big and we got banned from everywhere, they banned all of our adverts from the music papers and everything. All this was in 1977. ARE YOU STILL IN TOUCH WITH ANY OF THE ORIGINAL MEMBERS AT ALL? Yeah, I went back to Blackpool a couple of months back and bumped into the old guitarist and drummer. They still know that Skrewdriver are still going, and the drummer still buys the records. They’re good blokes and are doing quite well for themselves now. Ron’s a bit of an alcoholic, good guitarist though. He’s on the front cover of the All Skrewed Up LP although he didn’t actually play on it. Our original guitarist Phil actually played on the LP. WHAT IS YOUR ALL TIME FAVOURITE SONG, OUT OF THE HUNDREDS THAT YOU HAVE DONE? Well, it changes from time to time, you go off songs. I’ve always liked ”I Can See The Fire”, on the ”White Rider” LP. I keep thinking about playing it live, but I think that it might be a little bit too slow for a gig. Another one of my favourite songs that we have done more recently is ”Freedom What Freedom”, not the Skrewdriver version but the one on the latest Klansmen LP. At the moment, they’re the main ones. WHAT ABOUT THE OLDER SONGS, DO YOU STILL LIKE LISTENING TO THEM? I like ”Tomorrow Belongs To Me”, I’ve gone off the tunes a little bit, I’ve been playing them for such a long time, I like the lyrics especially, I think that they’re brilliant lyrics. Obviously ”White Power”, ”Free My Land”, I’ve played them so many times that I don’t really listen to them at home anymore. IS THERE ANY SONGS THAT YOU WISHED YOU HAD WRITTEN, WHEN YOU HEARD THEM BY SOMEONE ELSE? Yes, I would like to have written ”England” by the Angelic Upstarts, I can’t believe that Mensi wrote it as he is such a left wing prat. He used to be nationalist until he realized that he could make more money being a leftwing. (Ian then proceeded to amuse us with some stories he’s heard about Mensi). IS THERE ANY GIGS OUT OF THE HUNDREDS THAT YOU’VE PLAYED THAT STICK IN YOUR MIND AS THE BEST, WORST? Well, we played the Vortex twice, they were quite good. It was the first time that a lot of skinheads turned up, one of those was with Siouxie And The Banshees. We played two or three gigs at the Roxy and broke the house records, we had the most people there, they were brilliant gigs. And then, what turned out to be the main event, but got called off, but we maganed to squeeze about six or seven hundred people in a two hundred seated pub, now that was a good gig basically due to the satisfaction of getting something on, despite the fact that everything was stacked against us. To me now, any gig that goes ahead is a good gig because it’s such a battle to get a gig on that when we do it, it’s great. Another good gig was the one in Newcastle a couple of years ago where there were six bands playing. We’ve also recently played in Italy and that was a brilliant gig, really well organized. YOU LIVED IN LONDON FOR QUITE A FEW YEARS, BUT WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO LEAVE? Basically because it was getting that there wasn’t very many places to drink where everybody can mix. It got to the stage where the leftwing followed me around every pub I went to. They tried to get me banned from my cafe by picketing, but the cafe wouldnt ban me, although the pubs were different. I used to go into a pub and I’d only be drinking there for about a week and then the reds would start to hassel the landlord and then picket the pub, so obviously I got banned. All this was happening, and also the fact that there was literally nowhere where we could meet and have a drink. Also everytime there was a leftwing march in London, they used to visit my house, plus I was getting demonstrations outside of my house every three to four weeks. The police always informed me that if I came out out of my house while they were there I would be nicked for inciting them to cause violence. But the main reason for leaving London was because the police harassment. One day, a load of BNP supporters were attacked by IRA supporters. The police arrived on the scene and took all of the BNP supporters´ names and numbers, they went around to their houses later on and asked them if they would testify in court to get their attackers charged. The only problem was that the police had made a mistake and thought that they were the IRA supporters. I was tipped off by these BNP people that they should say they saw me causing all of the trouble. Basically, if they hadn’t got the IRA and the BNP muddled up they might have got away with the frame up. It was the same when a gay got stabbed a few years ago at Kings Cross. I had nothing to do with the stabbing, I was around the corner when it was supposed to have happened. But I was still slammed in Wormwodd Scrubs for two and half months until they decided that they hadn’t got any evidence. So I thought that if this is what´s gonna