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Chicken Little 420

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Everything posted by Chicken Little 420

  1. https://getmetal.club/150980-a-pale-horse-named-death-when-the-world-becomes-undone-2019.html
  2. Ovo negde ukačih, nisam još čuo remaster, mada originalu ništa ne fali, naravno It was always a great sounding record, but when compared side-by-side to this new mix, it's clear the original actually had a loudness problem which Sneap has completely fixed. The new version has significantly less distortion, especially at the high end, likely caused by clipping, much less "splash" on the cymbals, and a fuller sound to the guitars and bass. Chuck Billy's vocals are slightly less isolated as well.
  3. Biramo srpsko metal izdanje 2018! https://www.serbian-metal.org/izdvojeno/21764/anketa-biramo-srpsko-metal-izdanje-2018/
  4. REMASTERED https://getmetal.club/149297-testament-the-gathering-remastered-2018.html REISSUE https://getmetal.club/134632-testament-demonic-remastered-2018.html
  5. https://getmetal.club/150653-lillake-memory-lies-2019.html Line Up: guitarist and vocalist Nico Santora (ex-Suicidal Tendencies, ex-The Faceless) drummer Eric Moore (ex-Infectious Grooves, ex-Suicidal Tendencies) bassist Alex Vasquez (ex-Abiotic) guitarist - Bill Pogan
  6. u šta se pretvorio ovaj bend, omg
  7. To bi bilo lepo! Nekako sam ga promašio u ono vreme a voleo bih ga imati u kolekciji. Hvala najlepše!
  8. I dalje trazim CD prvog albuma. Ako nekom skuplja prasinu ili je prerastao domaci metal, neka se javi Hvala!
  9. sad skontah da je tracklist na bombama
  10. Sasvim korektno https://www.revolvermag.com/premium-video/music/watch-philip-h-anselmo-illegals-crushing-hour-long-set-saint-vitus
  11. https://getmetal.club/150652-jinjer-micro-ep-2019.html
  12. https://getmetal.club/143134-hespera-in-absence-2018.html Björn “Speed” Strid - vocals Cole Martinez - guitar/synth Matt Silac - guitar/synth Andrew Lenthe - bass Dirk Verbeuren - drums
  13. U slavu povratka YUMetala, napokon i debi album objavljen https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/21747/amentes-debi-album-konacno-u-prodaji/
  14. https://getmetal.club/150650-at-the-gates-with-the-pantheons-blind-ep-2019.html
  15. Idemooooo, javite rodbini https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/21758/yumetal-net-forum-ponovo-aktivan/
  16. https://downstroy.bandcamp.com/album/clone-ep-2018 Takođe, dostupni su i diskovi po ceni od samo 400 dinara, ako neko želi, javljajte
  17. https://getmetal.club/150205-soilwork-verkligheten-2019.html
  18. http://alterportal.ru/2018_albums/163709-thomas-giles-dont-touch-the-outside-2018.html 1. Church Friends 2. Incomplet 3. Milan (feat. Kristoffer Rygg from Ulver) 4. Radiate 5. Everyone Is Everywhere (feat. Einar Solberg from Leprous) 6. I Win (feat. Carley Coma from Candiria) 7. Awake From Death 8. Sway 9. Mr. Sunshine 10. Weather Moods/Panic Start 11. Take Your Seats, Time Gentlemen 12. 1709 13. Exordium
  19. http://youtu.be/r_G-XUrP_ZA https://www.serbian-metal.org/top/21361/video-foto-nema-zarobljenika-decapitated-i-ekipa-razorili-novi-sad/
  20. https://getmetal.club/147337-cripple-bastards-la-fine-cresce-da-dentro-2018.html https://newalbumreleases.unblocked.gdn/117196/lividity-perverseverance-2018/
  21. https://getmetal.club/147344-muse-simulation_theory-deluxe_edition-2018.html
  22. https://getmetal.club/147331-lacuna-coil-the-119-show-live-in-london-2018.html
  23. https://getmetal.club/147334-sadist-spellbound-2018.html
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