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Everything posted by azal

  1. moze rain delay da obradi P Diddy featuring Usher - I need a girl
  2. single sam video i bas je bila krsh pesma. inace, aca choice, koji radi metal stage na exitu je potvrdio da Meshuggah dolazi. toliko.
  3. realnije je Lost in America now I'm looking for a girl with a job and a car
  4. "This album's got all of the elements we've become known for," reveals drummer Mike Portnoy, who co-produced the CD with guitarist John Petrucci (Paul Northfield engineered and mixed the effort). "The focus on musicianship, the skull-crushing riffs, the big progressive epics and the heart-wrenching melodies. We've got one of the strongest and most devoted fan bases in the world, and they should certainly be happy with the new material." The disc sports seven new songs, one of which runs 25 minutes. "Systematic Chaos" track listing: 01. In The Presence of Enemies Pt. 1 (9:00) 02. Forsaken (5:36) 03. Constant Motion (6:55) 04. The Dark Eternal Night (8:51) 05. Repentance (10:43) 06. Prophets of War (6:01) 07. The Ministry of Lost Souls (14:57) 08. In The Presence of Enemies Pt. 2 (16:38) Hugh Syme radio omot. glup je malo.
  5. azal


    sisajte ga svi.
  6. ^najbolji post ikad.
  7. istina. cuo sam da je John West napustio, smorio se. mislim da samo Lordring idalje prati rad ovog benda, Djedo javi se
  8. dobri kolaci!
  9. da dodam. bila je i prica da preradimo te stare pesme u neki nas novi fazon, ali smo se slozili da je bolje da ne trosimo vreme na takve ne bitne stvari i da se fokusiramo na novu muziku. Idem posle shljake kod velikih braca da radimo na novoj pesmi. Dzemovali smo je prosle nedelje i prezajebano je sranje, na nekom Pantera, Morbid Angel, Deftones i Death dzemuju zajedno sranju.
  10. ne. bili smo ja, old, uros i cale u studiju prosle nedelje sa namerom da sviramo te stare stvari. dali smo sve od sebe i zvucelo je mnogo glupo, kao da te neko tera da sviras tribute nekog benda sto ne volis. Nista necu lose da kazem o Confluxu, samo da bi bilo neiskreno od nas da sviramo tako ako nam se uopste to ne svira, jer per svega, sviramo muziku da bi se lepo osecali. ali bice jedna preiskusna odbrada za BL spremna
  11. dobra stvar!
  12. tako je deda. svi vukovi znaju da poslednje sto vredi je obrada "Freewill" na Magna Carta Rush tribute-u gde pola Lemur Voice-a svira sa bubnjarem iz Cairo-a. KVLT.
  13. Devin began work on the new Darkest Hour album in late February. They will be recording over six weeks at the Warehouse and Greenhouse studios in Vancouver. Devin is embracing his new outlook on producing. "Every record I've done up to this point has been mixed by others, and the ones that haven't have been mixed in poor or rushed conditions. The Ziltoid record as well as Darkest Hour are the first things I've had complete control over. Ziltoid was mixed at home, and sounds great, but DH sounds awesome and I can't wait for people to hear what I can do. I plan to produce MANY bands, while doing my own records in between. This way I can also play with the kid, and all is going well. If you look up Darkest Hour on YouTube, you can see their webisodes that document our progress... fun stuff, great guys and a killer album." Following Darkest Hour, Devin is doing the vocal productions for Soilwork and HIMSA, then recording the third full Zimmers Hole, this time for Century Media. Also on his time "off" (yeah, right.) Devin recorded a guitar track on an upcoming compilation album from Magna Carta Records. While he initially declined the request, once presented that it was a bit of a 'competition' to create insane guitar music, he had to do it. You may find this song to be his most impressive and challenging guitar work to date. Because he was writing this song at the same time as the Ziltoid album, the 'over-the-top' guitar work also influenced that record as well. The title of the track is 'Nerd Alert'. On top of all of that, he also recorded a guitar solo on the new album for A Life Once Lost with whom he became friends on the Ozzfest tour. Given the new addition to the HDR family, after 10 years we are now looking to move our headquarters. We have accumulated a lot of 'memorabilia' in this time and rather than move it or throw it away, we have decided to make it available on eBay. Some are plentiful amounts of promotional posters, a few left-over tour shirts, whereas others are one-of-a kind items. It will be like an HDR garage sale. The sale will likely begin about May and run through summer. When we are ready, there will be an announcement over the email news and the website. gledao sam ova sranja na youtube...mnogo se ugojio Dev..do jaja izgleda
  15. idi slusaj ALice Coopera.
  16. jebo mater
  17. glup sam ispao sto sam ovoliko spavao na Gojiru. dobri su.
  18. uros na draconic slici je nesto najsmesnije ikad.
  19. pa ima smisla skroz. sviraju technical death metal sa brutalnim hardcore breakdownovima.
  20. ali metal je rat. treba i danas svaki bend da zvuci kao da je 92, jer je to iskreno i nekomercijalno.
  21. ja sam preslusao sinoc, bas predebelo, surovo sranje. poslednja pesma bas grmi. dobri su i oni spokeword momenti da se covek odmori malo.
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