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Iskreni članovi
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  • Birthday 03/07/1994

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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. http://www.mediafire.com/?qcbak7yugeddaau
  2. She Lay Gutted !!
  3. old school,nema jace!!!
  4. ljudi nemaju losu stvar,svaki album je savrsenstvo !
  5. meni je iskreno cannibal corpse veoma drazi sa barnesom nego corpsegrinder-om , eaten back to life i tacka
  6. ne msm nijedan album nije za bacanje al ova 2 su legendarna !!!
  7. treba mi cover za bend ...death metal old school , ako neko nema pametnija posla nadam se da ce pomoci SUNOVRAT
  8. Surf Nazis must die,undressed army,Anti Cimex,Artificial Peace,Champion,Citizens Patrol,Double O,FAITH,THE FREEZE,Violent Children,Void,25 Ta Life .... matora new york scena !!! cro mags, agnostic front,sick of it all,gorilla biscuit ... ima ovde i nekog crust-a ... Adolf Hitler Klan,F.P.O. ,let's grow (domace!) , vitamin X ,hoods,bad brains,minor threat,blavk flag ,circle jerks ...
  9. nov album je ludilo !!! live and live again kakva mast odlicno je , cuo sam da imaju neku turneju u okolini balkana
  10. CYHOBPAT raw death metal / Pozarevac
  12. samo Osculum Obscenum i Penetraliu !!
  13. LOCK UP-Pleasures pave sewers Pig Destroyer- Explosions In Ward 6 Repulsion- Horrified Exhumed-Platters of Splatter grind grind grind i samo grind ! /// Inveracity grcka tehnikalija
  14. Sumovrat myspace Raw, old school death metal.
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