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Everything posted by azal

  1. imaju nov bend braca, meni bas dosta lici na stari dobri ZH ovaj vajb
  2. ma da, verovatno je Youtube u pitanju.
  3. mogu jer njihovi albumi noviji bas imaju zdravu produkciju gde ne forsiraju situaciju da bi zvucelo kao da je snimljeno pre 30 godina. ovo mi zvuci kao da ide u tom smeru, videcemo kad izadje album.
  4. nesto mi nepotrebno oldschool zvuci produkcija. mozda je do youtube-a.
  5. azal

    King Crimson

    gde si gledao?
  6. verovatno ce pisati u bukletu
  7. kul je ali mi nekako deluje kao da su i sami mogli ovaj remix da urade
  8. isto. zato sto hocu da idem 21 okt u atinu da gledam Morgana Lefay. Moracu jedan progcation da isplaniram
  9. pravo vreme za minsk
  10. sranje je sto nece raditi Fortress turneju vise, potvrdili da ce sledeca evropska turneja biti za novi album
  11. jbg “Dear European and Japanese friends, You know when you’re hearing from Choady it’s bad news, and this time will be no different. Unfortunately the rest of the Fortress tour is cancelled. I completely frigged myself on the North American portion of the tour. I assumed it would be like any other tour, a few days off and I’m good to go, however I was mistaken. I don’t know whether it’s my age or so many years of improperly using my voice, but it’s not snapping back the way it once did. At this point I’m worried that heading back on tour would result in irreparable damage. So, I’m going back to the basics, I’m going to figure out what I’m doing wrong and learn how to sing properly, all while attempting to record the new album. This sucks, and I’m very sorry. I hate disappointing people, but I have to put my health first.” Rody
  12. Hammerfall u NSu
  13. ghost je uradio nesto sto nije originalno? bas sokantno
  14. ima on Maynardisms, samo nisu dominantni. prvo sto mi padne na pamet je onaj delic pre refrena u Dark Hair Down "This time the wheel has come around Free of her cage she crows" bas otpeva kao Maynard. kao sto ima te neke sitne Jeff Buckley momente koje su ocigledne ali generalno ne lici mnogo na buckleya
  15. meni po boji i stilu on najvise podseca na Maynarda i mozda malko Steve Hogarth. nijedan mi ne zvuci gej, ali kapiram zelju za agresivnijim vokalom preko agresivnih rifova.
  16. nije mi jasno zasto je ovo solo album a ne Symphony X. bukvalno je kao sve skorije od njih samo sa gorim pevacem.
  17. too much prog
  18. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/14kL/HePWQGi9B
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