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Vic Rattlehead

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Everything posted by Vic Rattlehead

  1. Taquilla X, Taquilla XX i jos jedna Taquilla XX (kad rade).
  2. A sad mi je jasno... ma mi njega redovno trpamo.
  3. A steta, dobra je bila... mislim, domacica
  4. A je l' se razveo od nje???
  5. Ko? U stvari, reci mi šta je birao pa ću možda znati?
  6. Meni su uvije crvene strelice, ne mogu bez toga. Nas 10-ak koji tako igramo uvijek stavimo raspoloženje na maksimum.
  7. Imate na YouTube-u nove snimke iz studija, dio pjesme Never Walk Alone, meni je ušao u glavu i pjevam ga po cijeli dan!!!! A onaj riff na početku veoma liči na uvodni riff iz Vortexa!! Biće ovo dobar album!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIIw9saQgYo Kratak je, pa može čak i sa dial-upom.
  8. Ima opcija Edit, u njoj ability, i stavis covjeku pristojnu ocjenu za Keeper skills. Kod mene Lehman ima 85.
  9. Stari, ubjedljivo najdebilniji golman je Lehman!!!! Slušajte situaciju: neki od Arsenalovih igrača izbija loptu u korner, Lehman trči da je spasi. Negdje kod linije peterca, kada je lopta već trebala izaći, pojavljuje se Jens i lopti ne da vani, već je rukom gura u sopstveni gol!!!!!! Živa istina, mada sam i ja ponavljao replay 100 puta jer nisam mogao da vjerujem!!! Inače, biram Romu koja je dosta lošije urađena nego što bi trebala, ali Totti, Mancini i Vučinić je izvlače! Ne mora da znači. I ja sam jednom Barselonu dobio 6:1 s Romom. Nema šanse da bi osvojio s Livornom, osim ako nisi baš genije.
  10. Meni je ta, uz Back in the Day najbolja na albumu.
  11. Ma vazda je imao dobre tekstove i nazive pjesama! A ovo za Liverpool, ne vjerujem, moraćemo sačekati dok se ne pojavi text. Utisci lika sa njihovog foruma koji je imao sreću da ih čuje: Ok. I dont know where to start here really! I also spent the day in the studio with everyone the other day. Dave said to me before I left that I had his full permission to gloat, so thats what Im gonna do! I suppose I need to thank Dave firstly for the warm welcome and his even warmer hospitality throughout the day. My circumstances for being in the studio were different to the rest of the fans and I am forever grateful to you for that Dave! And then there is Andy Sneap. Again, if you are reading this andy, I can only thank you profusely and assure you that what you made possible for me that day will never be forgotten. You are a gentleman. And so to the music. HOLY F**K! The music!!!!! The other guys who won the opportunity to hear all these new tracks will know only too well from my reaction to same what I thought of it. This is the record that will put Megadeth back up where they should be, at the very top of their game. Because Im sat in a shit hole of an internet cafe right now, Im not gonna get into huge depth about the events of the day etc. I'll leave that til I get back to my office Monday. What I can tell you however, is that I heard a lot of stuff the other guys didnt. And where what was played to the entire gang of us blew most of our heads off, it was what I heard before and after that that blew my f**king head off!! And I mean BANG! One of the songs in particlar drew a reaction from me that had Dave, Glenn and Andy pissing themselves laughing at me that evening in the studio. I told you Dave and Glenn, "this is the one". This is the Megadeth song Ive been waiting for forever... This song with its fantastic verses, unexpected time changes, fabulous chorus with what can only be called haunting back up vocals, its speed in the change, its intensity...I could go on and on all day about this one. Holy wars has always been my favourite Megadeth song. It now has a contender... Guys I can assure you that no one and I mean no one will be disappointed with this record. There is a fantastic mix of everything we love about the band in it. The drumming is pounding on this one and the kit really does sound explosive. The vocals are unf**king believable. The anger in there... The riffs...oh my god the riffs!! shivers up and down my spine. Glenn drover is officially about to blow a lot of peoples minds. The solos are just soooo incredible and complex. This man is a genius. You will see... Glenn it was great to have a few beers (and some champers) with you and just chat like two regular guys out havin a beer. You are a true gentleman. Dave Mustaine. What can I say? You welcomed me like a friend you had'nt seen in ages and sent me off the same way.. I have always and I mean always called you "Mr. Mustaine" in every post ive made before this one out of pure respect for you. Weve met and hung out many times now but I feel like I have the right to class you as a real friend and not just someone ive idolised for as long as I can remember (still do mind ;-) ). You are a gentleman and a genius. To the fellow droogies I met that day, I had a blast hangin with you guys. Pity everyone was driving but we will all meet up again and get hammered properly!I will elaborate lots on this Monday for anyone who is interested. Just rest assured that the best musicians on the planet are about to deliver a nuclear bomb on the metal world....
  12. Hoće li moderatori konačno odobriti nekome temu na Koncertima, pa da tamo prozborimo koju o svima nam milom dolasku Maidena?
  13. Evo tražim je na SoulSeeku, ali me SoulSeel kulira.
  14. Neki od novih naslova pjesama su Never Walk Alone, Amerikhastan, Sleepewalker, Burnt Ice...
  15. Taj mi se zadnji smajli sviđa!
  16. Pogledajte prošlu stranu.
  17. Ma jebeš to, bitno je da MEGADETH ponovo dolazi! Još kad bi došli sa Gigantourom!!!!!
  18. Engleski jezik i književnost. Ne bih se složio.
  19. VOZI!!!! Ako ti se ne svidja, zaobidji, seljanko. P.S. jesi li ti chamuga???
  20. Jugoistočno od ovog sa kapuljačom, otprilike.
  21. Meni je novi album skror OK, bolji od prošlog. Pa šta ako kopira Hatfielda? Matt ima 17-18 godina, normalno je da ma uzore, a i vremenom će izgraditi svoj stil.
  22. Meni na ovom omotu nije ništa jasno! Vic je valjda ovaj bez kapuljače ali je skroz neprepoznatljiv!
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