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Everything posted by Sisus

  1. Tek sam sad video, ima 2 vrste kolaca. Engleska pita sa jabukama i medeno srce. Idem malo da lupam bubanj, pa cu da se vrnem. Fizicka aktivnost je veoma bitna.
  2. Ja bi' vol'o da sam deb'o.
  3. Pa tako nekako.
  4. Auh, sto je keva napravila dobru pitu sa jabukama. Englesku. Njam.
  5. On se BAS skidao u javnosti.
  6. A voleo je da se skida u javnosti.
  7. Ma ima Drobaca u Rumi koliko hoces. Eno jedan pre 2-3 meseca izbo nozem svog caleta na mrtvo. Bilo u Blicu.
  8. Dobri su obojica, ali je Kollias bolji. Koji bre klinac? Laketic?
  9. Pa i svira dzez, ali onako, vise za svoju dusu. A pored toga sto je tehnicar, izuzetno je i brz. Ima na DVD-u blast i dupli bas na 280 bpm-a. To Frost tesko da moze. Ali, ukusi su razliciti. Jednostavno ne postoji neko objektivno merilo ko je bolji. Nekom je bolje jedno, nekom drugo i to se ne moze izmeriti. Jednostavno, nemerljiva kategorija. Samo ja volim da prcam ove napaljenike na Frosta.
  10. Nemate pojma. Frost voli decake. Pogledaj ovog Cunt Grishnackha. Takve Frost obozava.
  11. E da, i Kollias je bolji od Frosta.
  12. Album Travelling In Ancient Times je cist black, imam jos jedan album, gde sviraju neki (po meni) rock sa black vokalom. Pa sta ja znam, meni je ok. Pa ja sam lepo rekao, death metal sa black atmosferom.
  13. Daj ti meni argumente, a ne prazne smajlije. Dobro, ajde, ja sam spreman da zakljucimo diskusiju, ionako ne vodi nikuda. Niste mi odgovorili, jel slusao neko Scheitan?
  14. Da, Gojko, poslao ti je poljubac, jesi srecan sada? Covek ti lepo eksplicitno kaze sta misli o svojoj muzici, a ti se hvatas za slamku.
  15. Demo snimci jesu death metal ili satanic majestic death metal,kako je Jon to zvao.Bas bih voleo da mi kazes ko ih je to napadao da su black metal.Ne znam kad tacno,ali sintagma Metal of Death je nastala pre izlaska The Somberlain-a,kada je black metal bio underground u undergroundu,tako da je nelogicno da te neko napada sto si iz death metala,koji je tad bio u vrhuncu,presao u black metal.Jednostavno,Dissection je i black i death metal,ali bi opet pogresio kad bi ih iskljucivo svrstao u neki od ta dva pravca,a kom su od ta dva pravca blizi,najbolje govori to da oni imaju mnogo vise fanova medju black,nego death metal populacijom. Dobro "napadali" je malo gruba rec. Hteo sam da kazem da su bas svi bili u fazonu kao i ti. Kako death, kad je black? Procitao sam par intervjua u kojima ga to pitaju. Nakon toga je bilo metal of death, valjda ga je smorilo to "etiketiranje". A to medju kojom populacijom imaju navise fanova ne govori nista. Ja eventualno mogu da spustim loptu pa da prihvatim da su blackened death metal, ali black nikako. Evo ti jedan intervju sa Jonom i 1997-me. DISSECTION INTERVIEW, taken from Black Art Magazine #2, 1997 A.Y.P.S. We feel proud to have the opportunity of featuring an interview with one of the best Swedish Black Metal bands from nowadays. Yep, I'm talking about Dissection… I guess it isn't necessary to write the whole bio of the band, so I'll just mention some aspects on Dissection's bio you ought to know: After Dissection's formation in late '89, they released the debut-Demo “The Grief Prophecy” (1990). By the time they got a full line-up, later in 1990 A.Y.P.S., they released a 7” EP through a small French label. Soon after the releasing of the second Demo, in Spring of 1992, Dissection signed a one-album deal with the Swedish No Fashion Records, and so the debut album “The Somberlain” was released. Actually Dissection's line-up is: Jon Nodveidt: vocals / lead guitar Johan Norman: rhythm guitar Peter Palmdahl: bass Inferno (Ex-Swordmaster): drums And now read the interview (made by phone) with Jon Nodveidt: B.A.: To begin this interview with a usual question, tell us how your band's going at the Moment. Who took the initiative of forming Dissection? D.: Everything is going ok with Dissection. We're recording a Bathory cover, some gigs have been planned, etc. It was me and the bassist Peter who formed the band in '89. B.A.: The first time I heard about Dissection I thought it was a Death Metal band. Why did you chose that name? Don't you think it's more like a Death metal name? D.: Well, Dissection has two meanings: “a deeper view into the things” as well as “autopsy”. Both meanings are correct. Ok, it's like a Death metal band's name. Since we were formed we have always been into Death / Black Metal, so I think the name fits well