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Everything posted by Dioklecijan
CDs Abigail/Ironfist/Deiphago-Holokaustikk metal... 5 euros Abigail/Mantak-The Eastern desekratorz 5 euros Acrimonius-Perdition Gospel 5 euros Amputator-Amputator 5 euros Amputator-Deathcult Barbaric Hell 5 euros Amputator/Baphomets Horns split 5 euros Ankrismah-Dive in the Abyss 5 euros Ares Kingdom-Firestorms and Chaos 5 euros Arphaxat-Loudin la maudite 5 euros Assault-Nuclear deaththrash 4 euros Atomicide-RawSouthAmerica Attack 4 euros Atomizer- Caustic Music... 5 euros Beherit/Impaled Nazarene split 5 euros Bestial Mockery-The Unholy trinity 5 euros Bestiar-Lethal Venom (special pack) 3 euros Black Angel/Black Empire split 3 euros Black Fire-The hereafter Live 5 euros Black Serpent-Nightside Cosmology 3 euros Black Torment-Ten Years of Blasphemy 4 euros Blasphemous Noise Torment-Ancient Insignias 5 euros Bloodtirsty/Excidium split 4 euros Bohemian Grove-Age of retrogression digipack 7 euros Carnyx-Leaving Reason 5 euros Celephais- Plamen Mrtvih 3 euros Chainsaw-Chainsaw 7 euros Church Bizzare- Sic Luceat Lux DCD 10 euros Church Bizzare-Sinister Glorification 5 euros Dark Morbid death- Satanic kill 3 euros Deception-Nails Sticking Offensive (special pack) 5 euros Deep Vein/Hypokras split Cd 4 euros Denial of God-Klabautermanden digipack 7 euros Descending Darkness-Gevatter Hein 3 euros Descending Darkness-Seelenruhe Cd 3 euros Dethroned Christ-Roots of all evil 4 euros Devastator-Conjuring Evil 5 euros Devastator-Summoning 5 euros Deus Ignotus- Chrismation 4 euros Disjecta membrae- Taedum Vitae 5 euros Exordium Mors-Serva Ad Mors 5 euros Faustcoven- The Priest Command 5 euros Goatoimpurity-Triumph of Darkness 3 euros Gospel of the Horns-Realm of the Damned 5 euros GraveHill-Metal of death 4 euros Grave Desecrator-Sign of Doom 5 euros Grenade-The Howling damned 4 euros Grim Destroyer-Might and Majesty 4 euros Hammergoat-Regeneration throgh depopulation 3 euros Incantation-Live Blasphemy 5 euros Infernal Execrator-Antichrist execration digipack 5 euros Infernal Goat-666 years of bestial passion 4 euros Infernal Goat- We like the goat and the goat like us 4 euros Inquisition-Anxious death/Forever Plagued 7 euros Korihor /Maniak split 3 euros Kratornas-Over the Fourth part of the Earth 3 euros Legacy of Blood-Tyran Horroru Cia... 5 euros Malas-Conquest 3 euros Mantak-Polymorphous perversion 5 euros Martire- Martire 5 euros Midnight-Complete and Total... 5 euros Miserycore/Unholy Force 4 euros Morbid Goat Fornicator-Nuclear Vaticano 3 euros Morbosidad-Morbosidad/Cojete a dios... 5 euros Morbosidad-Profana Cruz... 5 euros Mortem tribute Cd 3 euros Nahual-Apostasy Art 4 euros Necrodeath- 20 years of Noise digipack CD 5 euros Necromessiah-Antiklerical terroristik... digipack 5 euros Nunslaughter-Goat 5 euros Nunslaughter-Hex 5 euros Pandemonic Genocide/Obscure split (special pack) 3 euros Pathogen-Blasphemous communion 3 euros Profancer-Demos 5 euros Rator-Possessed 7 euros Ravendark Monarchal Canticle/Misanthropic Triumph split 3 euros Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle - Sob a Bandeira do ... 