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Chicken Little 420

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Everything posted by Chicken Little 420

  1. nista gore u zivotu nisam cuo
  2. Odrzan je Cannibal tamo, nista nije falilo
  3. jos jedan datum u srbiji, mozda je nekom blize i jeftinije (meni, haha) + sviraju i dungaree iz peste https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/24443/dopethrone-i-u-senti/
  4. cene itd. https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/24449/obscura-u-beogradu/
  5. https://getmetal.club/165275-jinjer-macro-2019.html
  6. https://getmetal.club/165266-leprous-pitfalls-2019.html
  7. https://getmetal.club/165264-alcest-spiritual-instinct-2019.html
  8. https://getmetal.club/165300-skinlab-venomous-2019.html dajte ovo na moj podforum
  9. https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/24412/dunkelnacht-na-srpskoj-turneji/
  10. Vrlo duhovito, pa to može da se stavi na bilo koji album
  11. https://getmetal.club/164878-rob-halford-with-family-friends-celestial-2019.html
  12. https://getmetal.club/164845-alter-bridge-walk-the-sky-2019.html
  13. https://getmetal.club/164848-djevel-ormer-til-armer-maane-til-hode-2019.html
  14. https://getmetal.club/164849-1349-the-infernal-pathway-2019.html
  15. https://getmetal.club/164852-konkhra-alpha-and-the-omega-2019.html
  16. https://getmetal.club/164851-uneven-structure-paragon-2019.html
  17. https://getmetal.club/164871-ray-alder-what-the-water-wants-bonus-track-version-2019.html
  18. Slusaju isti oni ljudi koji slusaju narodnjake. Jebeni seljacki rok, kao i Bijelo dugme.
  19. https://getmetal.club/164544-municipal-waste-the-last-rager-ep-2019.html
  20. 😄
  21. https://getmetal.club/164572-a-pale-horse-named-death-uncovered-ep-2019.html Inače, ova ekipa je sledećeg petka u Temišvaru, ulaz je 10ak evra, mi idemo, zašto da ne Sal Abruscato - vocals, guitar, drums Joe Taylor - guitar Eric Morgan - bass guitar Eddie Heedles - guitar Johnny Kelly - drums
  22. zapravo je to i poslednji koncert pred ponovnu rehabilitaciju... ako su u publici club members, to je onda drugo vece snimljeno... odlican snimak, kamera, sound, setlista, mislim ocekivano... malo je producent iskulirao roberta na pocetku a covek vodi glavnu pricu, no, to su sve sitnice... jos da vidimo sta ce veceras da bude objavljeno, definitivno nije s&m2 izdanje jer su ga manje-vise najavili za februar 2020. https://metallicaxx.com/
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