Evo da kopiram komentar jednog imdb usera, mada to inace ne radim:
"It's an intelligent movie for intelligent people." or "People just don't get it." WTF is there to understand?
Walk here, walk there, get eaten, don't get eaten, boo hoo hoo, my wife left, harsh world, harsh world, blah,
blah, blah. There is no effing setting, so no metaphor; there is about fifteen minutes of dialog, mostly the
dumb kid whining for his stupid father not to kill everybody. The voice-over is so arty that I was praying for
the damn end of days. Yeah we get it: planet goes boom, people get nutty and awful, track you down, wanna feast
on your innards, ambiguous ending, whoopee doo. What did I miss? Oh yeah, old man ass twice. Real intelligent."