Happy new year everyone!
We would like to thank the one who helped us and showed interest in our releases!
Also a great hail to the fans from all over the world who bought some releases...
We had a great year, from Selling merchandise in Paris at HNW Fest, to working with great people on amazing releases, that few of us will remember them forever.
We hope that next year will be better then this one!
Few thanks:
Zlabog Promotions, Grom Records, Some Kind Of Distro, Smell The Stench, Depressive Illusions Records, Winterkalt Records, Glossolalia Records, all the bands we are in contact with, and people who personaly helped the label...
Next releases for 2012:
SSR06 - 10-01-2012 - Zloslut - Pustoš I Prevare Izgubljenih Duša (EP) - Pro CD-R/Covers, No Limits
SSR07 - 05-02-2012 - Zloslut - Klizavom Ivicom Do Beskrajnog Pada (Single) - CD-R, No Limits
SSR08 - 05-02-2012 - Revenge/Nadimac - Brotherhood Of Guillotine (Split) - 100 Tapes
SSR09 - 01-03-2012 - Carnage Into The Catacombs (Compilation) - No Limits On Tapes
SSR10 - 25-03-2012 - Proklet - ? (?) - 50 CD-R
Silent Scream Crew (Stefan Sucurovic, Rade Panajotovic, Milos Sebalj)