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Everything posted by Berliner

  1. uuu super pevac iz enertia-e
  2. Berliner


    The study of state-corporate crime involves an examination of the inter- section of state and corporate actions on three levels of analysis: individual, institutional and structural or societal (Matthews and Kauzlarich 2000; Kramer 1992). On each of these levels, scholars have drawn on existing approaches which Kramer sums up as follows: The first is differential association theoryas developed by Sutherland… The second perspective is based on organizational theory and argues either that organizations are inherently criminogenic due to performance emphasis on goals …, or that organizations commit crime due to defective operating procedures. The third perspective locates the crim- inogenic forces in the wider political, economic structure of the society. (Kramer 1992: 215–16) State-corporate crime scholars have endeavoured to bring these levels together in a ‘powerful integrated theoretical model [which] … would unite the three levels of social experience that constitute the dialectical totality of human life’ (Kramer 1992: 216). They have identified three ‘catalysts for action’to explain the occurrence of state-corporate crime: (1) organisational motivation or goals, (2) opportunity, and (3) social control (Matthews and Kauzlarich 2000). Organisational crime is said to result from ‘a coincidence of pressure for goal attainment, availability and perceived attractiveness of illegitimate means, and an absence or weakness of social control mechanisms’(Matthews and Kauzlarich 2000: 293). In the context of state-corporate crime, the goal of either direct capital accumulation (by the state, the corporation or individual actors within either entity) or the promotion of capital accumulation (by the state for the corporation or individuals within the corporation) is frequently a ‘highly criminogenic force’. Where legitimate means to pursue this goal are scarce as a result of either institutional or structural factors, organisational deviance is more likely to occur. Social control acts as ‘a critical element in construct- ing symbolic frameworks that will operate at the societal, organizational, and personal levels’ (Kramer 1992: 217) to restrain deviance. Organisational deviance is likely to occur where there is a failure of social control at one or more of the three levels of analysis, combined with opportunity and motivation. ima i normalnih delova... ntheprecedingchapterswehavefocusedonarangeofwhatweidentified as the more significant state crimes on a number of different levels. In this chapter we tie together some threads from our earlier discussion by examiningtherelationshipbetweenthestateandtheeconomy,andhowthis relationship shapes patterns of criminal behaviour in different kinds of states.Forthispurposewecanclassifystatesaccordingtotheirrelationship to the forces and relations of production. First, however, it is important to understandstatesinthecontextofthewiderinternationalpoliticaleconomy. We make no attempt here to develop any general theory of the state, but simply to group states together in a way that allows us to recognise certain common patterns of crime that emerge from the empirical work in the earlier chapters. 1 For our purposes, then, it makes sense to talk about three categories of states. By ‘states’, we refer primarily to those institutions which exert a monopoly (or near-monopoly) of coercive force and the extraction of revenue in some substantial tract of territory. The first category comprises capitalist states, which can be subdivided into the advanced industrialised democracies (the US, the UK, Japan, etc.); and the developing or transition- al states such as Honduras, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Bangladesh. The second comprises state-capitalist states (Cliff 1988), where the state owns and controls the means of production. (Asocialist state, by contrast, would be one where the workers control the means of production.) The third, and perhaps less obvious, category comprises what we shall call ‘predatory states’. These are states, where the state elite rules essentially for its own benefit, rather than for that of any class outside itself. Such elites do not directly control the means of production, but rather enrich themselves primarily by extortion. Some of these states (for example, Democratic Republic of Congo) have the legal trappings of statehood but control only limited areas within their territory; others (such as the FARC in Colombia, and formerly the Taliban) are not legally recognised as states but in fact control substantial territory.
  3. Berliner


    ako gledamo to nepostupanje policije onda je to državni zločin jer znamo da je neko iz države to naredio policiji. ako gledamo to kao nasilje države protiv građana to je naravno klasičan državni zločin elem, državni kriminal jedino se to može gledati kao odricanje od suvereniteta ako je država ustuknula pred nedržavnim akterima koji onda uspeju da nametnu svoju volju umesto pravnog poretka. ali integritet pravnog poretka je preduslov suvereniteta samo ako pravni poredak "volja države". ako je volja države da se ponaša protiv svojih zakona i sama je sebi kriminalac - onda pravni poredak nije preduslov suvereniteta nego se suverenitet ogleda u čistoj sili. suverenitet nije pravna kategorija nego politička, to je kategorija sile.
  4. Berliner


