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Мајор Гашпар

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Мајор Гашпар

  1. sramota je da postoje ovakvi bendovi
  2. Koju su ocenu dobili?
  3. Mozda izadje u novomk broju REX-a za 6 meseci
  4. Dead je tata za njega
  5. Pa,video je covek da ste neozbiljni pa vas napusta..zeli da napreduje
  6. Jel to Hess??? Cekam..bas me interesuje sta sta napisali
  7. Kad ce intervju... uskoro objavljujemo sadrzaj prvog broja
  8. Vi ste neozbiljni, tesko da ce tak projekat da unkcionise
  9. A Hess? Imas cinove od mene..I vise ne dajem..uobrazice se ljudi..Vi ste odabrani
  10. na kao nemacki izdajnik bi trebalo to da znam ali jebi ga..ne znam
  11. Album se zove "White riders" a samo za tebe THE SNOW FELL He sat in a room, in a square the color of blood He'd rule the whole world, if there was a way that he could He'd sit and he'd stare at the minarets on top of the towers For he was the beast, as he hatched his new plans to gain power - (chorus) As the snow fell, covering the dreams and ideals As the snow fell, freezing the blood and the wheels As the snow fell, they had to keep warm for survival As the snow fell, and defeated the beast's only rivals - They took the old roads, that Napoleon had taken before They fought as the forces of light against the darkness in a holy war One day they were looking out in the sunshine on the cornflowers The next day they were freezing to death in the snow and the ice cold showers - Then came the deadly road back on the steppes of their retreat The cold racked their bodies, but worse was the pain of defeat And people who had hailed them once now turned and looked away These people now knew that the beast was on his way - You finally came back to the borders of your Fatherland Now enemies came, traitors everywhere at hand Many people had fought and died, knowing that they had to win And still it sickens my heart to see the picture of the Red flag in Berlin -
  12. Tvoja stvar...meni odgovara...Svako ima svoje misljenje..Zato i postoje forumi
  13. Fale mu cinovi dobice 1 od mene
  14. Pa, jebi ga..Zinulo mu je dupe za pare..a meni se j..da se pretplatim..U NIsu moze da se nadje na skoro svakom kiosku..O beogradu necu da govorim..A on nam tamo prosipa teorije kako je tiraz ogranicen, kako ce broj dobiti samo pretplatnici tj. za njih garantuje..Kao da prodaje neko zlato..I onda nas krivi...Nas, koji ga izdrzavamo..Kao, ako metal scena propadne, propasce zbog nas..Kome se to jebe..Nek propadne odmah... Bas bih voleo da neko skenira taj text, pa da mu se smejue se yumetal!
  15. Sticemo utisak da je Rogosic najveca p...od coveka
  16. Dead-Mayhem Inace, pravi BM vokal...bez pomagala i kompjutera
  17. Sad cu da proucim..Hvala u svakom slucaju
  18. Gde moze to da se procita..Dajte neki link
  19. Bend koji nikad, ali bas nikad ne smemo da pljujemo
  20. Moguce da jeste i moguce da nije
  21. Nek naprave solo koncert za svoju publiku...nemoj da kvare ovaj
  22. Srecan sam sto najverovatnije nece doci
  23. Volim tga sto nije komercijala
  24. Nista ne brinite..sto vise to bolje za vas...Hvala sto ste se trudili Veles, kako ces mi poslati intervju A zamisli kad se ubace slike...
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