3 euros Resuscitator-Iniciation 5 euros Revelation of Doom-Unholy Gutsfuck 5 euros Revenge-From hell 3 euros Rites of Degringolade- An ode to sin 5 euros Sabbat- Live 666 Japanese harmagedon 5 euros Sabbat- Sabbatical 25 Years Kamikaze Demoslaught 5 euros Sabbat/GoatSemen split 5 euros Scorched Earth-Devils in Iron 4 euros Shud-Rot in Pieces DCD 10 euros Seges Findere-Massacre Supremacista 5 euros Sirannon-Semper Caliga 3 euros Slaughtbbath/Demonic Rage split 4 euros Spear of Longinus-Domni Satnasi 5 euros Stormnatt-Funeral Apocalypse 3 euros Sworn-Impious Best within 3 euros The Vein- Scourging the wreckage of time 5 euros Tork Ran- Tales of Death DCD 10 euros Unholy Archangel-Obsessed by War 5 euros Unholy Archangel-The demos 5 euros Unholy Archangel- The Wrath of Kosmosistis 5 euros Vanhelgd-Cult of Lazarus 5 euros Varathron-Lament of Gods 5 euros Victimizer-The Final Assault 5 euros Violent Attack/Assault/Mahdyhell split Cd 4 euros Vulga-Mayhem with mercy 7 euros WoodenStake/Blizaro split CD 4 euros Wooden Stake- At the stroke of midnight CD 4 euros vinyls> Amputator-Intolerance Deathsquads Lp 8 euros Apolion-On the Altar EP 3 euros Apolion/Eswiel split EP 3 euros Black Priest of Satan Ep 4 euros Blasphemophager-For chaos... LP 10 euros Bone Awl-Meaningless Leaning Mess 15 euros Chicago Metal Hell 4 way split Ep 3 euros Christicide/Cantus Bestiae split EP 7 euros Cirrhus- Cirrhus EP 7 euros Conjuration/Fool Moon Lycanthropy split EP 3 euros Daemonlord-Coil of Devatstion Ep 3 euros Death Attack-Death Attack EP 5 euros Devilry/Ravening split Ep 4 euros Divisions-Divisions Ep 6 euros Dead Christ-Satans Hunger EP 10 euros Front Beast- Untold Occult mysteries EP 5 euros Fallen Souls - God is Dead LP 7 euros Furdidurke-Native to a Noxios Glow EP 7 euros Godslaying hedllblast-From the devilish.. EP 4 euros Grafenstein-Death Born LP 7 euros Impurity-The Lamb\'s Fury LP 10 euros Lado Obscuro- Senhor des Trevas EP 4 euros Leichengott/Todesweihe Ep 5 euros Libation/Itnos discography LP 10 euros Mastomah-Luciferi Advocare 6 euros Mongrelss Cross-Whoresana Ep (with patch) 6 euros Morbid Execution/Exorcism split Ep 4 euros Morbosidad- Profana Cruz... 10 euros Movarbru-Eterno Guerreiro EP 4 euros Mutation-Void of Disharmony EP 4 euros Myrdrin/Instrinct split EP 4 euros Necrowretch- Putrefactive Infestation Lp 8 euros Necrowretch-Now youre in hell Ep 6 euros Nexwomb/Goryphiac split Ep 4 euros Nocturnal Blood- Devastated Graves LP 10 euros Nocturnal Blood-Invocation of Spirits EP 6 euros Nocturnal Blood-Nocturnal Crucifixions EP 6 euros Nocturnal Vomit-Arts of Tenebrous EP 4 euros Nocturnal Evil/Burning Winds split 6 euros Nocturnal Evil/Sadogoat split 6 euros Parasite/ Blutwulf split Ep 4 euros Profanatica/Goatsodomy/U.Crucifix/Nuclear Desecration split LP 8 euros Profanation- Devastation of Purity EP 4 euros Rademassaker-Reanimation Ep 3 euros Rademassaker/Bloody Sign EP 3 euros Rademassaker/Exorcism split EP 3 euros Rigor Mortis-Peace through Tyranny EP (bootleg) 8 euros Scalare-Wine of Satan EP 3 euros Unholy Crucifix- The rite of Satan EP (with patch) 6 euros Unholy Crucifix- Black Mass Metal LP 10 euros WAIL-Wisdom through Agony into illumination and lunacy LP 13 euros Witchcurse/Witchtiger split EP 3 euros