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Everything posted by azal

  1. http://www.yellowcab.co.yu/vest.jsp?id=250
  2. pise se groupy. ubi se.
  3. azal


    why you mad, bole?
  4. snimio sam saksofon na nekom ornette coleman sranju ovok vikenda i ConsiBuddah je bacao neke magije za "laudanum" Oldschool sad snima neke ambient gitare i solaze. the end is near!!
  5. znaci, izjebao me kao kurvu najgoru.
  6. Since the release of the masterpiece called “Wolfheart,“ from a band we all know very well, who are currently treading down very muddy paths, from time to time, quality, and above all, original-sounding band have been appearing in Portugal. Thanatoschizo, who released their debut album in late 2001 for a new and anonymous Portuguese label, are one of those bands. This exceptional band offers to fans an atypical release, full of head-spinning changes and jumps from genre to genre, making it hard to understand what is exactly happening on the first listen. However, quality musicianship and a richness of ideas quickly put everything into place, making the album a very easy and catchy work. Bands that base their playing on avant-garde arrangements and progressive ideas usually take it to such an extreme that their albums become unbearable to listen to. This is absolutely not the case with Thanatoschizo, because their formula is a lot smarter: mixing oldschool Death/Black sounds as a foundation with progressive/avant-garde sections represents a nice refresher for all fans of this musical genre who will surely recognize this. The vocals are worthy of special mention – very rough male vocals (growls and screams) and an original-sounding female vocalist. If you ask yourself why it is called “Schizo Level,” believe me, you will know once you have listened to the CD. Another title for this album could have been “From the beginning of metal to today,” because this is a good guide for those who skipped over some genres of our favorite form of music! Contact: [email protected] Score: 8/10
  7. if I have time at work today I'll translate it. send me drugs and booze.
  8. haha
  9. 50 euros, chief. pay up first.
  10. djea!
  11. chino ima najdeblju glavu u metalu.
  12. haha
  13. uffff bas im jadno engleski ide
  14. slusao sam Dreaming neon Black pre par dana i idalje je daleko najbolji. Neil Kernon > Andy Sneap
  15. onaj sa paethom, onaj virgo, je bas bio vrh. nije metal, ali bas do jajno. i mene drugi smorio a prvi shaman je bio bolje od svih angra albuma gde nema matosa.
  16. prva tri albuma su bolja od remedy lane-a.
  17. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

    prejak ovaj principal projekat. svoju kasetu sam vec rezervisao.
  18. dobar avatar najbolja promo fotka ikad!
  19. pitaj babu da ti opet da dve crvene da se obrijes.
  20. cuo sam da je ovaj album za angru isto sto je dark ride the helloween. onako mid tempo i mracan. i da su vrh gitare kao i uvek a da edu lose peva. nemam neku zelju da preslusam.
  21. nigga please.
  22. e da jos jedno gostovanje. moj veliki buraz rodjeni svira solazu na klavijaturi gde baca neko jebeno prog znanje na "Of the Pulse and the Iris" morali smo jer jedan deo u pesmi je toliko ocigledan Dream Theater omaz da nije mogao da prodje bez nekog zaraslog guitar/keyboard trade-off soliranja na nekom "Take the Time" sranju. mozete cuti njegov prog/power bend na adresi www.myspace.com/adriannaslament
  23. evo jednog update-a. oldschool se vratio u BG da se odmori od madjarica malo. ove nedelje radimo jos neke sitnice, neke atmosfere, gitarice, solaze, semplove, itd pa se vraca ekipa u sentu 20 oktobra da snimimo sve to, zavrsimo vokale i da miksamo. posle miksa, shaljemo na mastering i to je to. radi se omot sad i promo fotke da goticarke trljaju picke uskoro. imacemo gosta, nas veliki prijatelj Danilo zvani Buddah iz Consecration-a ce snimiti neke gitare i ebow zajebancije za poslednju stvar "Laudanum" koja je prespora i preteska i traje oko 10 minuta. svirka mozda u novembru, realnije u decembru. djea
  24. azal


    album ce biti prestrasan. kao nisu bili zadovoljni gitarama pa su ponovo snimili i mixali. ruse se zgrade i ta sranja. kenja se u gace uveliko.
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