    mislim da ima sanse, ako u skorije vreme stvari krenu normalnim tokom (opozicija stane iza njega, pojave se neke pare, kampanja bude dobra/inteligentna...) ali sansa za tim je mala. on je kandidat sa inherentno solidnim potencijalom, ima i name recognition, nema nikakav poseban razlog da ga neko ne voli, nije cak ni iz beograda itd. puno malih globalno pozitivnih faktora ali vanjski cimbenici mu ne idu na ruku, a to je flegmaticnost stranaka, cinjenica da je jos uvek na funkciji (ne zato sto je to nesto lose nego jer ne moze da radi druge stvari)...jeremic mu ne smeta toliko. bitno je da ima vise od jeremica u prvom krugu i da ga jeremic podrzi kao sto je rekao. ako jeremic ne bude imao vecu stranacku podrsku ali bude nastavio da se kocoperi, onda ce sa svojom kandidaturom stvarno svima smetati i ispolivace ga i ds i ostali sto znaci da je zavrsio politicku karijeru ovde. jeremic je precenjen. on neke ljude toliko iritira, da kao i ti, u drugom krugu nece glasati za njega. jankovic stvarno nema taj problem videces za koji mesec kad budu istrazivanja 1 na 1 da je elektabilniji ti ces mozda reci da nema sanse da ima vise od jeremica, ali to se ne moze znati, naprosto. sto se tice nekih istrazivanja sada, to nista ne vredi, jako je rano oko "talenta", javnog nastupa i to, ja ti garantujem da jankovic ima sta da ponudi. sigurno nece pricati za podijumom onako kao sto prica na skupstinskom odboru
  5. Berliner


    dobro je sto ti nisi klasican pacenik koji ne vidi koliki je sleper pristrasnosti prosuo u istom postu u kom nekom prigovara za pristrasnost
  6. Berliner


    ako ista onda je za jednog birokratu sumnjivo utegnut i pismen u svom javnom nastupu ...al istina nije imao toliko prilike da se pokaze u jednom razmahanijem, drzavnickom izdanju
  7. Berliner


    odličan je. revolucija u ispunjavanju predizbornih obećanja! demokratija na jedanaest! http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/
  8. jesi siguran da ih nije načeo disc rot?
  9. stvarno nisam mislio da će ići komplet u tom pravcu. sumanuto.
  10. bice bolje tebra samo drzi glavu gore
  11. tes tes ran tu d hilz radi bolan tigre
  12. Berliner

    Generalna tema

    bas je dobar gothic 3 sa pecevima i ovim standardnim modovima (sa iskljucenim dodatnim kvestovima). preporuka svima koji su odustali bili od igre svojevremeno. jedino sto ponekad secka al jbg, meni ne smeta toliko.
  13. onako pesma, dobra pred kraj
  14. jos kad bi mogao da se vidi post gde bi nam bio kraj
  15. nisam nazalost bio, iskrslo nesto... slazem se da su se pokvarili, ali uzdam se da ce naci neki novi fokus na albumu
  16. kad si se ti registrovao
  17. veceras u ns. novi album 2017.
  18. mene je lako kupiti sa prozracnim zenskim vokalima tako da mi je ovo vau. ono, kakav swallow the sun... vrlo dobar album u najmanju ruku. samo treba probiti mentalnu barijeru koja razdvaja vokale od pratnje i slusati album kao tipican zanrovski proizvod, bez ikakvih ethereal pretenzija, deep senzibiliteta i sl.
  19. naj-tuiš šta ne jasno?
  20. zoe zanias - to the core dobar ep, ne da mi se da trazim link
  21. moze proci ovo. manunkind mi je najbolja pesma, ima odgovarajuci nivo energije za bend u ovoj fazi i vokali su bas super.
  22. ne, relativno odnedavno, al ionako nisam puno. u medjuvremenu sam saznao sta bi moglo biti uzrok (te četir hiper keckeckec).
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