Witchtrap/Revenge EP 4 euros Wargoat- Materia Prima EP 4 euros Tapes> Abhorrot-Death in Blasphemy 3 euros Abberant Path-A dead of reason to come 3 euros Abberant Path-The winds that defy god 3 euros Abigail/Korihor split tape 3 euros Adversarial-Thralls pro tape 4 euros Afflictis Lentae- Chaos Fire Hate 2 euros Aka Manah- Stygian Darkness 3 euros Alcoholichrist- Promo MMX 3 euros Art Malefica- As Florestas do Sul 3 euros Amputator/Devastator split tape 3 euros Amputator-Amputator 3 euros Amputator-Bloodvomit Fistfuck 3 euros Andramelech-SUMMUS LUX pro tape 3 euros Andramelech-Destroyers of Cosmic Order 3 euros Anhedonist-Demo 2010 pro tape 4 euros Anthennath-Peans of apostacy 4 euros Anthennath- States of Liberating... 4 euros Armageddal Age- Deathfire 3 euros Arphaxat-Loudin la maudite 3 euros Arphaxat-Ex inferi 3 euros Ataraxic Ataxia- A Letter 3 euros Atomizer- Songs of slaughter 4 euros Atomizer- Death Mutation Decease 4 euros Ash Pool- The Genital Tomb 4 euros Aurvandil/Dead as Dreams split tape 3 euros Ayyur-Agurzil Screams 2 euros Balmog-Pestilent Rats for your moribund.. 3 euros Beastcraft-Into the burning pits of hell 3 euros Beast-Thunder Of Vengence 3 euros Befoul- At devils mass 4 euros Befoul-Thy Feast of Sacred Blasphemies 4 euros Begrime Exemious- demo 2006 3 euros Beheaded Baptist- Refero per diabolus 3 euros Bemdesar- Glorificando A Satanas 3 euros Besatt-Black Mass 3 euros Besatt- Hellstorm 3 euros Bestial Summoning-Sodomistic Rituals 3 euros Bestial Noise-Demo tape 3 euros Bestial Raids- Reversed black trinity 4 euros Bestial Raids/Skeleton Blood split tape 4 euros Bilirubin-June 4th, 2010 Rehearsal 3 euros Black Feast-Black Feast 3 euros Black Grail- Demo rehearsal 2012 4 euros Black Hammer- The horror 3 euros Black Mastorbation-Death by the semen 3 euros Black Torture/Hellgoat split tape 3 euros Black Priest of Satan-The Black Candles Burn 3 euros Blaspherion/Black Torture split tape 3 euros Bloodrain- Ten bestial years 3 euros Bloody Sign- Explosion of Elements 3 euros Burning Winds-Demo I tape 4 euros Burning Winds- Blessed the Hell tape 4 euros Burning Winds- Flame of Lucifer tape 4 euros Caostruppen- Inverted church of... 3 euros Caostruppen-Nocturnal flames.. 3 euros Caro Maledicta-Litanies of Cursed Flesh... 2 euros Carrion of Torrent-Intuum Calamitatis... 5 euros Catacomb- The lurker at the threshold (bootleg) 3 euros Cerekloth-From Mourning dust to festering 3 euros Chalice of Blood-Angelus diaboli 3 euros Chaotic Aeon-Demo I 2 euros Chasma - Chasma 3 euros Circle of Ouroborous-Streams 3 euros Circle of Ouroborous-Shores 3 euros Conjuration- Demo I 3 euros Coprofagi-Demo II 3 euros Countess-Ad Maiorem Sathanae Gloriam 4 euros Crifotoure Satanarda- Demo tape 3 euros Damnation- Demonstration of Evil 4 euros Daemonolatreia-Satan, satan, satan 3 euros Daemonlord- The end of the Era 3 euros Daemonlord- Of war and Hate 3 euros Dawn of Crucifixion-Dawn of Crucifixion 3 euros Death Squadron - Rememberance of Past Atrocities... 