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Vic Rattlehead

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Everything posted by Vic Rattlehead

  1. Ali nemoj me pogrešno razumijeti, volim Manowar, samo su mi neki od njihovih tekstova smiješni poput ovog. Kao i Rhapsody. Muzika vanvremenska, a tekstovi komedija.
  2. Nije baš isti, liči malo.
  3. Jebo te, iskulirajte malo, šta ste se napalili, dobili ste nas sad i KO ZNA KAD. Ionako je titula već odavno van vašeg dometa, što je i najvažnije, jelte.
  4. Nisam u toku, ima li igdje Opsesija u normalnom bitrateu?
  5. Suzukija pomnoži s nulom jer je otišao. A Gaja treba strijeljati, ne što je crnac već što je prespor i kriv za dva gola. Kompletna odbrana Zvezde je drek otkad je otišao Nemanja Vidić!!!
  6. Kako nije smiješno, pa nađi nekog da ti prevede ako ne razuimješ! :)
  7. They can't stop us Let 'em try For Heavy Metal We will die! Quit my job this morning sad forever I would hold my head up high Cause I need Metal in my life Just like an eagle needs to fly So I walked outside into the street From a hall I heard thunder and screams I walked inside so I could hear And the guy beside me gave me a beer He had his fist up in the air And called me brother said my friends Are over there They call themselves Immortals They're the truest of the true And in that very moment I was born again like you They said hold your head up high Raise your fist up in the air Play Metal louder than Hell Louder than Hell They can't stop us Let 'em try For Heavy Metal We will die! Brothers stand beside me, there's a battle on Know my words are true There's a battle for true Metal They're marching; they're marching on Me and you Ten thousand strong are here tonight With twenty thousand fist up in the air The power of true Metal's calling you It's everywhere Hold your head up high Raise your fist up in the air Play Metal louder than Hell Louder than Hell They can't stop us Let 'em try For Heavy Metal We would die! :) :) :) :)
  8. Ne bi' se ja ljuito ni da prije dodju!
  9. To je valjda Vic, samo neka nova ultra cyber/fancy verzija.
  10. Ima li igdje taj patch i koliko teži?
  11. Nisam baš toliko upućen u gothic, slušao sam nekih 7-8 gothic albuma, a ova dva su mi se najviše svidjela.
  12. Ma doći će oni nama sa Gigantourom!
  13. Imam ja, ali sam jako daleko stoga teško da ti mogu pomoći. Probaj na SoulSeeku ili preko Torrenta.
  14. Nemaju oni veze sa Triviumom, imaju svoj stil koji je po meni originalan. Odličan je ovo bend!
  15. Droogies! In case you were wondering what was said when the audio went down before I left NAMM yesterday, it went like this: She said, blah, blah blah NAMM? I thought (what did she just say?) and said, "Yeah, I had a great day" or something. She said, blah, blah, blah, DEAN are the best in the world!" I said, "I completely agree, do you play guitar?" or something. THEN She said, "I am actually a pianist." I said, "Did you say you were a penis?" She said, "Yes, I am a pianist!" After confirming numerous times, I looked into the camera and said, "WHAT!!!???" and wanted to say what she said but I was too embarrassed to do that to her. I had to leave after that! I told the heads of DEAN and we all had a good laugh. I thought she did ok, but I haven't seen anything yet. It was great seeing some of the guitarist that were at DEAN that I respect as players (most of them from when I was developing my own style) like Rik Emmitt from Triumph, and Rudy Schenker from the Scorpions. I missed Leslie "Green" West (inside joke) and saw a lot of other people that went by in a blur; Phil from Armoured Saint, Rita (Darryl's girl), and numerous people I thought were out of the business or presumed dead. One guy walked up to me and introduced his kids, and said something like, "Its good seeing you again, . . . how you been?" and my brain started itching because I didn't know this guy from a hole in the ground. Ah, and you want to be famous? So, yes the May 8th date is finally confirmed now that the mix is nearly done. I hate saying when release dates are, because sometimes they change, and you have to deal with naysayers who behave like the ultimate inch of colon, but I would rather this record was finished to my standards, and above (which it is . . . about time, I know) then put out a soft record. Metal needs a really good oldschool record again. I believe I have delivered. It ain't RIP2, but it could be the record that makes me forget about everything in-between. Love to all of you that I saw at NAMM, and that saw me on the net thanks to the interviewing pianist.
  16. Mislim da su samo Daveove, no vrijeme će otkloniti sve naše sumnje.
  17. Cold White Light je, poslije Paradiseovog 'One Second', najbolji gothic album.
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