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Everything posted by Grobodan

  1. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O Therapsid i Death metal :? :? :? Tu neshto nije u redu Ja DT slusam vec godinu P.S.Odjebi U,jebote,ala si naslusan...
  2. Grobodan


  3. Grobodan


    I? Kako ti se svidja?
  4. Grobodan


    Svedski old school death metal.Delovali su krajem osamdesetih i u prvoj polovini devedesetih i ostavili iza sebe klasike poput "Into the Grave" i "You'll never See...".Vratise se prosle godine albumom "Back from the Grave". Jel' slusao ko?
  5. Grobodan


    Ma slazem se u potpunosti.
  6. Konacno i ja nabavih INRI.Odlican album!
  7. Ma,bio je,ali ce sada opet. Evo,nabavih Twilight of the Idols.Prosecno... Gorgoroth bi trebalo da podju stopama Immortala i Emperora,ne vidim vise smisao njihovog postojanja.
  8. Grobodan


    Jebote,zar su Nile toliko veliki da im je jebeni KREATOR predgrupa!
  9. The mind's I jebe kevu!
  10. Meni se svidja omot,ali najvaznije je da album bude dobar (u sta ne sumnjam).
  11. Kako je jak omot...
  12. An underground icon and purveyor of all things dark and mysterious, KING DIAMOND and his cohorts continue to terrorize humanity with their latest and most extreme album to date, The Puppet Master. This gruesome tale set to take place in 18th century Budapest, Hungary involving a puppet show and many fascinating characters. One cold night in December the main character known as Unfortunate Man goes down to see a Christmas puppet show and after the show he is standing outside and sees a young woman. He is strangely drawn to this young woman, Victoria, almost as if one of the puppet's ghosts is sitting on his shoulder whispering in his ear to go and kiss the girl. The two get along immediately due to their fascination with the puppet show and end up going out. About a year later everything is going very good until one night Victoria heads down to the puppet show by herself and never returns. The Unfortunate Man goes down to the puppet show to investigate and sees the Puppet Master's wife leaving with a wheel barrel and follows her only to see her murder a homeless man and put his body in the cart. From here the story twists and turns as it takes you through the horrific tale of the Unfortunate Man, Victoria, The Puppet Master, his wife, the puppets and the events leading to the climactic end of the story. Evo,malo o prici... JEDVA CEKAM!!!!!
  13. Elita nase scene!
  14. Grobodan


    Everyone should expect Chimera to be much more back to basics and much more brutal than Grand Declaration was and it is official: Chimera shall bear the Season Of Mist label on it. Necrobutcher and Blasphemer met with SoM in Marseille to negotiate a new contract, during which lightning and rain swept through the city when it had been bone dry for months. Lightning struck but a few meters from the office as the contract was being signed. The cursed existence of Mayhem remains, prepare for an attack like no other.” Tracks set to appear on the new album include: ‘Rape Humanity With Pride’, ‘Chimera’, ‘Dark Night Of The Soul’ and ‘Deathwhore’. Source: http://www.thetruemayhem.com Sta kazete na ovo,a?Proseravanje ili True?
  15. Prvi Death metal bend.
  16. Ma,nista,nema problema... Ali,ja zaista mislim da je atmosfera bajkovita...
  17. Najbolji album mi je Dark Medieval Times,a pesma,mozda malo stereotipno,Mother North!
  18. Bez uvrede,al jel tebi sve bajkovito (shalim se poshto mislim da si ti napisao za Neguru Bunget neshto bajkovito ) Nisam ja,to je napisao Thabbas...
  19. HammerFall - super bend!Svi albumi su odlicni!Jebite se,zlobnici!Slava cistom celiku!!!
  20. Atilla,Varg,Abbath.
  21. Sodom - Agent Orange Kreator - Pleasure to Kill Destruction - Infernal Overkill Exodus - Bonded by Blood Slayer - Show no Mercy Sepultura - Arise Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
  22. Nije los taj Final Holocaust,ali je malo razvucen.
  23. Naravno,Hellhammer i Trym.
  24. Grobodan

    Celtic Frost

    Slazem se.Prvi albumi imaju totalno mracnu atmosferu u Black metal fazonu.
  25. Americki Old School Satanic Death metal.Slusao sam samo "Onwards to Golgotha"(prvi) i odusevio se.Brutalni delovi se smenjuju sa melanholicnim Doom deonicama i stvaraju strasno dijabolicnu atmosferu. Ajmo,ljudi,jel'cuo jos neko nesto od njih?
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