3 euros Deception-Nails Sticking Offensive 2 euros Deep Vein- Symbols for the dead 3 euros Deggial- Upon the path... 3 euros Demoncy-Joined in Darkness 3 euros Demonic Rage-The Anquish Doomaelstrom 3 euros Desaster-Touch of Medieval Darkness 3 euros Descending Darkness-Seelenruhe 3 euros Descending Darkness-Bloody Rehearsal 3 euros Dethroned Christ- The Past Rituals 3 euros Devil Lee Rot/Autopsy Torment split tape 3 euros Deus Ignotus/Abnorm split 3 euros Dismantle-Satanic Force 3 euros Dissipation- D.S.W. 4 euros Doomhammer-Ghouls of Ginnungagap 3 euros Elimi-Summoned from Ashes 3 euros Elimi- Slutet morkret.. 3 euros Embalmed Souls- The temple of bizzare cult 4 euros Embalmed Souls- Become vengeance... 4 euros Embrace of Thorns/Chaosbaphomet/Wargoat/Bethor split 3 euros Embrace of Thorns-For I see death in their eyes 3 euros Engrave-It's the Age of Ragnaroek 3 euros Entrails-Reborn 2 euros Evil Nasty-Blasphemous Canorae 3 euros Evil/Dethroned Christ split tape 3 euros Eroded-Test the Grace Infiltrating 3 euros Excessum-Death redemption 3 euros Excoriate- In the darkest anguish 3 euros Execration-Putrid Rehearsal of Death 2 euros Festering Christcunt- Fartine 99 + Rehearsal tape 99 2 euros Fornication-Hell Metal 2 euros Fornication-Sewer Dwellers 2 euros Freezing Fog- Esoforos Falling 2 euros Front Beast/Hati split tape 3 euros Front Beast- Black Spells of the Damned 3 euros Gevurahel-Enlace 3 euros Ghoul- Into the Crypts of most blasphemous 3 euros Grippiud-Karma/Kazi 3 euros Goatreich666- Necro Sarcofagus.. 3 euros Goatreich666- Inhale the Cold... 3 euros Goat Synagogue- Law of the Headless architect 2 euros Goat Tyrant-Demo 2008 2 euros Goat Tyrant-Necromantical Curse 3 euros Goat Tyrant-Gate to the Necro 3 euros Goat Tyrant-Thy Summoning of Three Demonic Rituals 3 euros Godslaying Hellblast- S/T demo 3 euros Gospel of the Horns-Realm of the Damned 3 euros Grimlord-Through hatred of life 3 euros Grinding Satanic Putrefaction-Compilation tape 2 euros Gyibaaw-Ancestral War Hymns (ltd 50) 3 euros Hammergoat-Regeneration through depopulation 3 euros Hell Molestor- Demo tape (Archasm) 3 euros Hell Torment-Cursed Nazarene 3 euros Heptameron-Blessed be the name of the Dragon 3 euros Heretic-Black Metal Holocaust 3 euros Heretic-Gods over Humans Slaves under Satan 3 euros Heretic/Bestial Smmonist split 3 euros Hordes of the Black Cross-Demo tape 3 euros Ill Omened-Kvltovdeath (ltd 33) 4 euros Iguman- Rogati Kopitar (first version) 3 euros Impaled Angel- Ceremonial extermination 4 euros Imperial- Aggressors ... not followers 3 euros Impiety/Surrender of Dicinity-Two majesties split 3 euros Impiety-Asateerul Awallen 4 euros Impure Possession- Impura Impeidad Bastarda 3 euros Impure Worship- Goathorns 3 euros Infest-Onward to Destroy 3 euros Inside- Hellish Hate Holocaust 3 euros Kaos- Black Metal Crush Fuck 3 euros Kapein-Golgotha 3 euros Kathaaria-Promo 2000 3 euros Kerberos- Rough tape 2001 3 euros Kratornas- Statues before your Death 3 euros Kratornas-Enorht eht nihtiw... (signed) 3 euros Kreditor-Evil Enthroned 3 euros Leichengott-Psalmy Przeklenstva 3 euros Leichengott- Ostrza 4 euros Leprosy/the Helpless split pro tape 3 euros Lethiferous- Demo MMX 3 euros Lord Blasphemy-Supremo del Abysmo 2 euros Majusiah-Goddes of Darkness 3 euros Maldoror-Burn after first listening 3 euros Maniac Butcher- Krvestreb 3 euros Maniac Butcher- Immortal Death.. 