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Everything posted by azal

  1. Rock Hard GUNS N' ROSES - Axl Rose Comments On Dr. Pepper Offer Posted on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 21:06:35 EST GUNS N' ROSES vocalist Axl Rose has issued the following comment: "We are surprised and very happy to have the support of Dr. Pepper with our album Chinese Democracy as for us this came totally out of the blue. If there is any involvement with this promotion by our record company or others we are unaware of such at this time. And as some of Buckethead’s performances are on our album I’ll share my Dr. Pepper with him. Axl Rose" The original press release from Dr. Pepper is as follows: Dr. Pepper Will Give Everyone* in America a Free Soda If Axl Rose Releases New Guns N’ Roses Album, Chinese Democracy, In 2008 *Guitarists Slash and Buckethead Will Not Be Eligible For Free Soda PLANO, Texas, March 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Tired of a world in which Americans idolize wannabe singers and musicals about high schoolers pass as rock ’n roll music, Dr. Pepper is encouraging (ok, begging) Axl Rose to finally release his 17-year-in-the-making belabored masterpiece, Chinese Democracy, in 2008. In an unprecedented show of solidarity with Axl, everyone in America, except estranged GNR guitarists Slash and Buckethead, will receive a free can of Dr. Pepper if the album ships some time -- anytime! -- in 2008. Dr. Pepper supports Axl, and fully understands that sometimes you have to make it through the jungle before you get it right. "It took a little patience to perfect Dr. Pepper’s special mix of 23 ingredients, which our fans have come to know and love," said Jaxie Alt, director of marketing for Dr. Pepper. "So we completely understand and empathize with Axl’s quest for perfection -- for something more than the average album. We know once it’s released, people will refer to it as "Dr. Pepper for the ears" because it will be such a refreshing blend of rich, bold sounds -- an instant classic." Show your support for Axl and get on the nightrain of encouragement here. About Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper is a leading brand in the beverage portfolio of Plano, Texas-based Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages (CSAB), a subsidiary division of Cadbury Schweppes plc (NYSE: CSG). CSAB is one of the largest producers of soft drinks and premium beverages in the Americas. CSAB’s brand portfolio includes Dr Pepper, 7UP, Snapple, Accelerade, Mott’s Apple Juice and Sauce, RC Cola, A&W Root Beer, Sunkist Soda, Canada Dry, Hawaiian Punch, Schweppes, Diet Rite, Clamato, Mr & Mrs T Mixers, Holland House Mixers, Rose’s, Mistic, Yoo-hoo, Orangina, IBC, Stewart’s, Nantucket Nectars and other well-known consumer brands.
  2. niko ne zeli da gleda Crimson Glory sa Wade Black-om.
  3. ono do jaja izgleda sam rekoa za slike sa spota...nisam ti citao poruku jer sam prvo video bulletin na spejsu, sad cu i pesme da cujem
  4. do jaja izgleda
  5. ne vredi kad ce ovaj da ga otpeva kao promukla baba. a neguru sam svaki put propustio kad su svirali, bas mi drago sto ce svirati, onaj Om je stvarno albumcina.
  6. azal

    Crimson Glory

    ima midnight na svom myspace-u novu verziju kultne pesme Lost Reflection i novu verziju Painted Skies sto je otpevao zajedno sa Jon Olivom. chekirajte. http://www.myspace.com/t42midnight
  7. bilo bi lepo, iako sam ih vec 7 puta gledao
  8. queensryche je senka od benda sto je nekad bio, ali bas bleda, bleda senka. i kapiram da previse traze za to sto realno vrede. bolje ciljati na symphony x.
  9. kako lupetas. eto ako hoces tako, ja sam moderator, i samo cu ja smeti da pisem na ovoj temi jer sam jedini kupio dark discovery i solitude-dominance-tragedy kad su izasli na originalu. moze?
  10. vuk je danilov licni fotograf
  11. to je ta promocija inace gregor samsa novi je daleko najbolji post rock sto sam cuo ove godine. a tek sam sad video da toby i mia iz kayo dot-a sviraju na albumu
  12. svaka tebi cast sto idalje citas ovu temu
  13. stvarno ima preglupih ljudi. pitam se dali ima likova na wacken forumu sto se buno sto Hasselhoff i Falco nece nastupati.
  14. hvala komso. jel si slusao 13 & God?
  15. jedva cekam da se ovaj retro 80 fazon zavrsi u metalu, popu i repu. a sto je najgore uglavnom su klinci koji su rodjeni 89 i naucili nesto o 80s preko vh1 specijala.
  16. nisam uspeo da preslusam taj novi in flames do kraja najbolji potez RR je sto su imali muda da izdaju cynic - focus '93.
  17. konfuzna je gramatika za ime albuma. tipicno za italijane. bolje da je "just in case we never met again"
  18. ne zove se dzabe OLDschool
  19. kakva amerika?
  20. link or it didn't happen.
  21. upravu si, bice saksofona na polednjoj pesmi na albumu ...ali negde u sredini, ne bas na kraju
  22. ja bar slusam pig destroyer dok trcim lepo je pojacalo. kad ce svirka neka?
  23. mirko na neocekivanom mestu part 2: jogirao ja po kalishu kao sto redovno radim, kad ono, eno ga mirku skida pantalone i sprema se da se vata sa ragbistima nekim. em mozak, em sportista, em gitarista
  24. jbg. will not download.
  25. jel idalje Mats Leven peva? gledao sam ih uzivo sa njim...jebe mater, sigurno ste gledali Malmsteenov DVD sa njim sa Facing the Animal turneje, ako ne to, onda ste ga videli sa Therionom. mnogo je dobar uzivo. kad sam intervju radio sa Olafom rekao je da je deo razloga za promenu je zato sto je Oliver bio slab dosta uzivo. poslednjih nekoliko albuma jesu djubre, ali to ima veze sa pesmama ne sa glasom Leven-a.
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