Now, about the songs:
I have five of the nine that appear to be mine completely written and arranged. There are two more that are Shawn's, and James has a potential part for a song, as well as Chris. I have to say that the energy and musical vein is from the period you have all been requesting. I know I have written something good too, when I am playing something and I curl my lip up when I assault my guitar. Andy said, "Awwight! ye got a bit ov de ole lip snarlin' goin now wight matey??
I can without a doubt say that there is a song on here that is somewhat like "Poison Was The Cure." There seems to be a 'color' around this song that is reminiscent of the flair and energy from that period. This color is evident on several songs. Ask Jeff or Shane. Them not being band members also helps deter them from doing a cover-up and saying it sounds great . . . if it didn't.
But it does sound great, and I am more excited about this new record than I was with UA or anything in the last several years. I must confess that when Justis comes in and he and his band are stocked and howling about how fast and how heavy the new stuff is, it does make me feel great. He has really finicky taste and loves the really heavy stuff; especially the fast double-bass drum parts.
But, I can say that the five out of nine songs I have arranged, I like and love them all, and every one of the songs has one or more of the strong points of me as a guitarist being showcased instead of me writing songs for radio - radio that won't play us anyway.