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Everything posted by Grobodan

  1. Jeste,koliko znam,stradao je u saobracajki i ostao trajno nepokretan.
  2. Grobodan


    Ti nisi normalan! Inace,ne mislim da je GDOW toliko los,ali to NIJE MAYHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Grobodan


    Poslusaj ti Bathory,pa ces onda ta vidis ko je tata!Inace,De misteriis je vrh!
  4. Joj,sto serete...Uhavtili se onih par recenica koje su,by the way,iz Rogosicevog pera,a nije ih sam Kozeljnik izjavio,pa drvite li drvite...I svi kenjate kako su pozeri,pa mi lepo navedite razloge i njihove postupke zbog kojih tako mislite.
  5. "Evil Lives: A True Metal Tribute to Black Sabbath" hits the streets on June 1st. Magick (the metal division of Cleopatra Records) is set to unleash "Evil Lives A True Metal Tribute to Black Sabbath" on June 1st 2004. While Black Sabbath are one of only a few Metal groups to enjoy "household name" status, many people think only of the first 4 members or the first 4 records. While proudly acknowledging the roots, this tribute is also the demonic chronicle of the other 30+ musicians who have kept the Sabbattack strong for 30+ years on 30+ albums & collections! The 13 bands on this tribute represent several generations of Head Bangers as well. From old school legends to current Power Metal gods to the rising stars of tomorrow's dream, the torch of True Metal that Black Sabbath sparked so long ago is burning brighter than it has in years. Featuring Iced Earth, Primal Fear, Agent Steel, Jag Panzer Racer X and many more on 13 Godlike tracks. Track listing: 01. Iced Earth - Black Sabbath 02. Primal Fear - Die Young 03. Jag Panzer - Children Of The Sea 04. Racer X - Children Of The Grave 05. Lynch/Neil - Paranoid 06. Icarus Witch - Falling Off The Edge Of The World 07. Forever Say Die! - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath 08. Order Of Nine - Disturbing The Priest 09. Steel Prophet - Neon Knights 10. Agent Steel - Hole In The Sky 11. Dofka - N.I.B. 12. Twisted Tower Dire - Glory Ride 13. October 31 - Danger Zone
  6. Long-standing death metallers Cannibal Corpse have announced that they have recruited Jeremy Turner, previously of Origin (Relapse Records) to fill the second-guitarist slot in the group following the departure of Jack Owen earlier this month. "It is too early to say if he will wind up being the permanent replacement, but so far he is doing very well learning the songs," the band write on their web site. "Jeremy is a dedicated guitarist and a dedicated death metaller, as fans of his previous work already know. Learning 18 songs in less than 3 weeks is a tough job, and we want to thank Jeremy for working hard to get the job done."
  7. Grobodan


    Bice cena karte 400 dindzi.Inace,predgrupe su Defilement,Heretical Gulit i Sacramental Blood.
  8. O,ZiN,nisam u BG-u ovih dana...Cucemo se...Ako nista,vidimo se na Vaderu
  9. Kakva ce ovo da bude razaracina!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Grobodan


    Ko shto rekoh na 4.strani...
  11. U pravu si,koji su oni kurac znacajni,samo su bili prvi Death metal bend... Inace,izasao je tribute pod nazivom Seven gates of horror. Tracklist: 1. SADISTIC INTENT (FT. JEFF BECCARA) – The Exorcist 2. IMPIOUS – Fallen Angel 3. CANNIBAL CORPSE – Confessions 4. PENTACLE – The Beasts Of Apocalypse 5. VADER – Death Metal 6. DIABOLIC – No Will To Live 7. GOD DETHRONED – Satan’s Curse 8. ABSU – Swing Of The Axe 9. SINISTER – Storm In My Mind 10. ANGEL CORPSE – Burning In Hell 11. KRABATHOR – Evil Warriors 12. HOUWITSER – March To Die 13. AMON AMARTH – The Eyes Of Horror Ovo bi trebalo nabaviti,ima dobrih bendova...
  12. Grobodan


    Shta,bre,chovek!I Samoth je bio vrlo vazan deo benda,ucestvovao je u pravljenju muzike...Oni su mi prosto savrsen tim!
  13. Grobodan


    Meni ostaje omiljeni Olden Domain (Garm je ipak njihov najjaci vokal),mada mi ni Empiricism nije za potcenjivanje.Dobar bend!!!!
  14. Evo ga cover za novi DVD:
  15. Spheres je sranje!Istripaovali su se da su neki jazzeri i napravili glupost!Odbacili su ih metalci, a jazz publika ih naravno nije prihvatila. Nabavi nesto starije,npr.Testimony of the ancients.
  16. Chovek se jeste preselio u Beligiju,ali totalno nevezano za neko ubistvo.
  17. e,moj Frubi,besposleni ljudi nisu imali gde da svrstaju slicne bendove,a najvise su im licili na DM (verovatno zbog vokala) i - eto ti.Mada,In flames vise definitivno nemaju ni najmanje slicnosti sa ovim pravcem.
  18. Joj,kako je ovo bilo nisko. Manowar nisu pozeri,ali po meni ni kraljevi.
  19. Grobodan


    Neoriginalni nisu,jer su medju prvima poceli da furaju taj zvuk.Ako vam se ne svidja,to je vec druga prica.
  20. Grobodan


    Cover novog albuma:
  21. Slazem se.Ni pre mi nisu bili nista posebno,a sad su kopija najgora!
  22. Grobodan


    Jos uvek se bavi tim.Bas sam citao neki interview sa Chuckom gde je rekao da lik vise uopste i ne svira.
  23. Grobodan


    Doduse,ja nisam slusao Ritual,ali covek vise nego dobro odradjuje posao,a jos na kakvim je istorijskim stvarima svirao...Hail Louie!
  24. Grobodan


    BM nikad nece umreti i to je to.
  25. Destroyer je ubedljivoi najgori...prva tri rulaju!
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