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Everything posted by azal

  1. ima NME dobar (f)article. http://www.nme.com/reviews/gnarls-barkley/7915
  2. pustaju Gnarls Barkley - Crazy svakih sat vremena na radio B92, kapiram da cete da skinete cim se pojavi recenzija na pitchforku.
  3. haha do jaja. bio Vihor? a mislim da sam se malo zasitio tog isis/CoL zvuka. Jesu radi nesto originalnije i interesantnije po meni. lepa teskoca, doom pop, sta god...mnogo mi je super i bas osvezenje za ovu scenu.
  4. kul. i byla treba album sledeci sa jarboe da snimaju. bice do jaja. a ja ne mogu CoL da slusam od Jesu-a koji mi je mnogo zanimljiviji i sveziji.
  5. kazu da se cuje Colinov fazon dosta u disritmiji sad, bas me zanima.
  6. pederi, imate novu disritmiju?
  7. slobo trchi ovu igru, realno.
  8. kakav je Jeqy bio u filmu?
  9. azal

    Peeping Tom

    haha tobin stvar je "don't even trip"
  10. prvi ima 9 trackova a reissue ima 13, tako da je sigurno LP a ne EP.
  11. novi Steven Seagal! kad pre!! MOJO PRIEST
  12. slobo je kriv za radijator, to svi znaju.
  13. ufff koliko sam dobro muzike nabavio ovog vikenda. peeping tom, jesu, tool, mr. lif, cult of luna, gnarls barkley, yakuza brale i jos neke stvari od bude koje nisam jos preslusao.
  14. azal

    Peeping Tom

    vrh je album vrh!! super kul mi je ona stvar sa tobinom, ona hromatika i onaj pattonog falseto u refrenu. prvi stvar takodje, ludi odd nosam, i druga stvar Mojo me najvise podseca na FNM. Tu je i kool keith sa retardiranim freestylom koji svi najvise volimo "police on my tail..gotta leave like express mail" ili tako nesto norah jones stvar isto brooka. Doseone stvar nista specijalno, vise sam ocekivao. Sve u svemu ovi sto sam vec rekao i neighborhood space man. do jaja album skroz.
  15. cult of buddah
  16. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

  17. azal


    http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Albe...38651-sun.html ED DEER -- The metal gods were smiling on Jesse Maggrah. The 20-year-old man was walking beside railway tracks on Sunday, the Norwegian heavy metal band Gorgoroth cranked on his portable CD player, when he was hit by a freight train. Maggrah said he did hear the blast of the train horn just before he was hit. "I tried to jump out of the way, but I guess not in time," he said yesterday from his bed at Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre. "It was just instant. I was just walking and then I was on the ground. I wasn't sure what happened. Then I saw the train stopping up ahead. I thought, 'Holy crap, dude, you just got hit by a train.' " Police say the engineer and conductor on the northbound Canadian Pacific Railway train saw the man on the tracks several kilometres south of Red Deer. The crew blew the whistle and attempted to stop, but they were only able to slow the train to about 50 kmh before hitting him. Maggrah was thrown four to five metres from the tracks. Stunned, he moved his arms and legs to check for damage. "I knew I was alive, so that was good." He has several broken ribs, one which is poking into a lung, his doctors have told him. Maggrah is also very sore and stiff, and is having trouble walking. Maggrah said he didn't hear the train over his music and he didn't feel anything through the ground. "Maybe the metal gods above were smiling on me and they didn't want one of their true warriors to die on them. Otherwise, I'd be up there in the kingdom of steel." Police say no charges are pending against the man.
  18. http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Albe...38651-sun.html ED DEER -- The metal gods were smiling on Jesse Maggrah. The 20-year-old man was walking beside railway tracks on Sunday, the Norwegian heavy metal band Gorgoroth cranked on his portable CD player, when he was hit by a freight train. Maggrah said he did hear the blast of the train horn just before he was hit. "I tried to jump out of the way, but I guess not in time," he said yesterday from his bed at Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre. "It was just instant. I was just walking and then I was on the ground. I wasn't sure what happened. Then I saw the train stopping up ahead. I thought, 'Holy crap, dude, you just got hit by a train.' " Police say the engineer and conductor on the northbound Canadian Pacific Railway train saw the man on the tracks several kilometres south of Red Deer. The crew blew the whistle and attempted to stop, but they were only able to slow the train to about 50 kmh before hitting him. Maggrah was thrown four to five metres from the tracks. Stunned, he moved his arms and legs to check for damage. "I knew I was alive, so that was good." He has several broken ribs, one which is poking into a lung, his doctors have told him. Maggrah is also very sore and stiff, and is having trouble walking. Maggrah said he didn't hear the train over his music and he didn't feel anything through the ground. "Maybe the metal gods above were smiling on me and they didn't want one of their true warriors to die on them. Otherwise, I'd be up there in the kingdom of steel." Police say no charges are pending against the man.
  19. that is in fact the first song where keyboards play a dominant role, for their wonderful color makes everybody wanting to dance. haha a vi kao metal svirate?
  20. ima neko DTB - Vampiria spot u pristojnom kvalitetu?
  21. glup si. zna se na koje bendove misli. A znas i ti nego volis bezeve da pravis neke rasprave kad ih nema.
  22. kad kazem metalcore movement, mislim na copy cat bendove, ne pionire kao sto su Shadows Fall, KSE, Lamb of God. don't be glib, sto kaze tom cruise
  23. Devy je najveci car na svetu i ovo je najbolja najava za album koju sam u zivotu procitao. i KONACNO su se seteli da snime Far Beyond Metal u studiju!!! kapiram da je You Suck posvecena kolektivnom metalcore movementu. A+
  24. da, Micke svira gitaru u Sunshine-u. bio je na kultnoj rodjendanskoj zurci, ali kapiram da se Uros ne seca toga.
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