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Everything posted by azal

  1. respect za decibel za ghengis tron i taint!
  2. total fucking doom
  3. ovo sam procitao kao 'stigao ga tumor'
  4. lambchop i coldcut su isto vece :/
  5. hoces na lambchop cimeru?
  6. fali i dobar pevac. lik je katastrofalan.
  7. ona glava ispod podseca na velju ilica
  8. cekamo kent-a da skine ovaj disk sa svog dragonshelf-a i da nam kaze nesto vise o bendu.
  9. jel su oni obradili "neverending story?" ako je to taj bend, onda full respect. Dragonland nije nimalo lozacko ime.
  10. I mi kad smo snimali album u Senti tripovali smo se da snimamo u inostranstvu i mnogo je ludo bilo.
  11. sta ti znas.
  12. mulletsgallore.com
  13. kako seres kad znam da obozavas dream child - reaching the golden gates
  14. klipovi neki http://www.sendspace.com/file/skowy3
  15. kako su ubacili onaj slayer radi credibility-a.
  16. zato sto nisi metalac i volis taj kurac.
  17. banana hammock
  18. jeo sam pizzu sa njim
  19. lik ima clean kao chester iz linkin parka. malo su dosadni refreni i previse lice na feear factory ponekad. mada imaju bas vrelih momenta. ok, ali bolje da stave sounds like fear factory i soilwork jer imas vise veze nego sa meshuggah i strapping young lad.
  20. ja sam ih gledao 6-7 puta i bio sam na prvoj svirci koju su ikad svirali u americi
  21. azal


    ja mu ne verujem.
  22. vesti za agartha WITCHFINDER GENERAL Reunites, Begins Work On New Album WITCHFINDER GENERAL, one of the few bands of the NWOBHM (New Wave of British Heavy Metal) era to opt for the classic early BLACK SABBATH dirge rather than the more uptempo metal of most of their countrymen, has reformed and is presently holding auditions to replace singer Zeeb Parkes. "Derm [drummer Dermot Redmond], Rod [Hawkes, bass] and Phil [Cope, guitar] are back together and it's official," reads a press release. "They start recording two tracks next weekend with a view to doing the third album. The band are currently looking for a vocalist to replace Zeeb. "We have been asked so many questions about what has happened to Zeeb Parkes? The name Zeeb Parkes was invented purely for the band. When the band split, Zeeb Parkes ceased to be. The character behind Zeeb Parkes who wishes to keep his identity anonymous has moved on to other things." Commented Phil: "It is no secret that the friendship between Zeeb and myself has finished. Looking back Zeeb was an inspiration to us all and I have some great and happy memories of him, so many that I could write a bestseller about it! But Zeeb is into other things now and I wish him all the best. "We are back together hopefully to record the 'elusive' third album. There may even be a track including the first rhythm section of Steve [Kinsell, drums] and Toss [McCready, bass], if they can be forced out of retirement ha! ha! This is a small thanks to everyone who has stood by the band. The guys have no plans to ever play live again but at least new material is on its way."
  23. sviramo kao predgrupa evergrey-u. ovo, ono. shirina i duzina.
  24. Scarsick (2007) Tracklist: 01. Scarsick 02. Spitfall 03. Cribcaged 04. America 05. Disco Queen 06. Kingdom Of Loss 07. Mrs. Modern Mother Mary 08. Idiocracy 09. Flame To The Moth 10. Enter Rain
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