happen every time anything happens in London and I’m gonna get stiched up for things, I mean, it was time to go. I wasn’t too bothered about the commies because they were arseholes, it´s when the police started to try to stich me up. There´s not a great deal that you can do. YOU WERE ACTUALLY IN PRISON SERVING A TWELVE MONTH SENTENCE, WHAT’S THE STORY BEHIND THAT? Well, we were attacked by a mob of blacks after Searchlight had been giving out leaflets with my face, my address, where I drink on them, we used to get trouble most weekends from gangs of blacks going past my house on the way home from collage, and one particular night we got attacked by about eight or nine of them, we fought back, the police arrived and we got arrested. The blacks didn’t even turn up at court for three days in a row and the police had to go out and bring them to the court. Searchlight has tried to smear me on several occasions, I’ve been called several things in their pages, child pornographer, arms delaer, conspiring to murder Patrick Harrington (one time National Front/White Noise frontman), a drug pusher and an acid house party organiser. I’ve even been accused of printing Swedish nationalist magazines. God knows where I keep this printing press, under my bed probably! I can’t even understand one word of Swedish! I must be a busy man! YOU ARE THE FOUNDER OF BLOOD AND HONOUR, DO YOU THINK THAT IT HAS BEEN A SUCCESS AND WHAT DO YOU SEE HAS BEEN ACHIEVED BY BLOOD AND HONOUR? Blood And Honour has took off so well because of its idea. There has been no other magazine that promotes the advancement of the White race and that does not tie itself to any political party. B&H is not tied to any party, it is mainly run by the bands. The bands are popular so the magazine is popular. Its main achievement has been to get more people involved in the White cause and to push the music of the bands over to a lot more people than would be possible otherwise. Food for thought, that Blood And Honour has got at least five times the circulation of Searchlight. That´s a fact. WHAT ADVISE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANYONE OUT THERE THAT IS THINKING OF STARTING A NATIONALIST BAND? Don’t start unless you´re willing to accept a hell of a lot harassment and a lot of hard work to get anywhere. You’ve got to be very dedicated to do it. If you want to make money, just forget it, sing like Englebert Humperdink or get interviewed by Terry Wogan. HAS THE RECENT PROBLEMS WITH SKREWDRIVER IN GERMANY DETERRED YOU FROM PLAYING THERE AGAIN? I don’t know about the rest of the band but me personally, it made me want to go out there and cause a lot more trouble. The way that I see it is that Skrewdriver are being made scapegoats for the fact that the German government have brought too many immigrants into the country. So if we have had anything to do with waking German feeling up, all the better for it. Although I do not think it has got anything to do with us. It´s just the German people rising against the influx of immigrants and I wish that the British people would do the same. DO YOU THINK THAT PERHAPS SKREWDRIVER WAS THE CATALYST FOR ALL OF THE TROUBLE IN GERMANY? No, not at all, it started before we played over there, I think that it may have been aggravated a little bit by the fact that the police kept them all in prison, obviously I was still out which was a bad mistake on the police´s side. Cos I was able to go to the gig and tell everybody what had happened, and after the gig obviously there was some trouble with the police. WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO SING ONE SONG IN GERMAN ON YOUR LATEST LP? (”Stolz” on ”Freedom what freedom” album) Basically, we sell more records in Germany than anywhere else. As the Germans support us and give us so much support, I thought that it was about time we done something in German for them. I wrote the song in English, I got a German lad to translate it, put it on a tape for me so I could hear the accents and pronounciations and done it from that. Also Germany has probably got the biggest growing skinhead scene in Europe, and German people have stood by the band almost as long as the English have. We’ve been on a German record label since 1982. It’s a lot easier for Germans to obtain our records in Germany too, a lot of normal record shops stock them, and even if they don’t, people can order them through the record shops. They’re not banned over there, as a matter of fact they are not actually banned over here either, the newspapers say that they are, so all the shops won’t stock them. We can’t really win either way. Axel Rose from ”Guns and Roses” can get away with saying that naughty N word, because he’s a druggie and has got a black in the band, but I can’t risk saying that N word, unless of course I smoke a joint at gigs and get a rasta bass player, then it’s ok. That’s how fucked