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Everything posted by azal

  1. pa ako gotivis bon jovi, onda vredi.
  2. azal


    logicno, da sam samo procitao vest edit: hahah bane kako si glup!
  3. dovoljno
  4. azal


    to je neka varijanta gde sve nadjes sa nekim drugim bendom i imas ograniceno vreme da napravis i snimis pesme neke. neka britanska radijo emisija ili tako nesto, ako se ne varam.
  5. hehe dobro ime.
  6. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

    oliver se davno penzijonisao, prestao je da radi kad je zavrsiju sa gradjevinom onih piramada sto se nalaze u bosni.
  7. ja sam izabrao sliku. nekako oslikava esenciju naseg zvuka
  8. azal

    Peeping Tom

    i meneguzzi se iz prve napalio na tu stvar. meni nije najbolja nikako...refren je do jaja though. mislim da mi je tobin stvar najbolja..ima najbolji refren, i stvari sa add nossam
  9. azal

    Peeping Tom

    mislim da je bolje sto je ovaj Jesu samo EP. Bas traje koliko treba i uvek te tera da pustis opet. debeli, voiceover nije katastrofalan, skoro da se ne provaljuje, neki duboki glas i onako, bas tiho.
  10. azal

    Peeping Tom

    jedino Jesu mozda vise slusam. I novi Mr. Lif koji je takodje bas vruce govno.
  11. Melodic metallers MASTERPLAN have parted ways with vocalist Jorn Lande (ex-YNGWIE MALMSTEEN/ARK) due to "musical differences." During the songwriting process for the band's third album, it became increasingly apparent that the members of the group had different visions and plans for the band's musical direction. While Jorn wanted MASTERPLAN to follow a more melodic path, the rest of the band wanted to return to the metallic roots of their debut album. Commented drummer Uli Kusch (ex-HELLOWEEN): "We are not really happy about Jorn's decision [to leave the band], but on the other side it doesn't make sense to continue if the ideas are that different. The music would suffer from it and the music is why we are doing it. We wish Jorn a successful future and want to thank him for everything he did for us. It was a great and interesting time!" The band are currently searching for a new singer. "There are already some possibilities that might be interesting for us, but nothing is decided yet," Uli explained. "We hope that we can already present the new singer on the gigs we are [confirmed to play later in the] year. And for sure there won't be any changes in the musical style of MASTERPLAN. We are currently working on the songs." MASTERPLAN's sophomore full-length album, "Aeronautics", came out in January 2005 via AFM Records. Lande released his fourth solo album, "The Duke", earlier in the year through AFM. The CD, which entered the Norwegian national album at position No. 54, was produced by Lande and PAGAN'S MIND guitarist Jörn Viggo Lofstad, and was mixed at Jailhouse Studios in Denmark by Tommy Hansen.
  12. jebote basisti nevermore-a i symphony x-a imaju crohn's disease. wtf? a jorn ne peva vise u masterplanu ako nekog (sem vanje i lakija) zanima.
  13. azal

    Peeping Tom

    realno. najslusaniji je za mene sigurno.
  14. krenuo sam da radim na dzemperoru, moguci naziv je "the imbecile" (ali nije o urosu ) radio sam i za onu jos jednu sporu stvar sto radim i to ce se zvati verovatno "satellites" a imam ideje za onu sto ima muse intro i queensryche refren i zvace se "haloed and insipid" i eto, ako snimimo 10 trekova znate nazive vec. a album je naravno "R-CH: A Gay Fantasia"
  15. dobri su ti podnaslovi, ja recimo wintersun nikad nisam preslusao zbog naslova.
  16. nesto izmedju peter northa i ron jeremya otprilike.
  17. ja sam dobio neke gej nalepnice za dan evrope danas.
  18. necu ja da bacam hejt, samo kazem da ekipa koja slusa taj zvuk najverovatnije nece gotiviti nasu teshkocu.
  19. ps: mrki, kakav ti je to novi hleb sto dolazi?
  20. fanovi yobo-a za vreme nase svirke.
  21. od jigge su samo reasonable doubt, blueprint i black albumi koji su od pocetka do kraja vrh. a od tih nonphixion likova dovoljno je da imas samo the future is now...to je jedini album koji jebe od pocetka do kraja, i na svu srecu, ima necra najmanje
  22. chiko ubedljivo.
  23. recite Karku da Zvonko Bogdan svira 12 u Sava Centru.
  24. mani se radijatora ti.
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