our style of music. B.A.: Tell us about your latest release “Storm of the light's bane”. D.: (laughing) I think there's not much to tell about it. I think it's a good album… It's hard to say something about thy own work! B.A.: What about your actual line-up? Are you actually playing along with Swordmaster's ex-drummer? By the way, is it true that you're the brother of Swordmaster's guitarist Emil Nodveidt? D.: After the recording of “Storm of the light's bane” we kicked our former drummer out of the band, who was replaced by the drummer of Swordmaster. We've known him since 5 years ago and I must recognize that he is the best drummer we have ever worked with. And yes, I'm the brother of Swordmaster's guitarist Emil. B.A.: I've read an interview (namely in Aardschok), that your music influences go beyond Venom, Bathory, and Celtic Frost. Is it true you are also influenced by bands like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden? D.: Yes, sure! We grew up with that music. Besides, we don't limit ourselves. We are influenced by many kinds of music, from old Heavy Metal to Black and Death Metal. We do also listen to classic & dark atmosphere giving music. B.A.: What's your opinion about the Swedish Black Metal scene? Which Swedish bands would you advice us to listen to? D.: I would advice you to listen to the Swedish band Nifelheim. It's a very good band! They play some kind of Satanic / Speed / Black Metal in the vein of the 80's, more or less as Sarcofago. I don't know much more about the Swedish scene. We had some good bands some time ago, like Bathory, etc. Though, there are still some good bands dwelling around… B.A.: Why did you change from the Swedish label No Fashion Recs. To Nuclear Blast Recs.? D.: Oh, that's a long story! I'll try to keep it short. No Fashion Records gave us a lot of trouble (as well as to themselves!), like financial problems, etc. The release of the album "The Somberlain" was delayed for half a year, they didn't make any promotion, etc. Everything was shit! Then we started looking for other offers, and so we chose for Nuclear Blast Recs., it was simply the best label out there! B.A.: Would you consider Dissection as being a Black Metal band? Are you into Satanism? D.: Yes, I'm a Satanist. I don't care whether you label our music as being Black or Death Metal, since we've always been into a mixture between Death and Black metal, so... Personally I think we play some kind of Satanic Death Metal. B.A.: Do you still have any old stuff available? D.: You mean like Demos or something? No, we've sold it out ages ago. We had also recorded a 7” EP back in '91 for a small French label called Corpse Grinder Recs., but also that one was sold out some time ago. We neither have old t-shirts left… B.A.: Which are Dissection's future projects? D.: We're going to record a Bathory cover soon. The song's called “Massacre” and it was taken from their album “Under the sign of the Black mark”. In February we're going to play 6 dates through England along with At The Gates, and in April we'll perform in Austria, Holland, Germany, etc. Maybe in Portugal as well! B.A.: Do you want to leave a last message? D.: Yes, I want to send greetings to each devoted Black Metal guy out there! Hopefully we'll play in Portugal in April, look forward to that! Thanks for the interview and for your support! Jasno i glasno. Slayer se cak i sminkao na pocetku karijere.
  16. A Scheitan? Doduse, oni imaju samo jedan black album, ali pravi.
  17. Bice, bice. Jon je prvo za Dissection tvrdio da su death, pa tek posle nakon toga sto su ga svi napadali da su black, preimenovau u metal of death. Imaju oni i gomilu dm rifova, a i bubanj je dm. Poslusaj i prvi demo. Ti se razumes k'o Marica u kriv kurac. Kako da ne. Onda je i Saban Saulic black metal. Drk Throne i jeste pank.
  18. Ne slazem se, ali aj da se ne svadjamo.
  19. Dissection ima samo bm atmosferu, sve ostalo je dm. Uostalom, sam Jon je tvrdio da su dm, posle je poceo sa proseravanjima anti-cosmic metal of death.
  20. @Sadomator - Dissection nije black metal.
  21. Zar je potrebno ista vise?
  22. Finska.
  23. Kakve veze ima spavanje sa radom mozga. Ono, da li je tacno da ljudi koji imaju problema sa nesanicom imaju pojacanu mozdanu aktivnost, pa zbog toga ne mogu da spavaju. Desava mi se recimo, da nekad ne mogu da zaspim ako o necemu razmisljam, a ne mogu da prestanem o tome da razmisljam.
  24. Ne, to je hipofiza.
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