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Chicken Little 420

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Everything posted by Chicken Little 420

  1. Satnica + delimo ulaznicu http://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/17077/gorgoroth-u-novom-sadu-satnica-i-nagradna-igra/
  2. https://getmetal.club/130537-scour-red-2017.html
  3. https://getmetal.club/130534-annihilator-for-the-demented-2017.html
  4. Nagradna igra: http://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/17059/smp-nagradna-igra-vodimo-te-na-pestilence-u-novom-sadu/
  5. https://getmetal.club/130344-cannibal-corpse-red-before-black-2017.html
  6. ovako nekako je trebao izgledati original
  7. Meni je ovo zaista super album, hitičan, naravno predrkano odsviran Pojavio se i CD2 po netu, instrumental verzija
  8. Pa, nije bukvalno oterao fotografe, nego im je naglasio da je gotova bila treća pesma. Takav je dogovor, ne vidim tu ništa sporno, tri pesme, tri pesme Ni prvi ni poslednji bend koji to praktikuje. Ali lep je bio momenat kada je Danny sišao u publiku, nisu ga baš svi skapirali, pogotovo neka riba pored mene koju je cimnuo gitarom, tipa, može samo malo, da prodjem... ona se okrene i neverica, ahaahah Inače, divno veče, što kažete, pravi spektakl, svaka im čast. I Alcestu i Anathemi. E, da, a šta je bilo sa John Douglasom?
  9. juce je bukiran i hostel u pesti procitah da ce basista vole svirati u agent frescu na turneji
  10. Bio je koncert, svih 35 ljudi je bilo oduševljeno, jbg
  11. satnica http://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/16782/anathema-u-beogradu-detalji-koncerta-nagradna-igra/
  12. Pa imali ste svi priliku da blejite sa Leprous hiljadu puta, dokle vise?
  13. http://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/16716/masa-i-ekipa-ponovo-pred-srbima-arkona-pocetkom-februara-u-novom-sadu/
  14. Inače je samo za vas ponedeljak
  15. nadam se da će sve da prebace u ns. šta je bilo, mrzi vas da se cimate iz bg-a? puno je 94km?
  16. With the Deluxe Box Sets of Kill ‘Em All and Ride the Lightning behind us and Master of Puppets less than a month away, it’s time to start trudging forward with …And Justice for All and Metallica. As you may remember, we asked you for help in putting together the first three box sets and, to make sure there’s a fan footprint on all of these releases, we’ll be doing that again! We’re looking for anything and everything you might have from August 1987 through July 1993… photos (taken by you!), flyers, ticket stubs, backstage passes and whatever other mementos you may have from that time. Also, if you happened to interview James, Lars, Kirk or Jason during that time and still have the recording, please let us know!
  17. https://getmetal.club/129287-enslaved-e-2017.html
  18. Dave Mustaine It was time to put up or shut up, and KIMB is getting rereleased in the next few months w/new mix and artwork.
  19. http://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/16623/vodimo-te-na-paradise-lost-u-beogradu/
  20. Grobin utisak + fotkice http://www.serbian-metal.org/koncerti/16558/foto-voivod-u-beogradu-konacno-povezani/
  21. Satnica, pozdrav fanovima, nagradna igra http://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/16488/voivod-pozdravlja-srpske-fanove-delimo-kartu-za-koncert/
  22. Cela pesma je skroz okej, stari Sepultura vajb, bas mjetalstina
  23. https://getmetal.club/128706-sons-of-apollo-psychotic-symphony-2017.html
  24. Prvi singl http://www.deezer.com/en/album/48732102
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