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soul wandering

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by soul wandering

  1. ma bice koncerta
  2. normalan je ovaj kuruzov
  3. ima gde hoces ali sve skine do pola i stane, pa pizdim. hvala
  4. koji ste radnici
  5. 'ocu ako das link za ovaj prvo
  6. ajde mi dajte normalan link ili torent za prvi njihov
  7. Last month we recorded all the guitar riffs for the new album, and Protector recorded already his vocal lines. Silenius will do his vocal parts in the next weeks. We replaced the original intro with a new one (which has a stronger intro feeling), the old one will be transformed into an instrumental track, which maybe will be used as a bonustrack together with the missing song from the othbound session. The new albums will be entitled "Old Mornings Dawn". A one minute teaser is in progress and will be available on the Napalm Records homepage soon.
  8. samo da ovo potvrdim
  9. http://www.blic.rs/Slobodno-vreme/Vesti/360930/Istrazivanja-potvrdila-lekovitost-rakije
  10. popravice sad, bez brige, verujem u peru
  11. dzabe ti sad to, ne znam ko je izdao amorphis sad sa poslednjim albumom
  12. ma nista , samo su sjebali nas koji nismo imali love za oba festa, a karte kupiti za castle
  13. evo i ovako
  14. dajte taj rotting christ sto neko pomenu, pa stavite koju hocete cenu
  15. auuuu sta bi ovo
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjxRr5aINXs
  17. http://www.terrorizer.com/2012/11/27/vreid-preview-new-track-with-terrorizer/
  18. i na 666
  19. Sto ne preslusas album pa komentarises. A eno i teme za albume godine.
  20. pogresan treci link
  21. bolje otvorite temu za albume godine, ako nema vec.
  22. nije los album, preslusah neki dan
  23. Kod mene ako nesto vuce na PL je plus, pesma je hit na prvu.
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