3 euros Manzer-Pictavian bastards 3 euros Maroth-Krst u plamenu 2 euros Massacre- Dying in the Cemetery 3 euros Mata Mata-S/T 3 euros Metalucifer-Heavy metal hunting 1995-2005 3 euros Mefitic-Devouring Torment 3 euros Moder- Fields of Devastation 2 euros Moonfall-Ad Majorem satanae gloriam 3 euros Mongrels Cross- Demo tape 3 euros Monolit- Demos (limited pro tape bootleg) 2 euros Moontower-Antichrist supremacy domain 3 euros Moontower-Black metal Terror 3 euros Morbid Angel-Abominations of Desolation pro tape boot ltd. 99. 2 euros Morbid Execution/Empheris split tape 3 euros Morbid Tendency-The old Adam 3 euros Morbid Upheaval-Solar Impetus 3 euros Mor- U spoznaji 3 euros Morgue- A fajdalom sotet folyosojan 3 euros Mortal Mutilation- Dawn of the Dead 3 euros Mortem-Decomposed by Possession 4 euros Mortuous-Mors Immortalis 3 euros Moulded Flesh-Death is redemption 3 euros Must Missa- Sex beyong the Grave 2 euros Miserys Omen- Promo 2000 3 euros Narcorgasm-Ways of Infernal Brain Devastation 3 euros Namtar/Dead christ Cult split tape 2 euros Negatron-Thermal Shock 2 euros Necrocarnation- Perverted desire 3 euros Necroccultus-Encircling the mysterious... 4 euros Necroslaughter- Sacrifice to satan 3 euros Necrosquatch- Demo 2008 2 euros Nexwomb -Militant Heretic Aggression 3 euros Niemotha-Niemotha 3 euros Nekros Manteia/Erebus Enthroned - Split Tape 3 euros Nihil Domination-Bestial Alkoholnihilation demo tape 3 euros Nihil Domination-Jehovah desecration demo tape 3 euros Nocturnal-Arrival of the Carnivore 3 euros Nocturnal Evil-Seven Rituals of Hell 3 euros Nocturnal Vomit- Death will not be swift 3 euros Nominon-Blaspheming the death 4 euros Ork-Through the Night, I ride 3 euros Osirion-Evil made history 3 euros Pansvicide Satanic Protokol-Gospels and Rituals, Imanations and Signs 3 euros Pathogen-Blasphemous Communion 3 euros Perpetual Demise-Arctic tape 4 euros Persecutor- Wings of Death 3 euros Pervertum Obscurum- Mass murder mutilation 3 euros Portrait-S/T 4 euros Profane Creation- In name of supreme black arts...nema 3 euros Promiscuity -Infernal Rock N' Roll 3 euros Prorok-In the name of Satan 2 euros Pugnator-Caustic Mist 3 euros Putrefactor-Putrefactor demo 3 euros Putrid-Demo MMX pro tape 3 euros Raspberry Bulbs-Finnaly burst... 4 euros Ravendarks Monarchal Canticle-A Ascensao da arrogancia... 3 euros Recidivus- ... Mentes Ressurgidas 3 euros Recrucify-Grimorium Verum 3 euros Reviler - Rough As Ram Guts 2 euros Rex Satanachia- First legion of hell 3 euros Ritual Suicide- Sadistik saints... 2 euros Ritualization-The abduction mass 4 euros Riotor-Fucking Metal 3 euros Sabbat-Demonical Quebecois 4 euros Sabbatical Rites-The Destruction 2 euros Sadus-A vision of Misery 3 euros Saram-Metal Mayhem Genocide 3 euros Sargatanas- Knights of the Southern cross 4 euros Sargatanas-Live 2001 3 euros Satanachia Agaliareth-Bafomet 3 euros Shelley-Heavy metal para Satanistas 2 euros Sigulda-Sigulda (Side of the Sun recordings) 3 euros Skotos- Demonolatreia 3 euros Slaughtbbath-Pest of execration 3 euros Slaughter Attack- Attack of the Iron Beast 2 euros Sluggard-Demo tape 4 euros Spear of Longinus- And the swastikalotus 4 euros Stake of God-Cumshooting iside 2 euros Suicidal