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Chicken Little 420

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Everything posted by Chicken Little 420

  1. Sve ovo u jednom danu, dve bine, 500 dinara http://www.gigstix.com/sve-ulaznice/11-festivali/2615-festival-srpskog-podzemlja-5 Blankfile Casillas Downstroy Northern Revival Otvoreni Prelom Plamen Večnosti PogonBGD Reflection Po Kratkom Postupku Sarcasm Slavina Ljubavi Riverroth The Stone Tri Kapljice Vicery
  2. https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/22454/septicflesh-krisiun-satnica-koncerta/ satnica za petak
  3. https://getmetal.club/154466-devin-townsend-empath-deluxe-edition-2019.html
  4. Once Human je sasvim korektan bend. A ovi su već snimili u studiju ceo Burn My Eyes uživo. U svakom slučaju, na turneji 3 sata svirke, prvi deo moderni MH sa novim članovima koji će uskoro biti objavljeni, drugi deo BME u celosti. Nadam se da ću ići u Peštu, pada u nedelju. Još neko zainteresovan? Naravno, ako karta bude razumna Machine Head tour dates 2019 Oct 05: Sick Arena Musikclub, Freiburg, DE Oct 07: 013, Tilburg, NL Oct 09: Amager Bio, Copenhagen, DK Oct 11: Posthalle, Wuerzburg, DE Oct 12: Haus Auensee, Leipzig, DE Oct 14: Ruhr Congress, Bochum, DE Oct 15: Zenith, Munich, DE Oct 16: Gasometer, Vienna, AT Oct 18: B90, Gdansk, PL Oct 19: Progressja, Warsaw, PL Oct 20: Baba Negra, Budapest, HU Oct 22: Komplex, Zurich, CH Oct 23: Le Radiant, Lyon, FR Oct 25: Live Club, Milan, IT Oct 26: Hall, Padova, IT Oct 27: Lux Expo, Luxembourg Oct 29: Le Trianon, Paris, FR Oct 31: Forest National, Brussels, BE Nov 2: Academy Brixton, London, UK Nov 4: Victoria Warehouse, Manchester, UK Nov 5: O2 Academy, Glasgow, UK Nov 7: Telegraph Building, Belfast, UK Nov 8: Olympia Theatre, Dublin, IRE
  5. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/three-fourths-of-machine-heads-burn-my-eyes-lineup-to-reunite-for-25th-anniversary-tour/
  6. https://getmetal.club/154440-vltimas-something-wicked-marches-in-2019.html 128, jbg
  7. Ne kažem, vrhunska serija TD, ali recimo sezona dva mi je ispod proseka
  8. https://getmetal.club/154194-witherfall-vintage-2019.html
  9. https://getmetal.club/154189-m246tley-cr252e-machine-gun-kelly-the-dirt-soundtrack-2019.html
  10. delimo i kartu https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/22409/solstafir-snima-koncert-u-novom-sadu-poklanjamo-ulaznicu/
  11. https://getmetal.club/154130-megadeth-warheads-on-foreheads-compilation-2019.html
  12. badava karta, još 4 izvođača će biti objavljena http://www.gigstix.com/wrongfest19
  13. tako je, cuj smeta mikrofonija na black metalu, jel bilo i zujanja?
  14. satnica za petak https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/22387/solstafir-u-novom-sadu-satnica-koncerta/
  15. https://www.serbian-metal.org/top/22318/video-foto-the-stone-u-beogradu-noc-crne-magije/
  16. ko vole brutal dm https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/22339/cuttured-flesh-i-poppy-seed-grinder-krajem-maja-u-sapcu-i-zemunu/
  17. EYESBURN - Live At Studio 6 (Radio Belgrade) bootleg 2019 https://www.mediafire.com/file/t438c1sa66d7a0h/EB-STUDIO6-2019.rar
  18. https://www.serbian-metal.org/koncerti/22287/video-foto-riverside-u-beogradu-oaza-u-pustosi/
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