up and hypocritical everything is. CAN YOU TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THE TROUBLE YOU HAVE HAD RECENTLY WITH THE POLICE IN YOUR AREA? Well basically all that is, we were doing regular gigs around here, getting increasing audiences, getting a lot of locals interested, so the police firstly tried to stop the gigs, which they managed up to a certain extent by threatening the governors of the pubs with their licences. Then we were rehearsing at a pub at dinner times, and people used to come in on their dinner break to watch, so the police spoke to the governor of the pub and said that they are allowed to rehearse but they must shut the doors because no-one is allowed to listen to them. Then after a while of rehearsing behind closed doors they decided that we wouldn’t do it any more, and then more recently they have tried to stop me and a friend from even drinking in the pubs, but they didn’t really get away with that, and we, due to the governors sticking up for us, the police have let that one drop for the moment, so we are not banned from drinking anywhere yet. WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO RECORD UNDER KLANSMEN, IAN STUART AND WHITE DIAMOND, RATHER THAN USE THIS MATERIAL FOR SKREWDRIVER? The fact is that I just write so many different songs and they just wouldn’t be used otherwise. Plus the fact that the Klansmen songs are in more of a Rock and Roll vain and wouldn’t really suit Skrewdriver. Also with the Klansmen it has brought in a lot of rockabillies into the Blood & Honour movement, which is a good thing. Hopefully the White Diamond will do the same thing with a few bikers. Basically we are just spreading our wings and trying to appeal to everybody, not just skinheads. WHAT HAS BEEN THE RESPONSE TO THE WHITE DIAMOND LP? Well, it hasn’t been out that long, but the people that I have spoken to about it seem to like it. As far as I’m concerned the guitar could have been a little bit louder and the vocals a little quieter. The original mix of it, the guitar was too loud and you couldn’t hear the vocals, so we took it back to be remixed and it went the other way around. IS THERE GOING TO BE ANOTHER WHITE DIAMOND LP? Oh yeah, definitely. DO YOU HAVE ANY PLANS FOR THE KLANSMEN TO PLAY LIVE? I haven’t got any plans at the moment, but we could well do one day. There’s been plenty of people asking if we would. We have had several requests from Germany for the Klansmen to play over there. We normally do a couple of Klansmen songs at most Skrewdriver gigs anyway. The Klansmen haven’t actually been a steady line up anyway, we tend to use musicians from other bands. It’s good for them, as they get to record, which a lot of bands don’t manage to do, and it also gets more people inolved in our cause. The first LP we used musicians from Demented Are Go, the second was with The Krewmen and the third was from some local rock band from around this area. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO PEOPLE WHO ARE JUST GETTING INTO NATIONALISM, BUT ARE PUZZLED BY THE WAY THAT THE AUTHORITIES ARE HARASSING THEM? I think that you’ve got to expect it, it’s the way that the people above run things. You’ve got to be very dedicated to become a nationalist. It is better to educate people at a younger age, some of the old parties used to leaflet schools. We must use every way that we can to get our message across, through music, leafleting houses, town centres, postering, we must use every way we can. The odds are against us, but it is important. WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS ON RELIGION? I don’t really belive in it, I don’t go to church or anything. I think that my religion is my race. I’ve got nothing against Christians or Odinists, but I think that Christianity is being pushed into being very weak at the moment. I’ve lost a lot of respect for the Christians, but hopefully they’ll rise up one day and become powerful as they once were. I agree with all of the Norse God mythology, and there is something in it, but personally I’m just fighting for my race and I’ll work with all of these people so long as they’ve got the same views as I have. WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS ON THE UNITY MOVEMENT AND THE RAVEN? Well I haven’t even seen the Raven at all yet so I can’t really comment on that, but I presume, going by the name that it’s an Odinist thing. Unity, when it first came out I wasn’t so sure that it was a good thing because I thought that it might be distracting from Blood & Honour a little bit, but when it got off the ground, it was good. It worked alongside Blood & Honour. It’s a good thing to have different organizations all working together, as long as there is no rivalry. Kev Turner is a dedicated man, he’s been in jail a lot of times, but he has never even considered giving it all up. He’s doing a great job up there and