Winds- Discography tape 3 euros Sump/Sex Wound split tape 3 euros Sump-First demo tape 3 euros Surrender of Divinity- Manifest Blasphemy 3 euros Surrender of Divinity- Oriental Hell Rhythmics 3 euros Swamp- Live Holocaust 3 euros T. Boettner – Guilt 3 euros Tartarus- Satan blood 3 euros Taut-Fatasy mapped in blood 4 euros Teeth Gnashers-I have never been colder 3 euros Temple of Bephomet- In morbid fascination of satan 3 euros Terrorama-Horrid Efface 3 euros Thanatoseptis- Kingdom of Stagnant Desecration 3 euros Thornspawn-Altars of Perversed flesh 3 euros Thornspawn-Consecration of Evil Flesh 3 euros Thornspawn-Blood of the Holy, Taint Thy Steel 3 euros Thou Shalt Fall-Flaming God 3 euros Throne of the Fallen- Throne of the Fallen 2 euros Throneum/Suicidal Winds-Necroblasphemies 3 euros The Beast- Pacta Conventa Daemoniorum 3 euros The Wakedead Gathering- Ars Notoria 3 euros The Krushers- The Dead as Death 2 euros The Krushers- Memorie di un Anticristo 2 euros The Krushers-Baruch Ashem 2 euros Thy Feeble Saviour- demo 04 3 euros Tiger Junkies- D beat street rock and rollers 3 euros Tiger Junkies-Sick of Tiger pro tape 3 euros Tudor-Antikrist 3 euros Ulvdalir- The flame once lost 3 euros Unholy Archangel- Obsessed by War 3 euros Unholy Archangel-Archgoat Incantation tape 6 euros Unholy Archangel-Unholy Archangel tape 6 euros Unholy Archangel/Lust/Kult split tape 6 euros Unholy Crucifix- Seanse of Death 3 euros Unholy Crucifix- The Flesh 3 euros Unholy Death-Antinomian Praise of Death 3 euros Unlegacy/Belfegore split tape 2 euros Unpure-Trinity in Black 4 euros Vaarherre-Kulden, kjoettet 3 euros Vergreuvbre- Flezh Ritual 2 euros Victimizer-Live in Fredericia 2009 3 euros Violent Attack- Demo Rehearsal 2003 2 euros Warkult-Rehearsal 1 2 euros Warkult-Promo Tape 2 euros Warkult-Rehearsal II 2 euros Warkult-The scourge is rolling through 2 euros Wastelander- I.C.B.M. (second hand) 3 euros Willful/ Baculum split tape 2 euros Witchcurse- Rehearsal tape 2 euros Witchcurse- Demons Warning 2 euros Witchcurse-The witch is alive 2 euros Witchrist-Curse annihilation 4 euros White Medal- Angribdd Beast 3 euros Wreck of the Hesperus-The dilapiated sky 4 euros V/A-Satans cure for Christianity 3 euros Yadokai-Sterile Environment 3 euros Xibalba- Demo 2010 4 euros RARE stuff Altar of Perversion- From Dead temples tape 7 euros Armagedon-Invisible Circle tape 5 euros Astaroth-Lost state of dream tape 7 euros Asystole- Higher form of hatred EP (Seraphic Decay) 10 euros Bone Awl-Almost dead man tape 6 euros Conscious Rot-Congental Passivity tape 9 euros Damonacy-1991 From Within tape 7 euros Danger Drive-Darkness comes... tape 8 euros Demonic-Nar morket faller demo tape 15 euros Eidomantum-Old blood demo tape 6 euros Embrace of Thorns-The inevatible twilight... demo tape 7 euros Horrid Cross- I demo tape 6 euros Iconoclast-Promo tape 92 7 euros Incest-Moriar tape 7 euros Inquisition-Into the Infernal regions tape 6 euros Morstice-Reflections remains tape 7 euros Ossuary-Fallen to the pits tape 8 euros Urgehal-Rise of the Monument tape 8 euros Vader-The Ultimate incantation (Carnage) 7 euros tape Zines> 666 In the northern sky #1 5 eur Abhorrent Decay # 1 2 eur Astral Corpse #1 