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Everything posted by Stolet

  1. Ma da,vreme ce pokazati Dotle,zalivaj!!! Hahahahah...
  2. Pa,na sajtu kazhe da su "c" promenili u "k" s prelaskom iz Deatha u Black Metal...E sad,ja to nisam bash skontao,ali "k" mi se vishe svidja Pa da,re-izdanje Dema,zato je loshiji od ostalih...Mada pesma The Dark Flower Of Temptation rula Neko je prichao o novom NM...Ja imam albume Marble Moon,Twilightfall,Goat Horns,NeChrist,Taste Of Victory,To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire,Lunar Poetry i Return Of The Vampire Lord.Shta mi josh fali?Koga god pitam za novi NM,kazhe da je najnoviji The Taste Of Victory,iz 2003.,pa jel' imaju josh neshto???Sajt im je dosta zaostao,hihihi... PS:babe rulaju
  3. Pa,manje-vishe,meni su svi albumi jako slichni...
  4. Proveritjem
  5. Nisu loshi,swushao sam neke pesmice...Ma sve shto je Pagan vredi chuti
  6. Pohvaljujem
  7. Nichu bendovi,nichu,lalala...Istok rula,lalala..
  8. Stolet

    Rotting Christ

    Hmmm,vishe mi se svidja Satanas Tedeum Hehe,videcemo...Bice dobar album,u poslednjue vreme snimaju jako dobre i originalne stvari
  9. Istina
  10. Stolet

    Rotting Christ

    Hihihihihi,i ja kazhem
  11. Stolet

    Rotting Christ

    Hmmm...A i nisam neki gitarista kad razmislim...Kad bude otishao Sakis,a nadam se da nikad nece,idem u akciju Hihihihihi...
  12. Heheh...Ima zaista mnogo dobrih textova,kakav je to bend kad nema dobre textove?Losh Hhahah...Nokturnal Mortum-The Forgotten Ages Of Victories The thunder of the drums is heard and cattle herds are driving back. Sunset is driving near. The beat of hoofs - all around melt away in the shaggy beard of great and wise elder sunset. The forests and the mountains surrounding the village he covers by golden cloth - the night is drawing near. Bonfires blaze up and the flame tongues raise up to blacken sky-like hands. The hearers faces are visible through the flame. The greyhaired elder opens the secret stories of his past, through night and fire his words again find the youth. His face covered with wrinkles like the waterless earth shined with life as in his youth. And his tale was drifted through the time to distant faraways of those days. When the steel was like continuation of the hand and the warriors were not affraid of their enemies power - then moon was shining brighter and sun warmed more times than nowadays. The forest has been lighted by thousands of bonfires, it have been seen that celebration has begun, and singing drowned the noise of the wind but (the) elder continued his tale. When the valor and the honor was valued over the lie and hypocrisy, when the pride and the eminence was valued over the slavery and the cowardice. The enemies cities and villages were on fire! Blood and death, screams and mourns - Hell came out! The honor and the praise to power. The beat of hoofs and crunch of steel, the scythe of death flied over this field, eyes were looking into eyes and heavens were on fire! The warriors heart melted and tears appeared in the old eyes - the tears of the real master. His hand is clenched in the fist, the teeth was gritted as that time, the ages of victories are over. It's now time to wait. No sooner that the sun get out of confinement and the first rays let the birds know that the day had come. No sooner that the herds were driving on the pasture the hair of the old warrior was streaming by the breeze. He'd been looking at the faraways and didn't find that the celebration was over. His thoughts were with those far times. Like a cold shudder passed through his skin. He rose and returned back to his house not left by the memories about those distant times. The honor and the praise to power! The forgotten ages of victories.
  13. Stolet

    Rotting Christ

    Heheh,naci ce oni vec nekoga Evo ja odoh na audiciju
  14. Catamenia je uvek imala dobre textove,ali prvi albumi su muzichki dosta monotoni,a pesme prekratke,ali,srecom,na Eskaha su to bash lepo ispravili,a Coexistence Circle rula pesma!!!
  15. E to,najbolje od svih navedenih Neshto shto nije Emperor,Immortal,Mayhem ili Darkthrone,hahahah One With Sorrow je dobar text jako Najbolji text Nokturnal Mortum-The Forgotten Ages Of Victories,pa vi kako hocete
  16. Stolet

    Rotting Christ

    Hmmm,deluje sumnjivo,zar ne?Heheh...
  17. Stolet

    Rotting Christ

    Hihihi,bash je zao A da li je naveo neki razlog ili je samo,ono,zbwisao?
  18. Stolet

    Rotting Christ

    Pa snalaze se 17 godina Valjda ce i sad
  19. Stolet

    Rotting Christ

    E da,to sam zaboravio
  20. Slazhem se sa Theraspid...Imam sve sem Morbid Fascination Of Death...Ono,svidja mi e par pesama,mozhda It's Darker Than You Think,ali najvishe zbog tih mrachnih uvoda
  21. Stolet

    Rotting Christ

    Zar nije uvek tako?Hahahah Chujem da su razbili Inferno ove godine
  22. Stolet

    Rotting Christ

    Ja glasam za A Dead Poem i Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers.Dopada mi se zvuk sa tih albuma...Pa ni ovi noviji uopshte nisu loshi...Kreativno Pa da,chuo sam i ja neshto,ali trebali su kao i proshle godine da dodju.Ma,kad ih vidim ovde,bicu siguran da dolaze
  23. E,Nikolice,perverzijo pervertidna avatarska Haha...Istok,u potpunosti se slazhem
  24. Hmmm,moguce...Ja sam mislio da ti nisi mislio da je on mislio da si ti rekao Nesha,OK?Jeej,evo je moja omiljena pesma,odoh
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