has quite a lot of influence. WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS ON THE IMPRISONMENT OF TWO PEOPLE FOR BASICALLY SELLING SKREWDRIVER MERCHANDISE? Well, it’s just unvelievable, being put away just for selling records. As far as I’m concerned and as far as anybody I know is concerned, there has never been anything to say that you can’t sell records, whatever they were. I mean, there’s bands going around singing songs about killing God and loads of these anti-religion groups, they’ve all got a bit of stick, but there has never actually been any courtcases trying to stop them selling records. Take American rapper Ice T, some stores said that they wouldn’t stock it, but most stores do still stock it. It was all a publicity stunt and has sold more records because of it. He’s never been charged. Obviously there is nothing wrong in singing about killing White people and police. No-one was ever done by the law for selling Ice T records, and no-one has ever been arrested either. Our records do not incite violence at all, our lyrics are basically about being proud of your White race. If it’s illegal to be proud of your race, why isn’t it illegal to be proud to be Black, Asian etc...? WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS ON WATERLOO (Skrewdriver´s comeback gig in London 1992), AND IN PARTICULAR THE MASSIVE MEDIA COVERAGE THAT IT ACHIEVED? I except the sort of coverage that we got. It’s obvious that you’re never going to get anything good said about you. It would have been nicer if a lot of the lads that came over from abroad actually got to the gig. It made it a lot more awkward having so much publicity about it in advance. But in the end the gig went ahead, it was a good gig, everybody that made it there enjoyed it. So basically it was a victory. But then again, I do think that it was a bit of a shame that the police acted illegally again by shutting down a main line train station, to try and stop people getting to the concert. They shouldn’t have allowed a leftwing demonstration at the station on the day because it was pretty obvious that they were only there to cause trouble. The police knew that was the case but they never banned it. If the NF ever want to march, the police ban it straight away because of the trouble it would cause. It’s the same with the recent Bloody Sunday IRA march, the IRA who kill British people were allowed to march while the police did all they can to stop the people against the march by arresting 378 people. It seems that to be proud to be British is a crime. WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO SINCE THE LAST TIME WE SPOKE? We’ve played loads of gigs. We’ve got a new Skrewdriver LP written, we should be going in to record within the next six to seven weeks. That should be out in 3 or 4 months then. Same applies to the new Klansmen LP. White Diamond and Patriotic Ballads LP’s should be coming out within the next few weeks. The White Diamond LP is called ”The Power And The Glory”, the Patriotic Ballads is called ”Patriotic Ballads II Our Time Will Come”. I’m not too sure what the Skrewdriver LP will be called. The Klansmen LP will be taking the theme of the American civil war, although I’m not too sure exactly what it’ll be called. CHANGING THE SUBJECT SOMEWHAT, ARE YOU A FOOTBALL FAN? I used to play football when I was younger. I don’t really want to go into football at all. If I ever said that I supported a team, I think that you’ll find that could cause problems. Football is a very popular and passionate subject to many people. I’ve got to admit that I’ve never supported a team seriously, but my favourite footballer is George Best. I watch it now and again, but not a lot. I used to prefer playing it to watching it. DO YOU PARTICIPATE OR WATCH ANY OTHER SPORTS? Not particulary. Boxing is quite good. Rocky Marsiano was my favourite boxer, he was a European that beat everybody in the world and always could have done. Alan Minter was good, I liked him until he got beat by Marvin Hagler, and then I went off him. YOU’VE RECENTLY GOT A FEW MORE TATTOOS, AFTER BEING SO LONG WITH THE TWO, TELL US A BIT ABOUT THEM? I don’t like being lop-sided, so I make sure that I’ve got one on each side. Every time that I have one I have to get another one on the other side. I’ll have a couple more on the back of my arms and that’ll be it. I won’t get them sleeved. I wouldn’t like to say who does mine, in case he got attacked. Let´s just say that it’s a biker from the Midlands. Every single tattoo I’ve got is of a political subject. WHAT SORT OF READING MATERIAL ARE YOU INTO? Since I’ve been in prison I don’t read anything, all I did in prison was read books and listen to the radio and that’s put me off. I used to read a lot of books at one time. If I want to read a newspaper, I read, would you believe, The Sun, they are the ones who done a full page story on