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Everything posted by azal

  1. ja sam mislio da se neko zajebava kad sam video vest. nemam zelju da preslusam ali mi je do jaja. moras biti lud ko kurac da se toliko iscimas oko ovakvog projekta
  2. ne znam da li sam ikad pustio njihov album neki ali sam bio na prvom certu, i sve to meni vise zvuci kao neki coldplay bez vokala nego neki tipican GYBE, EITS post rock. ono, bas spakovane pesme za curice.
  3. azal


    pa i oni su vise doom/stoner sto se tice porekla. meni zao revocationa sto su toliko dobri a ne dovoljno popularni da sviraju turneje kao glavni bend. tako da uvek otvaraju za neki bezveze deathcore bendove. a relapse kao da nekako samo forsira tu doom/stoner ekipu, red fang, ringworm, tombs, sta vec. ne znam, sad kad bolje razmislim, i metal blade konstantno fura neke proto metal, occult rock govnare
  4. azal


    mislim da je metal blade bolje kuca za njih. relapse izgleda jedino gura doom/stoner bendove.
  5. potpisujem.
  6. taj album je bio i ostao ispred vremena. nisu glupi metalci bili spremni
  7. kako donwfall of gaia iskusno izbegava bedu
  8. deluje pijan. pola otpeva kao da je u nekom thrash bendu
  9. nije ni to lose
  10. kakava je ovo klanica
  11. abitno. drago mi je da je lepo proslo. GIAA su post rock Sabaton
  12. mislim da je hteo da kaze da financijski uspeh tu i tamo kao sa GIAA pomaze resetoru da dovodi bendove na koje ce da gubi pare
  13. meni je bas dobra. nije tipicna za njih.
  14. jos jedna stvar http://www.rollingst...-rager-20140410 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orkHijetk5g
  15. u slucaju da nisi znao, flea je svirao bas na DITC. ok mi je stvar, nista spec.
  16. daj link za ratking.
  17. azal

    Sunn O)))

  18. azal


    INTERVIEW: SANCTUARY's Dave Budbill On The New Album - "It's Not Mirror, It's Not Refuge Denied, It's Definitely Showing Growth" Sanctuary is a group that is best known for being the band Warrel Dane fronted prior to the band dissolving in 1992, as well as having guitar virtuoso Jeff Loomis as a live guitarist in the same year, who would also join Dane and Jim Sheppard when they would go onto form Nevermore. However, the Seattle power/progressive metal quintet stand proud as a unique entity in heavy metal with their landmark releases 'Refuge Denied' and 'Into the Mirror Black', which were much ahead of their times in many senses; be it in a conceptual, compositional or thematic context, and yet retained the organic sensibilities of the old school era they thrived in. The band had the unique privilege of having Megadeth's Dave Mustaine produce their debut album, whom they also toured alongside upon releasing the album. However, the period after the release of their second album saw the band facing pressure from Epic Records to fit in with the prevailing Seattle grunge scene, eventually causing disagreements regarding the band's musical direction and ultimately resulting in their disbandment. Having recently revived the project in 2010, followed by a series of live appearances in 2011, culminating in their signing with Century Media, Sanctuary seem to be back to further prove themselves instead of resting on the laurels of their past catalog, with the recent announcement of their forthcoming album, 'The Year the Sun Died' being a testament to this new found drive. The band's drummer and founding member Dave Budbill recently took some time out to sit down for an interview with Metal Wani's editor-in-chief Owais 'Vitek' Nabi (alongside help from writer/correspondent Achintya Venkatesh for the entire line of questioning) for an interview, and discussed a variety of topics, including the nature and stylistic leanings of their forthcoming studio album, the band's thematic explorations, lineup changes and the motivations behind the reunion, among other topics. - See more at: http://www.metalwani.com/2014/04/interview-sanctuarys-dave-budbill-on.html#sthash.xchnhSYD.dpuf
  19. ovaj prvi klip mnogo zvuci kao Rush
  20. pa black breath valjda na njih lice meni su svakako Trap Them bili najjaci na Seizures. ta prva dva albuma su bila odlicna, pre nego sto je bilo ko govorio entombedcore. bio je taj entombed zvuk, ali dosta haoticnija svirka, dosta grindcore-a i opste konfuzije.
  21. javite kad curne ovo http://www.npr.org/blogs/allsongs/2014/04/03/298352348/vikings-choice-behold-noneuclids-confounding-thrash-alchemy
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