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Chicken Little 420

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Everything posted by Chicken Little 420

  1. Taj Virus svirao u Kikindi 😄
  2. Kako do ulaznica – Therion u Tvornici kulture? Early bird ulaznice za koncert Theriona po cijeni od 29 EUR moći će se kupiti u Dirty Old Shopu (Tratinska 34), kao i na njihovom webshopu. Regularna cijena ulaznica je 33 EUR, a na dan koncerta cijena ulaznica iznosit će 37 EUR.
  3. https://newalbumreleases.net/203337/dimmu-borgir-inspiratio-profanus-2023/ stiglo praznično izdanje
  4. https://newalbumreleases.net/203331/ektomorf-vivid-black-2023/
  5. hahaha, kako da ne 😄 no, ostaje žal, kakav kombo bi bio tygers i gutulax u festu
  6. Ovo je dvodnevni festival u Zagrebu, objavljena su samo neka imena, ne znam šta nije jasno?
  7. Hvala lepo! 🙂
  8. Da li neko možda ima ovo (piratsko) izdanje, makar i mp3?
  9. Logo preodvratan, thrash metal album godine za mene 😄
  10. https://getmetal.club/225054-bj248rk248-amorphis-heartrot-2023.html
  11. Iskreno, jeste. 🙂
  12. dugo nisu ovako zvucali, sta da se lazemo
  13. Ako nekog eventualno interesuje, ulaz od 19h, početak koncerta je u 20h, nema bendova podrške
  14. pa imali su vec tour zajedno
  15. Jos plus organizatori iz Hrvatske - pa to je čist teroristički napad na Srbiju 😄
  16. Sad bez zezanja, razmatra se i opcija otkazivanja koncerta.
  17. https://www.kupujemprodajem.com/muzika-i-instrumenti/bass-gitare/bass-gitara-sire-marcus-miller-v3-5ts-2nd-generation-5string/oglas/159387553
  18. Ma, kakvi, evo pravog prog metala sa istim pevačem
  19. "You know me, so you know what it's going to sound like," King commented in 2022 of the new material, which, he said in 2021, amounts to more than two records' worth. "I played this new song for a buddy, and I said to him, 'If there's anything I've written in the last few years that sounds like Slayer, it's this.' "And he said, 'That sounds like you could have pulled it off of any Slayer record.' I actually made that riff up backstage at a Slayer show. We were walking to the stage and I got my phone out and recorded it so I wouldn't forget it. "That actually ended up being one of the last songs that I finished for the sessions, so when that hits the air, or stores, or Apple, or wherever it is that people buy music from these days, you can all play the guessing game discussion about which one it is." In summer 2022, King confirmed that ex-Slayer drummer Paul Bostaph will be involved with the group, and the axman promised fans that he wouldn't be "dragging his feet much longer" on getting the band off the ground.
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