me the last time I was in prison. The only reason I read the the Sun is because I do the crossword and because it’s not labour. But I don’t really take any of what’s in it seriously, it’s as much crap as the others. In the past I’ve read a lot of David Irvings books, they’re very good, but I reckon that my favourite author has got to be Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings is the best book that I’ve ever read. I’ve read it over ten times. WHAT ABOUT THE FANTASY BOOK THAT YOU ONCE WROTE? I’ve lent it to so many different people that I can’t get it back, so I can’t write it out again. Unless I re-wrote it all, but I can’t even remember most of it. It was basically a fantasy story about a land that was being invaded, all of the tribes fought against each other, but in the end they all united to fight the invaders. I was hoping to publish it one day, but I lent it out to so many people that I’ve lost track of where it is. We could even have done a concept LP to go with it. The book was called The New Dawn. TELL US YOUR FEELINGS ABOUT THE SUBJECT OF NICKY CRANE, ONCE A CLOSE FRIEND, AND THEN TURNED OUT TO BE A GAY. I feel more betrayed by him than probably anybody else, because he was the head of our security. I actually used to stick up for him when people used to say that he was a queer, because he convinced me that he wasn’t. I always used to ask him why he worked at these gay clubs, telling him that he’d get a bad name. He used to say that it was the security firm that he used to work with, that they used to give him the jobs there. I accepted him at face value, as he was a nationalist. I was fooled the same as everybody else. Perhaps more than everybody else. I felt I was betrayed by him and I want nothing to do with him whatsoever. He’s dug his own grave as far as I’m concerned. He has actually been in touch with me after the program was aired, he wanted to assure me that he wouldn’t sell out the nationalist cause, which I wouldn’t expect him to do anyway, considering that he went through so many things for nationalism. It’s a big shame that he turned out to be a homosexual because he could have been a good nationalist. It just goes to show that nationalism and homosexuality do not fit in together, because Nationalism is a true cause and homosexuality is a perversion. Nicky Crane left, and I think that it was the best thing he could have done, but he should have left a hell of a lot earlier. He was living a lie for all of them years. I’ve got no respect for the bloke anymore. (Bottomboy Crane died of an aids related disease in december 1993 Rot in peace) WHAT CAN YOU ENVISION YOURSELF DOING IN 5 OR 10 YEARS TIME? Probably being in prison. They’re bringing in so many new laws in this country. Or dead! IF IT CAME TO THE CRUNCH, AND THE LAWS WERE REALLY STRICT, WHAT WOULD YOU DO, WOULD YOU CHANGE ALL OF YOUR LYRICS, OR CARRY ON REGARDLESS? I would probably change all of the lyrics. Change them completely. In the end I’d probably do songs about white rats and black rats, and see if they can change things about that. I mean, where is all this going to end? Alright you can sing about the dove and the crow, so the dove’s going to have to win a fight in the end instead of being the bird of peace. In the end it’s going to get to the stage where you’re going to have to sing like that to get a song out. Everyone’s still going to know what you mean. They’re making it so pathetic now. SO WHAT WILL STOP YOU CARRYING ON? Either put me in prison or kill me, there’s no other way that I’m going to give up. IF THERE WAS ANYTHING THAT YOU’VE DONE IN THE PAST THAT YOU COULD CHANGE NOW, WHAT WOULD THAT BE? Nothing, there’s nothing that I would have changed, nothing at all. Obviously I would like to have made a lot of money and been on Top Of The Pops and all that, what other person who’s been in a band wouldn’t? But I’m singing the wrong sort of lyrics aren’t I? I would never changed my songs just for the fame, though. There has never been any major thing that I regret, maybe a few minor things, nothing to do with politics though, except I should have joined this and I shouldn’t have joined that. RUMOURS ARE RIFE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO MOVE OVER TO GERMANY TO LIVE, IS THERE ANY TRUTH IN THAT? No, that’s a load of rubbish. It’s not even crossed my mind. I like Germany though. IF IT CAME TO A STAGE WHERE YOU HAD TO MOVE OUT OF ENGLAND, WHICH COUNTRY WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO LIVE IN? It’d have to be a country where you wouldn’t get so much hassle being a nationalist, and I think that at the moment Germany is far from that. I’d probably go somewhere like Antwerp in Belgium. It’s a nice city, there is a hell of a lot of Vlaams Blok MPs in the Antwerp city itself. It’s probably the most right wing city in Europe at the moment. YOU ARE QUITE A WELL TRAVELLED MAN BECAUSE OF MANY EUROPEAN GIGS WITH SKREWDRIVER, WHERE ARE YOUR FAVOURITE PLACES? I loved Sweden, the country is brilliant. Germany is brilliant. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE BAND AT THE MOMENT? Manowar, I change my opinion now again. But it’s them at the moment. I have always liked the Rolling Stones, I like the Almighty, they’re quite a new band. AC/DC I’ve always liked. CHANGING THE SUBJECT ONCE AGAIN, BACK IN THE 1977 DAYS, SKREWDRIVER SOUND WAS VERY DIFFERENT TO NOW. WHAT WERE YOUR INFLUENCES BACK THEN? I had a lot of favourite bands before the punk bands came along. I saw the Sex Pistols´ first gig in the north in Manchester. I thought they were brilliant. But we still weren’t influenced by them, Skrewdriver were at that time still called Tumbling Dice and we used to cover Who, Rolling Stones, Zeppelin, Deep Purple and all of the rock type numbers. Then we started to play the punkier stuff. I couldn’t play guitar at that time so our guitarist wrote most of the songs. I started to learn to play guitar about then, obviously you get better as you go along. SUGGSY WAS YOUR ROADIE BACK IN 1978, I KNOW YOU DON’T KEEP IN TOUCH, BUT DID YOU WATCH THE MASSIVE MADNESS COMEBACK GIG ON TELI OVER CHRISTMAS? No, I’m not interested. I think that they’re a crap band. I can’t stand that sort of music. I like heavy rock music. Madness were the best of those type of bands, they were the only White one, and a lot of their fans were rightwing. They chose to sell out for money. We never did that. It was the same with Sham 69. I remember seeing Sham 69 playing to 7 people down the Roxy, I enjoyed them, they were great. Now Jimmy Pursey hangs around with Rastas and all sorts. He’s totally gone in the head. He’s never been a great singer, he had a bit of a stage presence cos people identified with him. The thing about all that is that I saw Jimmy Pursey turn up at gigs wearing baseball boots, change into DMs for the gig, then change back into baseball boots after the gig. The geezer has never been a skinhead, he sings about it but he’s never been one. There was only one skinhead in that band ever, and that was their first bass player, Alby. He was the only skinhead that’s ever been in Sham 69. YOU PLAYED WITH A LOT OF BANDS THAT BECAME BIG NAMES, WERE YOU EVER GOOD FRIENDS WITH THESE NOW BIG NAMES? We played with Motörhead, this was a lot later, they were really decent blokes. We would always have a drink with the other bands´ members if we were at one of their gigs. We often had drinks with Jimmy Pursey and the likes. One person that we were very good mates with was Stick Smith, he was in a band called Shag Nasty, who used to support us all of the time. I used to let them support us mainly because their guitarist looked like Keith Richards! Anyway, he went on to play for X-Ray Spex, we had a few arguments about it, but he was a decent sort of bloke. When we played with the Police we had a drink and chat with Sting, they borrowed our P.A at that gig. The Damned were really good blokes, we supported them a lot. MUSICALLY, WOULD YOU CONSIDER THE 1977 DAYS TO BE BETTER AS FAR AS THE ATMOSPHERE WAS CONCERNED? When Punk started in London it was great atmosphere. It was a new thing, it was shit hot. We used to go to a club every night, get in free because we were in a band. It was really a good time to be there. We didn’t get hardly any hassle except perhaps a little bit of the teds. I used to get on with most of the teds anyway, especially when we turned skinhead, when we were punks they used to hate us, though. YOU’VE DONE A LOT OF COVER VERSIONS IN THE PAST, WHAT MAKES YOU DECIDE TO DO A COVER VERSION, IS IT THE GROUP, THE LYRICS OR THE TUNE? All of those. I wouldn’t do a cover version from a band that I didn’t like. Obviously the lyrics mean a lot but I do normally change them slightly to go with what I’m singing about. We’ve thought about doing an LP with all cover versions from nationalist bands songs, we were going to do Brutal Attacks ”Ocean Of Warriors” and ”For You” by Public Enemy, amongst others, but nothing’s ever came of it, I’d like to do somehting like that one day, though. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT BRUTAL ATTACK REFORMING? The more nationalist bands the better, they were always a good band, they were always popular. If they get back together that’s great, it’s an extra band. Ken is a good frontman, and now they're going to be an additional band to the Blood & Honour circuit. IT´S BEEN SAID THAT YOU PERSONALLY ARE PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL SKINHEADS IN THE WORLD, PERHAPS MORE SO ABROAD, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT? I think that it’s because Skrewdriver have been going since 1977. We are the longest running skinhead band. I never really think about it to be honest. Sometimes it seems like that abroad, when there are