Poštovani čitaoci,
sa velikim zadovoljstvom predstavljamo novu knjigu u našoj centralnoj ediciji "Prvi izbor" - najnoviji grafički roman italijanskog velikana Đipija, pod nazivom Zemlja sinova. Ova priča o odrastanju dva brata u postapokaliptičnom svetu smatra se Đipijevim najuspešnijim radom do sada.
Knjigu očekujemo u narednih nedelju dana, a budući da nije bila u pretplati možete je kupiti u ovom pretprodajnom periodu po povlašćenoj ceni od 1500 dinara, što uključuje i troškove slanja na teritoriji Srbije.
Uplatu možete izvršiti na račun ID Komiko, Kosovska 20, 21000 Novi Sad; br. računa: 250-2060000245780-39, posle čega je potrebno da nam na
[email protected] pošaljete adresu za slanje.
O knjizi
“Gipi develops a naturalism and human quality often missing from SF survival fantasies. ... the art reveals a credible vast alternative landscape of mud, water, reedy islands, makeshift boats, and strange and hostile patched-together colonies. It’s a strikingly envisioned imaginary world.” - Publishers Weekly
“Presenting itself in an anarchic parade of anger, impulse, and violence, Land of the Sons moves with a rare energy. … Gipi draws like a maniac. He composes each figure as an accumulation of circles spiraling endlessly on top of one another until they become recognizable―as a shape, as texture, as light. The whole thing is an illustrative tour de force.” - The A.V. Club
“This evocative, thought-provoking graphic novel will be sure to linger in the reader’s mind long after the last page is turned.” - Booklist
“Gipi’s lines work together to convey deep emotion, even in the landscape, with large blocks of negative space lending them more power. Spend some time looking at these drawings. They are magic.” - Paste
“Gipi's most fully realized and mature work to date.” - Library Journal
Tehnički podaci
Đipi: Zemlja sinova
Biblioteka Prvi izbor
Prevod: Jasmina Radojičić
Strana: 288
Štampa: crno-belo
Povez: tvrdi
Format: B5
Cena u pretprodaji: 1500 dinara
Predviđeni datum izlaska: 27. 11. 2019.