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Everything posted by azal

  1. ali zasto je ovo na numetalu? sviraju nesto sto nije thrash ili black pa zato nisu domaci bend? ne razumem.
  2. imas lepe oci.
  3. Mutt Lange je bolji producent od Bob Rock-a ako mene pitate.
  4. wtf.
  5. ja sam ih gledao, tako da mogu slobodno da se raspadnu sto se mene tice.
  6. oldschool je pravi gothicar u dusi. ali naravno, u oldschool maniru, bahaus i tako to. chaleta muchi chmichak.
  7. ovaj covek je gluplji od ruske brene.
  8. izadji napolje.
  9. company flow reunion. Arguably the most important group of the nineties' independent hip-hop boom, Co Flow defined the underground with their indelible sound on their 1997 masterpiece Funcrusher Plus, hollering "independent as f*ck" on that bomb the system shit. This November, for the first time in over seven years, the original Co Flow lineup of Bigg Jus, DJ Mr. Len, and El-P will reunite in the studio after completing respective solo projects (including El-P’s I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead) to record some new material. While a full-length album is not intended as of now, if the fans demand it anything is possible… Also planned for late this year is a DVD release of the legendary final Company Flow concert,The Open Casket Show filmed in 2001 at NYC’s Bowery Ballroom, which may end up including footage of the upcoming studio reunion.
  10. dve klinke i dve neke debele.
  11. gde si bre boki!
  12. zasto?
  13. azal


    to vam kaze Ja Rule.
  14. vazi.
  15. meneguzzijev buraz mali slavio rodjendan sinoc pa sam cirkao do 7, istusirao se i otisao na posao. ovaj fast energy drink je odvratan. ODVRATAN.
  16. sta da se prica toliko o bendu koji je jadan vec deset godina?
  17. da
  18. to je prava odluka. GLOBVS mada mozda i Wenzek-a.
  19. azal


    Portnoy nastavlja da truje dobre dream teamove. majku mu.
  20. postovao sam informativni blog na myspace-u.
  21. ako je Bane mrshav, ja sam Miles Davis.
  22. DALEK svira 18 aprila u zagrebu.
  23. azal


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