hundreds of skinheads queuing up to speak to me, because they’ve heard about things I’ve done, and they’ve got all of your records. It mainly brings out to me how important the whole movement really is. TELL US ABOUT SKREWDRIVER. I’M SURE THAT A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE LOST TOUCH WITH WHO’S IN THE BAND NOW. Stigger is the guitarist, he’s been in for quite a while now, he’s recorded both of the Patriotic Ballads albums, he’s also played guitar on The Strong Survive, and my last solo LP Patriot. Sickly John came from Lionheart and he’s been on bass since The Strong Survive. We’ve got a new drummer now, Mushy, he used to play for punk band Resistance 77. WHAT’S YOUR ANSWER TO THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT YOU ARE ONLY IN IT FOR THE MONEY? If I didn’t belive in what I believe in I would go to the newspapers and deny all of the stuff they put in about me. I could just as easily get out of it. If I went to the press and told them that I’ve changed my ways I could be on top of the pops. I could make a hell of a lot of money that way. If I was only in it for the money I wouldn’t be as dedicated as I am to the nationalist cause. I would have sold out years ago. WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS ON THE BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY? I’ve always thought that the Royal family should be kept as a British tradition, and I never think that they should ever of had a political voice. They’re a hell of a tourist business, they’ve always been a British tradition. I never think that we should get rid of the Royal family. It’s something that people always think about when they think of Britain. They think of the Royal Family when they hear about Britain. It seems to me that most of the people that want to destroy the Royal family are either Irish or commies. I don’t want to destroy them, but I wouldn’t let people like Prince Charles be telling the people what they ought to do. My personal opinion is that it would be better to have Prince Andrew as the King rather than Prince Charles. At least Prince Andrew fought for his country. We should get rid of a lot of the cling-ons. I feel strongly that we can’t get rid of the Royal Family. It’s always been something special about Britain. WHEN YOU WERE AT SCHOOL, YOU OBVIOUSLY NEVER EVEN IMAGINED HOW YOU’D END UP, WHAT WERE YOUR AMBITIONS, WHAT SORT OF CAREER WERE YOU TRAINING FOR? When I first left school I was an apprentice coach trimmer, I left that because it was boring. After that I was a car washer, then I was a civil servant. I worked as a clerical assistant at the Premium Bonds. I left there after a couple of years and that’s when I went to London. I’ve got a couple of O Levels and that’s about it. The first band, Tumbling Dice, started about a year after I left school. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU BEING A SKINHEAD? Although it’s a bit of a cliche, it is a way of life. I don’t actually go around saying to myself ”I’m a skinhead”. But I’ve been one since 1977, and before that I was one the first time around in 1971 when I was at school. I do believe in what the rightwing skinheads have got to say, and on and off due to various reasons, since 1977, I’ve been one. But that doesn’t mean to say that everyone who comes to our gigs has to be one. We get a complete mixed audience. DO YOU HAVE ANY REGRETS? No, not really, although I didn’t like being in jail much. But that wouldn’t stop me defending myself from a gang of blacks again if I had to. But no, I’ve no real regrets. 14/88
  20. Juche je bila slika gde je pisalo da je mrtav dobar zajeb
  21. Sta mogu kad je tacno
  22. Veruj mi, da africka plemena ne znaju za svoje obicaje..odavno ih ne bi bilo. Ako postujes svoje dedove moras postovati i paganizam..Nama je hriscanstvo nametnuto.Mozes li da mi objasnis zasto se hriscanstvo podelilo na pravoslavlje i katolichanstvo?Da nije mozda zbog idejnih sukoba?Jes, kako da ne..Hteli su sto vise da ugrabe... Teznja Jevreja je da vraldaju svetom i uniste belu rasu..U Talmudu nas nazivaju psima..Tu mozes jasno videti ko je ko..Sta je Biblija nego jevrejska istorija u malom.Tamo zive i po 500 godina.Knjiga bolesnti i mrznje.To je radjeno na foru "kako zaraditi milion dolara". Jel ti okreces drugi obraz neprijatelju kad te udari? Kako je to kukavicki i nisko..Mislim da nasi vladari nisu to radili. Da su radili sad bi bili prasina. Jel se osecas gresnim? ja ne!Ja cu da stojim cvrsto na zemlji, da verujem u nesto postojano..U prirodu..Nesto sto mogu da opipam,a ne da zamislim. Hriscanin-rob boziji Paganin-sin bogova 14/88
  23. Da sacekamo da prenoci..pa, da vidimo da li da ga oplakujemo
  24. Majku im zidovsku..i ja sam..Bas ce mi biti krivo ako je to istina...Nadam se da nije..
  25. Jle mrtav ili ne? Kome da se veruje?
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