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Everything posted by azal

  1. mislim da je hteo ovaj flajer sa linkom da stavi ali ono, nije bivalo.
  2. azal


  3. znaci ipak ces skinuti pidzamu?
  4. azal


    evo ga myspace pa cekirajte: http://www.myspace.com/obliveonband lemmy, prvo saznaj sta to znaci, pa onda postuj nesto sto nije glupo A cult following is a group of fans devoted to a specific area of pop culture. Cult followings most often develop around television shows, films, and books. Some comic books, video games, musicians and writers also gain cult followings. Cult followings are often dedicated enough that many people of similar interest are familiar with one another due to convention gatherings, concerts, message boards, Internet chat rooms, word of mouth, or shops featuring related items. These dedicated followings are usually relatively small and pertain to items that don't have broad mainstream appeal. za ljude koji slusaju neki complex thrash poput coroner, toxik, mekong delta ili recimo ljudi koji prate tu french canadian scenu technical death/thrash metala, ovo je kultni bend.
  5. azal


  6. azal


    idemo. prvi album "From This Day Forward" je najthrash album. kompleksni riffovi, vrlo atipcni za thrash, na kraju se videlo da je ovo i sledeci album "Nemesis" blueprint za taj Quebec-style death-thrash. Mislim da Martyr (isto kanadski, bole) nikad ne bih postojao bez ovih albuma. sledeca dva albuma "Cybervoid" i "Carnivore Mothermouth" idu vise ka nekom modernom thrash stilu, ala starijeg fear factorija sa tim neki cyber momentima oko klavijatura i semplova. Ali izrazito originalno i progresivno za to vreme. moze se uporediti evolucija Obliveon-a dosta sa Forbidden-om sto se tice promena. recimo From This Day Forward = Forbidden Evil Nemesis = Twisted Into Form Cybervoid = Distortion Carnivore Mothermouth = Green u svakom slucaju, kult koji treba postovati. mislim da je neka izdavacka kuca sve reissue-ovala skoro. eto toliko.
  7. to je neka lezbo riba sto mnogo dobro izgleda nazalost. svira akusticnu gitaru, neki cudan picking i tapping style, mnogo interesantno. ukucaj na youtube i pogledaj prvi spot sto se pojavi.
  8. album jos nije snimljen
  9. mislim da taj dvd ne postoji
  10. jes
  11. http://www.zshare.net/audio/7273268109ed7e/
  12. jel sam kacio ovde El-P remix goliath-a?
  13. mislim da nema sumnje da su ljudi the real deal a ne neki klinci sto furaju taj retro 2 godine i kupuju razor majce na ebayu za 50 dolara.
  14. slusam de-loused ovih dana. ubedljivo najbolji.
  15. azal


  16. NEVERMORE's WARREL DANE: Solo Album Release Date Announced - Feb. 20, 2008 NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane will release his debut solo album, "Praise to the War Machine", on April 28 in Europe and May 13 in North America via Century Media Records. Former SOILWORK guitarist Peter Wichers recently completed mixing the CD at a studio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "The album sounds amazing and I am really proud of the songs on this one," said Wichers, who co-wrote most of the material on the LP with Dane. Songtitles set to appear on "Praise to the War Machine" include: 01. When We Pray 02. Messenger (featuring Jeff Loomis) 03. Obey 04. Lucretia My Reflection (THE SISTERS OF MERCY cover) 05. Let You Down (featuring Chris Broderick) 06. August 07. Your Chosen Misery 08. Praise To The Warmachine (featuring James Murphy) 09. Brother 10. Patterns (PAUL SIMON cover) 11. This Old Man 12. Aeon In a September 2006 interview with Metal-Rules.com, Dane stated about the upcoming solo CD, "I've been working on it for like the last year off and on, just writing songs with Peter Wichers, and at some point we'll finish them then go in the studio . . . It doesn't sound like NEVERMORE, and I think, you know, if it did, there wouldn't be much point in doing a side project. If it sounded like NEVERMORE I think it would be a little redundant . . . Of course it's metal! Kind of like metal-infused hard rock, I think. It's different and it's a chance for me to explore myself — explore myself in other ways! [laughs] Well, for me, and for Peter from SOILWORK as well, it was kind of a chance for us both to 'step outside the box,' because people expect a certain thing from both those bands and with this we don't have to fulfill any expectations. We can do whatever we want."
  17. azal


    ja sam danas opet probao da slusam onaj ghost reveries i bas mi dosadan. ima momente ali tah sterilna produkcija me ubija.
  18. ah. slican stil kao urban. nije za mene.
  19. i wanna touch you
  20. to bas volis te matore nistarije
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