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Chicken Little 420

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Everything posted by Chicken Little 420

  1. Cancel culture Svi moji heroji basisti iz mladosti na kraju nisu svirali na albumima - Paulo Jr., Tom Araya, Christian Olde Wolbers... 😄
  2. On svakako ne zna sta ce u zivotu, bukvalno svira sa svima i ni sa kim. The guitarist sees the album as a continuation of his writing since Repentless, and the title track, “From Hell I Rise,” is one of two songs on the album that he has carried over from Slayer’s Repentless sessions. “It was finished, we recorded it,” he says. “I wasn’t happy with the performance part of it, so I was like, ‘All right, I’ll put this in my back pocket until the next Slayer record.’ And that didn’t happen, so it’s now on my record.” (The other Repentless-era song is titled “Rage.”)
  3. https://www.metalkingdom.net/album/kerry-king-from-hell-i-rise-170428 Joining the 59-year-old guitarist on the LP are DEATH ANGEL singer Mark Osegueda, longtime SLAYER drummer Paul Bostaph, former HELLYEAH bassist Kyle Sanders, and ex-MACHINE HEAD and VIO-LENCE guitarist Phil Demmel.
  4. slazem al verovatno ce da bolje zvuci kad lepo stanu na neku normalnu binu i sviraju normalan koncert, ne znam gde je ovo, izgleda kao kod ortaka na vikendici, negde pre rostilja
  5. Proverih sa organizacijom, sve stoji, nema promena
  6. Lazarvs (ex-Apey & the Pea) je trenutno jedan od vodećih metal bendova iz Mađarske. Recimo da su neki sludge/groove metal. Gledao sam ih uživo i apsolutno vredi, plus su tu i Polywhy, cena 800 dinara https://new.gigstix.com/event/underground-rising-lazarvs-northern-revival-i-polywhy-novi-sad-01-mart-2024/ Promovišu aktuelni album:
  7. Nema, taj kontigent je otišao za sat vremena. Trenutna cena 5000: https://new.gigstix.com/event/testament-novi-sad-25-jul-2024/
  8. https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/32601/izbor-redakcije-od-pepela-do-vecnosti-benda-forever-storm-najbolje-izdanje-u-2023/
  9. https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/32601/izbor-redakcije-od-pepela-do-vecnosti-benda-forever-storm-najbolje-izdanje-u-2023/
  10. https://bombarder.bandcamp.com/album/sa-dna-groba
  11. Čist love metal. Talvi pičko. 😘
  12. Pošalji mi fejsom neke fotke, možda imam čoveka za to 🙂
  13. Nek se vidi kakva smo sila, inače, biće još objava u nekom momentu, zaukala se godina fino 🙂
  14. Udaraš po temama, pa daj onda i za Therapy?, VV, Finntroll, Wolfheart... i naravno Tygers of Pan Tang 😄
  15. Sniženo! https://www.kupujemprodajem.com/muzika-i-instrumenti/bass-gitare/bass-gitara-sire-marcus-miller-v3-5ts-2nd-generation-5string/oglas/162371345?utm_source=kp&utm_medium=interfejs&utm_campaign=social_share&utm_term=facebook&utm_content=oglas&fbclid=IwAR1wLi0DGVr4t8zjP5Fi6pmMnT9lPtdbjMWnxMP__NBRaD3zNQE0abfIBl0
  16. https://www.facebook.com/events/1474643360156425
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