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Everything posted by thebane

  1. Mislio sam da bude na engleskom, lepo kad se proslavite u USA da ljudi mogu da procitaju. ...he, he...
  2. Ribja Corba nema ni jednu dobru stvar...
  3. Alice In Chains - Nutshell
  4. Mislim, necu nikog da vredjam ali Bon Jovi je zesce komercialno sranje za ribe. Sramota je sto to uopste zovu metalom. Ali to je samo moje misljenje...
  5. thebane

    Pink Floyd

    A Saucerful Of Secrets je, po meni, jedan od najboljih albuma Floyda i verovatno 60-ih. Tako prosta a tako dobra muzika. www.neptunepinkfloyd.com [/url]
  6. thebane

    Pink Floyd

    Sad upravo slusam Let There Be More Light sa Saucerful Of Secrets- malo su cudne reci ->Far, far, far away - way People heard him say - say I will find a way - way There will come a day - day Something will be done. Then at last the mighty ship Descending on a point of flame Made contact with the human race at Milden Hall. Now, now, now is the time - time Time to be - be - be aware Carter's father saw it there and And knew the rhull revealed to him The living soul of Herrywood the Wake. Oh, my, something in my eye - eye Something in the sky - sky Waiting there for me The outer lock rolls slowly back, The servicemen were heard to sigh, For there revealed in glowing robes Was Lucy in the sky Oh - oh - did you ever know - know Never ever will they I cannot say Summoning his cosmic pow'r And glowing slightly from his toes, The psychic emanations flowed. <- Da li neko moze malo da mi ih pojasni?
  7. thebane


    Po meni najbolji album je Dum Dum, sve ostalo je bledo i sladunjavo. Ali najveci utisak je na mene ostavio Angel's Breath (solo projekat M.M.-a) - mesavina brazilskih ritmova i balkanskih melodija zvuci odlicno. Jeza me krene kad slusam Metak. Iskreno mi je zao sto je sav taj talenat propao; mislim, svi pomrli osim Todorovica, a njega boli kita. EKV je sigurno nesto sto se nece ponoviti na ovim prostorima.
  8. A sto se ne zovete Anestesia? :?
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