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Everything posted by azal

  1. slusam ovaj novi My Chemical Romance i do jaja mi je. duvajte mi kurac.
  2. polako
  3. imamo novu stvar koja je bas onako, jebi me.
  4. labrie je zvao, trazio da mu vratis kurac dosta si ga jasio.
  5. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

    http://www.sarasotasheriff.org/PDFfiles/07-jan-19-21.pdf ovo je za dedicu najvise, na page 86...Midnight iz Crimson Glory-a...zatvorenik
  6. naaamin.
  7. idemo u zagreb ako ih ne dovedemo u BG :nudge:
  8. imao sam "look what the cat dragged in" na kaseti i neki official live na CDu. vi sto pljujete ne znate sta je dobro zezanje, zurka, niti volite miris picke.
  9. mozda su citali ovaj forum i skontali da ce popiti batine od mene ako ne ispostuju SDT kako ttreba.
  10. From Behold...The Arctopus' MySpace page, in regard to Charlie's part in the band: "He also completely finished tracking the Blotted Science drum parts for the 'Machinations of Dementia' album with Ron Jarzombek of Spastic Ink, Gordian Knot and Watchtower and Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse. The album should come out sometime in 2007."
  11. ma ne znam. mnogo su zauzeti. evo najfresh vesti. Drummer/producer/artist Asgeir Mickelson (SPIRAL ARCHITECT, BORKNAGAR) has issued the following update on his current and upcoming activities: "It's time to enter the wicked melodies and painful tempos of death metal. "A couple of months ago I joined a fairly new Norwegian band called THORNBOUND that had just released a three-track demo (check it out at www.myspace.com/thornbound, but know that it's not me on drums). Meeting — and playing with — guitarist Eirik and growler Vidar gave me the same great 'this can't go wrong' feeling as when SPIRAL ARCHITECT started out. The THORNBOUND guys definitely have the talent and dedication it takes to make it — and Eirik is a total riff machine! I'll probably have to kill him if he writes faster songs than the ones I'm currently struggling with… A full album will be recorded by next summer in my MultiMono Studio. "The SCARIOT album 'Momentum Shift' is being released in February. I co-produced it, engineered, wrote lyrics, played drums, designed cover, took band photos and was there when it was mixed and mastered… Please buy the damn thing. The album is HEAVY! "SPIRAL ARCHITECT started recording riffs a couple of months ago but got into a halt because of SATYRICON shows. It's going to be a long walk, but at least we're up on our feet. A lot of people are annoyed about the fact that we're doing 'everything' else than what we 'should' do — which is making another SPIRAL ARCHITECT album. But the fact is that we've always thought that we will make one when it feels right. Nothing has really ever gotten in the way. I'm not even sure it feels right this time either… Time will tell. "I'm currently doing session drums on a project with KNUT BUEN (a well-known Norwegian folk fiddle player), Ihsahn and Ihriel. Then the MYOCLON album, which I'm also producing and then CODE's new album. Other 'projects' I'll play on this year is new IHSAHN albums, a new BORKNAGAR album and the already mentioned THORNBOUND debut. "Be sure to check out the stuff that's been recorded in my studio: SOLEFALD ('Red For Fire, Black For Death'), TWISTED INTO FORM ('Then Comes Affliction To Awaken The Dreamer'), and the upcoming albums from SCARIOT and RED HARVEST. If you like the productions and want to record (not mix!) in my studio then contact me at azgr(AT)online.no. "I recently left the company I started a year ago, so I'm now 100% freelance. This means I'm looking for design jobs, session drummer jobs as well as booking bands in my studio. "I'm currently designing for the Inferno metal festival, TRITONUS and THE ESSENESS PROJECT, and I am about to start building a specially designed drum rehearsal room for the mighty Hellhammer. It will be a so called 'floating room' (or 'a room inside a room') in his house, which will be as sound proof as possible. "There's of course more exciting stuff going on but I'll tell about that later! Won't spill all the beans in one go, hehe."
  12. prosek su. treca liga metalcore-a.
  13. jedan od boljih klipova u tom fazonu ali ona slika na kraju! dobar je i onaj yngwie is your new god, ako nisi gledao. http://youtube.com/watch?v=NK25tqXSdqI
  14. azal


    kod mesugancije je fazon sto iako su mnogo zajebani i tech, uvek imaju tu pratnju cinele i dobosa u 4/4 koja te omogucava da slemujes i lomis ljudima kosti. dodaj jos solaze koje zvuci kao metalizirani holdsworth i najbesnijeg pevac na planeti... i to je tek tip of the iceberg. ne postoji metal bend koji je toliko svoj i poseban, jednostavno.
  15. haha stvarno ne znam ko je to nas gledao pa otisao gajbi, nisam primetio. mozda su sedeli napolju, zato sto su se smorili, a ne verujem da je bilo ko platio 1200 din da gleda nasu svirku od pola sata
  16. http://www.garageband.com/genre/metal nudge
  17. hvala svima na pohvalama. @simona: ako imas jos slika, i nije ti cim, mozes da zipujes i da posaljes na [email protected] pa da ih koristimo na nasoj myspace stranici. hvala opet!
  18. yay!
  19. to je ono kad sviramo neki neparni riff..ono..deo glave koji prati cinelu koja ide u 4 onako se odcepa od druge strane glave sto svira riff.
  20. covek savrseno peva. mnogo bolje od mesaje u svakom slucaju. odlican izbor.
  21. poneo sam dark discovery digipack i solitude dominance tragedy originale da mi potpise Tom. naravno, originalna izdanje, ne Inside Out reizdanja! kvlt!
  22. djea vidimo se veceras ljudi.
  23. laki uvek pada na sentish
  24. haha cuj neki bend!! !!!???!!!
  25. dobre su one crveno bele dunks na slici.
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