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Vic Rattlehead

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Vic Rattlehead

  1. Neki ljudi pronalaze utjehu u tome. Ja ne. Ali ako su oni srećni i ja sam.
  2. Ne volim double anal, preextremno mi je.
  3. Jeste nekad bila dobra, ali je Terra Patrick bila uvijek bolja.
  4. Put ka normalnom životu, životu bez boga i sličnih imaginarnih tvorevina.
  5. Žao mi je Vidića, ali to je odlično za Romu!
  6. Naravno da se Megadeth pojavio na MTV-ju prije 20 godina, ali odavno ih nema na toj i sličnim televizijama, tako da će ovaj spot vjerovatno dobro doći.
  7. Daleko najbolji menadžer! Igram s Romom i dosad sam osvojio Kalčo i Kup Uefa. Zna li neko nwki fazon za poveća fonda za transfere, one cigane u odboru kad god pitam ne daju!
  8. Ova nova verzija će, if nothing else, da otvori Megadethu vrata na kojima piše MTV.
  9. Meni je ova nova verzija bolja od prethodne, ne znam, možda griješim, ali nekako mi više leži. Samo, zašto je onako sjeban zvuk???
  10. Polako, još malo pa će čitav procuriti. Sjećate li se kad smo čuli The System Has Failed?
  11. Snimili su ponovo A Tout Le Monde, na kojoj gostuje Christina Scabbia. Pjesma je malo modifikovana i ubrzana, a biće prvi singl i spot s novog albuma.
  12. Droogies! It appears that there will be some description needed for this song. "A Tout Le Monde", as most of you know, and all of the know it alls know, was from Youthanasia. The video was banned, the single was shelved, and without your loving support of a truly beautiful song, it would have died. MTV banned it because they said, "it was a song about suicide," as did many people, but why would the line, "I'd love to stay with you all be in there? It would need to say something like, I want to die, right? And I had a manager at the time that was told along with me by MTV not to use Director Wayne Isham because we had used him too much; odd request, but I heard them loud and clear. Of course management didn't listen and tried to slip it in to MTV under a pseudonym and MTV flipped. They are/were pissed at me for something I didn't do and I would be ok if it was something I did, but I told the manager, and David Ellefson can attest to this, NOT to use Wayne. Their solution was to ban the $300,000+ vidi, and radio in America was following MTV very closely at the time, still do to an extent, and did not play the single. The song was left at the altar. I got sent a bill. Then after the shooting in Montreal, where someone tried tying this song into that horrific act, I knew it was time to follow something that had been haunting me from the start of that song: I could not allow myself to accept the failure of my music because of someone else. I will take the heat, I am well forged by now, so there is yesterday's news. But there was something else: I'd wanted to hear that song as a duet, since it truly was a song of love. But the person had to be perfect; had to be angelic. I decided, and I have sang "A Tout Le Monde" again with Christina Scabbia because she is that person. I had Lisa Marie Presley confirmed, as well as two other attempts, but Christina was the obvious choice for our metal community. The song was sped up a little, like it was supposed to be on Youthanasia before all the tempos were tunred down. It has a 50% longer solo of original Glen Drover lead guitar blending into the original Friedman solo, and launching off of that at the end of the solo taking it up a little bit more. So, now that leaves us with what to do with this song. Well, its intention was only to soothe my wounds, and it was meant to be a "B-side" for Japan, but that didn't happen, as you will no doubt read. The song was finished and turned in to the record company and the radio department and everyone, including people that have heard the song before, are saying, "this is the single for America!" There was excitement and a buzz, and they ALL agreed on this, which is a feat in itself when you have some many creative people in one place at any given time. Imagine my surpise, and my sense of being vindicated, and then the shock and concern about you Droogies not understanding (which apparently you don't), let alone the indifferent public, which is now the primary target, since you have already heard it and it was supposed to be a simple "B-side", and the haters who will undoubtedly hate. On one hand it worked, and on the other, I have to explain myself, which I don't like. But it gets stranger. Now "A Tout Le Monde" has a new life and people are reacting, but there is concern about, as I was told, "the guy in Arkansas that calls the song 'a toot lay monday'." I said, "I say the pronounciation in the song," but it was suggested to me, to help the public to discover this classic you all know and most love (and some don't want tampered with) to add a subtitle. I said, "huh?" The moments after that were inconsequential, and I just found myself agreeing because there were worse things I had to fix at the time, and I had to pick which thing I was going to give my attention to at "crunch time." So, in an effort to make things easier for the DJs, and remember this is just for radio, there has been a subtitle added to "ATLM" ala 'A Tout Le Monde (Set Me Free)' for the album and the single has been called 'Set Me Free (A Tout Le Monde)' for radio by Roadrunner. You have gotten "Sleepwalker", we posted "Gears Of War", and everyone seems to have heard "Washington Is Next!", and I think we are doing pretty good. All I can say is, just trust me on this one. Again, it was meant to be a "B-side" and with all of the professionals over at Roadrunner, I think they really may be right and they may have a real surprise for you. We shoot the video for this song on the 8th of this month before I leave for Vancouver, and Christina shoots her part on the 9th. Thank you to the guys in Lacuna Coil for supporting Christina in doing this, and to you Ms. Scabbia, you were fantastic! Tour dates for the US run are officially announced Monday morning here, so check back then Release the hounds!!! Dakle, ukratko, Dave je snimio duet sa CRISTINOM SCCABIOM, u pitanju je obrada A Tout Le Monde. A evo i tracklistinga sa novog albuma: Sleepwalker United Abominations Washington is Next Gears of War A Tout Le Monde (Set Me Free) Burnt Ice You're Dead to Me Amerikhastan Blessed Are The Dead Never Walk Alone Out on the Tiles To Die For
  13. Ma kako nisu, najbolja je na zadnjem daleko. Mada je na svakom dobra za naše uslove.
  14. IMate na Roadrunner-ovom sajtu finalnu verziju pjesme za download. Mnogo je bolja produkcija od ove prve.
  15. Imate li ideju kako da kaznim komšije iznad mene koji imaju dijete (tako kažu) a ja bih se kladio da u stvari drže bizona kao kućnog ljubimca?
  16. Prekiuše Interov niz konačno.
  17. Neije ni meni, ali eto. Negdje sam našao ovaj link i iskopirao.
  18. Otprilike. Samo da nešto raščistim, Rhapsody-eva muzika je vanvremenska, a ne Manowarova, Goetze.
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