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Everything posted by Kent

  1. za ovaj gay bend zvani cult of luna(mslim luna, kao luna lu... :roll:) je symphony x izmislio muziku! ako hoce neko da kupi original ovog gay benda neka se javi...imam neki ovde i ne znam koji ce mi moj :?
  2. Lepo...odes ko ja do WC-a, pa si posle i svez i oran da polomis vrat...
  3. seronjo, mislim da ti je pisalo da imas 24 god...sta je, zelis da porastes:))??? nemoj da odgovaras samo, vec otvori i ti temu neku...
  4. ti si lik sa symphony x majcom?
  5. Pa gde si na podijumu onda??? Gledali nas svi kao da smo iz Dzibutija dosli... Boli me vrat i dalje...
  6. Tako je care!~ Suffocation je keva i ovaj novi ce to biti....al, samo za prave i dugogodisnje fanove...Pierced From Within!!!!
  7. Ima jako dobrih pesama(Watching In Silence, Into The Wind..)...a, i nekih bezveze...pola-pola, sa naginjanjem na bolju stranu
  8. Uh, bilo je lepo cuti "The Watchtower" u mrtvom KST-u veceras! Pozdrav za sve koji su to prepoznali~!
  9. Pa mi i ovde raspravljamo o pp, zar ne?? Evo, ja sam za i da mi se lost horizon prebaci...
  10. kako kad si ga vec slusao?? otkud ja znam onda kako zvuci???? uhhh, stvarno nisam slusao nista ovako dobro odavno...kakva ludnica...iz stone u agresivnost za delic sekunde...nemam reci...i to tako osmisljeno...holy crap!
  11. Nabavih i ja ovo Momci su odlicni, "Anastasis" je fenomenalna pesma! Meni je ovo dosta melodicnije od Lune...
  12. 8O 8O 8O .... ....za gol Lamparda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O The Mars Volti kad malo bolje proucim...upravo slusam...suvise progresivno u svakom slucaju!
  13. Znao sam da ce nas neko provaliti... :oops:
  14. To je covek koji poznaje materiju! Svaka cast od mene... Tormentorovi predlozi su takodje odlicni, a ja dodajem jos careve Count Raven...High On Infinity i Destruction Of The Void su takodje veliki klasici ove muzike! Hail dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!
  15. Tako je, ljudi! Svi na avantguarde !!
  16. Pazi ga ovaj... Rece Azal da ce da prebaci i njih ovamo...avantguarde su i oni cim ih ti ne shvatas
  17. Matora ti ta slika, batice, jer je taj prvi junak s leva odleprsao iz benda i obnovio svoj jebeni Luciferion...majku li mu Poljsku !
  18. Polako, vidis da je hiperakcija u toku...do Novaka bice ovo najmasovniji forum Jos kad krenemo da izmisljamo... a:
  19. ko to zna???? mnogo meni bolji drugi..prebaci ih ovamo !!!
  20. ne najbolji...1 od...tu je i katatonia...a i lost horizon, pa me jebite sad svi redno @@!!!
  21. Kazem ja da je extra, a vidi ti svoj post na isisu ! The Watchtower je cudo... E, a popularni su u pm....ima nas cak sedmorica koji ih volimo! Polako spread it...mozda se i mr.kompentencija Unas predomisli...
  22. jedva si cekao, priznaj
  23. Dark rock je jedna od najemotivnijih vrsta muzike... :roll: Evo prve recenzije... "If you check out my playlist, more particularly my all-time albums, you will see that Anathema’s sixth album Judgement stands among as one of my all-time favorite albums. This album that unfortunately none here at Metal Reviews ever took the time to review, is the band's finest work to date and shows the pinnacle of the band. I believe indeed that the band will never be able to reach such a high level in terms of songwriting. The band’s last offering A Fine Day To Exit was to me a weak missed attempt to widen its audience to the detriment of its fancore. My fellow teammate Alex made a clever review for this album but unfortunately most of the readers didn't understand his point of view. I also want to say I had no real expectations whatsoever about their new release. Anathema's eighth album A Natural Disaster doesn’t show any real progression compared to A Fine Day To Exit. The music remains for the most part quiet as a dull winter Sunday afternoon and it’s not the rare time the musicians seem to get excited that might awaken the listeners. Of course Anathema’s trademark remains audible as it was on A Fine Day To Exit, but the manner and the result remain far below what’s the band is or was in this case able to do. Long and quiet tracks of piano, a couple of soft guitar solos here and there, the soft voice of Vincent Cannavagh and the very common voice of an unknown female vocalist. No trace of electricity in Electricity, no violence in Violence, no trace of harmony on Harmonium, not the right balance on Balance either and I found nothing on Are You There. That’s what this album has to offer. That’s not much. In fact there's not much to say either about this new album as nothing really seems to happen with A Natural Disaster. In fact I have been listening to this album throughout the last week at work and still I can't figure out what the band meant with this album. A Natural Disaster is indeed a true disaster for all the foremost fans of the band who can’t comprehend the band’s new musical orientation they took with A Fine Day To Exit and they prolonged with their new album. As for myself, I don’t really care about this album after all although it is one of the few my wife will probably let me play in the car while driving on a dull Sunday afternoon." Dakle...
  24. Apsolutno! Jedan od najboljih bendova sa foruma ovog, a The Beyond jedan od najboljih albuma godine.....fenomenale! a:
  25. Kent


    A da jedem lisce, a ?!? Salim se, original uvek! Al, posle kad otvorim temu na berzi sve da vas vidim tamo!
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