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kaze onaj lik sa itsatrap da je ovo kul i da bi se meni svidelo. aj nek neko skine. http://www.hitfire.se/eriklidbom/musik/musik.htm
chajna je istanbul 17'...a kresh "pa iste" cini mi se...onaj RUDE sto je mnogo glasan.
sta se zajebavas uradi neke fronts. ma grill, ma ma ma grill. isti bi Paul Wall bio.
plasim se nove crash i chajna chinele danas na probi...
jebote, koliko Nuclear Blast baca para na njih.
posle meni nesto pricas o poweru
kakva je mantra sa pticijem gripom u BL? I sta mis i pacov rade po tom pitanju?
zasmeje me ovaj debeli lik u avataru svaki put. u fazonu je "debeo sam ljudi, pa sta?"
ja bih od Amon Tobina - Permutations, nista od Venitian Snares jer su mnogo naporni za pusto ostrvo, Draft 7:30 od Autechre, Boards of Canada - Geogaddi i DJ Shadow - Endtroducing.
evo par recenzija od starih fanova. Now that I've heard the new album, the overruling thought (throughout the whole thing) has been, "What the hell happened to Geoff's voice???" (Okay, I know he's sounded like this since HITNF, but still...) The music itself isn't that bad (they seemed to like stealing cool little parts from O:MC), but the vocals are just crap. Do you think his voice is like this because he smokes? But I can't say that I'm disapointed, because I never expected this album to be any good, and even much less anything compareable to O:MC (kinda like how Keepers 3 pretty much sux compared to the first two). But sadly, none of these songs are memorable (in the same way that the songs were with #1). I guess the highlight, imo, is the duet with Dio (who sounds great, btw). I got the feeling they wanted to make O:MC2 have a more theatrical feeling overall. So, I think this album will make all the Meatloaf fans pretty happy. //////////// The thing that blows my mind about O:M2 is that these guys not only have the balls to try and create a sequel to what is arguably their most beloved album (a no-win situation to begin with - but also a sign of just how desperate QR are these days to keep the ship afloat ten+ years after 90% of their pre-Promised Land fanbase stopped caring....) but that they'd then turn the keys to the car over to an alt rock producer, i.e. Jason Slater, and a guy who is not even remotely connected to the band's glory days/classic sound. This isn't a QR album at all - it's the Slater/Stone axis writing and putting together an album for 4 of the most burnt-out 'I'm faking it for a paycheck' people under the sun. I'm sure Tate wouldn't even have bothered to show up in the studio if there was a computer that could fake his voice well enough to dupe the Queensheep. Sad only begins to describe it..........
malo neiskusno, ali jebiga. meni the warning 7 rage for order 9.5 OM: 8 Empire: 6.5 Promised Land: 9 sto se tice review-a...odmah vidis po recenicama kao sto su "tate is in top form" to je realno ne moguce, ako je top form RfO i OM, svi znamo da tate ne moze to da izvuce vise i nije mu falseto toliko ubedljiv. ima tu cinjenica kao sto je ta gde ne mozes normalnog coveka drugacije da ubedis, i po takvim izjavama prepoznas tipicnu fanboy recenziju. kao kad vanja nece da prizna da su in flames prsli
recenzirao je webmaster queensryche.com nista mu neverujem
sinoc na probi sam pokidao H zicu na basu. SNAAAAAGGGGGGAAAAA
dede...dolazite na Charon? Malo fag rocka tesko da ce skoditi. mozemo i Bjecke da uvalimo kao predgrupa kad ih vec ima toliko ( i ako dobro znam da su live nastupi izdaja undergrounda) przite ga starci!
ovo je sa Haggard teme. citirana Beauty in Black Haggard je definitivno jedan od najboljih bendova u metalu...sadrze toliko originalnosti,toliko jake atmosfere,emocija...njihova muzika je PRELEPA... oni su zaista umetnici... sanjala sam pre par nedelja da sam na njihovom koncertu u nekoj sumi... eh...
jebote, sta se sve izdesavalo sinoc posle filma? Inace kad si spomenio wingman-a, setio sam se kult pesme jos kultnijeg sastaa Billionaire Boys Club, i glasi. "send your fat friend home she might be pretty cool, but now it's time to be alone." EDIT: Stara skola je postala jos starija skola juce, tako da iskoriscavam ovu priliku da pozelim Dusanu "Oldschool" Andrijasevicu srecan rodjendan. Nek mu bog cuva onu kosu predivnu.
ako imas neki video snimak bilo bi super da nam das da pokazemo dzekiju.
evo ga novi in flames spot na MTVu...za onu brzu pesmu. jebote Andersov clean ovde mnogo lici na Ralf Scheepers-a svega mi.
cimeru: secas se kad smo isli Ramba da gledamo pa smo zapalili posle 5 pesama? Kakav je to dobar roomie date bio. bedak samo sto nismo imali kintu da kupimo majce