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Chicken Little 420

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Everything posted by Chicken Little 420

  1. Republic of Serbian Bulgaria, sta nije jasno?
  2. https://www.facebook.com/events/1494351347763836
  3. ovo je smejurija bend VAŽNA OBAVEST! Nažalost, zbog lošeg zdravstvenog stanja dvojice članova benda, otkazuje se cela turneja i koncert (OTKAZANO) Suffocation u Beogradu! Žao nam je zbog novonastale situacije. U nastavku donosimo zvaničnu izjavu benda: It is with deep regret that we have to announce the cancellation of our Summer June/July 2023 tour scheduled within Europe/UK. As you may know we previously toured Europe last month and during this tour a few members of the band suffered extreme physical strain resulting in injuries preventing us from returning back to the area less than a month from our previous tour. Although it's never our intention to cancel any tour the health of our bandmates is key for continuing forward into the rest of the year and it's required that these members rest accordingly and recover from their injuries sustained during this tour. The physical strain that touring takes on the bodies of musicians manifests itself in many ways that are out of our control. We have a lot in the works for the remainder of the year including writing and completing our new album and we look forward to returning to one of our favorite territories and fans in the EU/UK bringing you Suffocation at full strength, blazing and cranking alongside you all. As you all know, Suffocation puts their all into our live show and we want to make sure fans get our all moving forward. Health and safety is our number one priority to ensure that we can bring it for you guys for the remainder of 2023 and beyond."
  4. Ja samo da dodam da su Lale isključivo žitelji Banata.
  5. Bili i mi, pun kombi iz Kikinde. Predobro i vrlo emotivno veče, naravno, bili smo unutra ispred tonca, ovo spolja je užas, gledaš kroz stubove. Sjajna setlista + bis koji (kako kažu) ne rade. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/pantera/2023/red-stage-barba-negra-csepel-budapest-hungary-3b95587.html Uhvatio Rexovu trzalicu, sjajan provod i totalna ludnica u gradu, pojma nisam imao da je finale Lige Evrope u Pešti.
  6. bas bih voleo da nabrojite trve bendove sa originalnim postavama koje sviraju aktivno danas 🙂
  7. Koncert pomeren za utorak, 9. maj
  8. Bleed the Fifth, dođe mu kao Divine Heresy cover band, ali eto, snimaju pesme stare pesme bez Dina, imali i koncert Tu su Vext i Tim Yeung iz DH + Rizzo, Mader i Hudson
  9. Još malo undergrounda u Novom Sadu: https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/31543/the-temple-rottenness-i-gorgatron-u-maju-i-junu-pred-novosadjanima/
  10. po pički obrada
  11. 🤣
  12. Što kaže Talvi, pa neće sigurno snimati kasnije albume (ili hoće?), poigrali su se sa materijalom koji su snimili kao klinci. Ja baš nemam problem s tim, te albume svakako i ne slušam, sad možda i dam šansu. I bez obzira šta bendovi radili, niko vas ne tera da slušate re-record, nije da će neko da izbriše originale iz života. 😄 Omoti su vrh, očekivano. U svakom slučaju, videćemo kako će to ispasti... Mislim da su svakako to trebali ranije uraditi dok Maxu glas nije baš ovoliko otupeo 🙂 A kad smo već kod CC, ovo je album koji je u tom nekom deathrash fazonu, brz i brutalniji od ostalih koji su zvučali gotovo kao i Soulfly (mislim na Soulfly kada su prešli u metalce).
  13. Bugera amp head + new tubes https://novi.kupujemprodajem.com/muzika-i-instrumenti/gitarska-pojacala-i-kabineti/bugera-333xl-infinium-glava/oglas/149027368?fbclid=IwAR2JRyuseledrWPUECu8GxKmH52MImKhttQjb-KC9p6iI6nmlTCv2e17-FI#mhs0-1680354479977
  14. The Industrialist album sa Hellerom na bubnju (na albumu je bio programiran). https://shop.nuclearblast.com/en/products/sound/cd/2cd/fear-factory-re-industrialized-2cd-.html
  15. Podigli smo jedan kul lajv iz 2003.
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