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Everything posted by azal

  1. We are deeply saddened and sorry to announce this, but unfortunately Wilderun will not be continuing the 2nd leg of the tour with Soilwork and Kataklysm. Without getting into too many private details, there are family health matters that are taking precedence, therefore it has become infeasible to continue the tour as planned. We have the deepest apologies to all our fans who were planning on seeing us. We promise we wouldn’t cancel unless it was absolutely necessary, but we know you all will understand that family always comes first, and that we will do everything within our power to make it to your area of the world as soon as we’re able. Thank you so much to Soilwork, Kataklysm and the entire crew for giving us an amazing experience this past month, and thank you to all the people who came out and supported us, or discovered us for the first time. It was a bucket-list opportunity for us, and we are so grateful for everyone that made it happen. Once again, our sincere apologies for the disappointment to many of you, and we extend our love to everyone who’s been there for us. And best of luck to Horizon Ignited for filling our spot for the 2nd leg of tour, definitely check them out and support them on the road! Evan, Dan, Wayne & Jon
  2. azal


    da, prosli sad zvuci kao neki prelazni album
  3. azal


  4. radio srbin
  5. We are happy to reveal release date of our new studio album "The Hallowed": it will be released on June 23, 2023, on Atomic Fire Records! It is a concept album, and will be available as double vinyl, CD and digital download/stream. The first single promoting the album is entitled ″Onward We Toil″ and will be released on March 24 - it tells the story of the people and animals, in the concept pushing through adversity to reach their goal of finding ″The Hallowed″. The creatures known as ″The Jaw″ can be heard in the beginning of the song. The epic chorus illustrates the team working together as one. Pre-save "Onward We Toil" single here: https://jagpanzer.afr.link/OnwardWeToilFB In case you missed the news: we will co-headline Blades Of Steel Festival in Madison, WI in September, and earlier, in the Summer, we are coming back to Europe! Except playing at festivals such as Wacken Open Air, Alcatraz or Headbangers Open Air, we will also play few selected club shows, so stay tuned!
  6. sad sam video slike ovih I am Groot lookin ass rusa
  7. dobar album. malo ravan sve vreme ali lepo za slusanje
  8. do jaja bilo stvarno. i slazem se za ove video igrica italijane. dosta zabavno, ali bio bi bolji utisak da je malo brze zavrsio nivo
  9. cime si se vratio?
  10. azal


    give me detergent, give me kale, give me that which is on sale
  11. azal


    prvi utisak je da su vise otisli u neki Oranssi Pazuzu fazon. Zvuci idalje kao Enslaved, ali je fokus na repeticiju i neke kraut/psihodelicne momente. jednostavniji riffovi i aranzmani, manje nekog klasicnog prog zvuka. svidja mi se za sad, idalje istrazuju nove elemente.
  12. bezveze tovarite lika, ocigledno ima druge prioritite, koga briga.
  13. azal


    slusanje albuma u Lidlu i dobijes album gratis sa kupovinom 5kg praska za pranje vesa
  14. jbg, jedino Death da dovedem onda
  15. jbg, kad nije hteo nijedan hrvat da se javi
  16. pa poslusaj, sta ti tesko, mozes i na Toxik da ides, ne moras da biras
  17. evo da slucajno ne propusti @HUMAN 29 april u Beogradu
  18. tacno ne zasluzuju srbi nijedan dobar noviji bend da gledaju
  19. Ghost sjebao BOC worship za sve ostale bendove Ali da, jako prijatan i saren album.
  20. evo potvrdio sam pa mogu da kazem. Unspeakable Axe Records double headliner - Miscreance i Suppression.
  21. ma jok, bolji paket, samo underground 🥰 :human:
  22. bice vrhunskog tech death/thrash-a krajem aprila iako ne bude Nile-a 😇
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