3 eur Baphometal zine #2 5 eur Baphometal zine #3 4 eur Barb Wire zine/book #1 8 eur Bestial Noise #4 4 eur Black Plague 666 zine #2 (first press) 7 eur Black Plague 666 zine # 3 5 eur Blast # 1 2 eur Blutvergiessen #2 2 euros Burning Abyss # 6 4 eur Caducifer #1 3 eur Call to the Infernal Hordes #5 4eur Deadbangers # 1 2 eur Deadbangers #2 2 eur Deadbangers #3 2 eur Deadly Illness #1 2 eur Deadly Illness #2 2 eur Deadly Illness #2 2 eur Domain zine #4 (die hard version) 7 eur Father Beyound zine #1 5 eur Fatal Call #3 5 eur Hornburg #5 3 eur Iron Hammer# 1 2,5 eur Iron Hammer# 2 2,5 eur Iron Hammer# 3 2,5 eur Lustful Ecstasy # 2 1 eur Morbid Tales # 4 3 eur Morbid Tales # 3 3 eur Necroscope# 22 5 eur Ponzona zine #2 5 eur Putrefactive Effect #4 3 eur Serpentscope #1 7 eur Shrunken and Mummified# 9 2,5 eur Shrunken and Mummified#10 2,5 eur Slava #1 4 euro Temple of Adoration zine # 7 6 eur Tervilles # 2 1,5 eur Unholy Metal Desaster # 2 3 eur Unholy Eucharist # 1 3 eur Womb zine #2 5 eur Vampir # 9 2 eur Vampir # 13 2 eur Vampir # 14 2 eur Vampir # 15 2 eur Words of Nonexistence #1 3 eur T shirts (nove): Mantak t shirt, medium size, print on both sides, 5 euro Necrowretch -Defiler of sacrality t shirt, medium size, 7 euros Hammergoat- Regeneration through depopulation t shirt, XL, 5 euros Dethroned Christ- Roots of Ancient evil t shirt, XL, 5 euros
- 21 replies
- Undergroud black
- death
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Srazmjerno kvalitetu albuma iz mozga isparava činjenica (očekivanog) probijanja u glavne struje.
Čuo sam samo jednu pjesmu, dobra je, ali ne čini li mi se da se za jednu zeru izgubio karakter usisivački, i to ne zbog produkcije nego konstrukcije?
Ko poslije ovoga pomene Teitanblood taj je seljak. Ovaj album zapravo "ispravlja miskoncepciju death metala kao muzike"...
!!! Za klasu bolje od Zaimusa! Treba album snimit!
Svi odozgo su mi brzo dosadili, čak i Domains koji je bio možda i najbolji. Ali DC bi trebalo da nadmeše, barem ja to očekujem.
Čekam jedino Dead Congregation. Ako oni razočaraju to će bit' propast...
Biće ovo dobro. Malo puta su do sad omanuli...
Preporuka (ostalo nezapaženo): http://shadowkingdomrecords.bandcamp.com/album/scouring-the-wreckage-of-time i jedan kult od istoga izdavača: http://shadowkingdomrecords.bandcamp.com/album/terminal-death
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
Dioklecijan replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
dobar album Aurvandil napravio... -
Neka ide ođe... odlomak pjesme sa novog W.A.I.L. albuma: I prvi je ostao zanemaren a jedan od boljih je bio 2009-e.
Damaar bješe nekad dobar: a underground, može ovo: Conqueror je vjerovatno najbolji od gore navedenih.
Kako loša naslovnica...
Pohvala za usera excrementa!
Ta je obrada bolja od originala što je rijetkost... (mislim an stone)
Jebite mi oca ako je ovo blek metal...
Random BM diskusija [If You're a False, Don't Entry]
Dioklecijan replied to Zen's topic in Black metal
Goatvulva.......... -
Nedavno izdato na Francuski Armee de la Mort, jedan od boljih albuma koje sam u zadnje vrijeme čuo.
ovo nije loše...
Necrowretch novosti http://www.centurymedia.com/newsdetailed.aspx?IdNews=13121&IdCompany=3