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Everything posted by azal

  1. ko iz anatheme bleja na temi?
  2. azal


    znaci moram gothicarke i na exitu da gledam sad. cuo sam da ce The Roots doci, do ce biti cool. Za toliko para koliko kapiram da HIM kosta, mogli su nesto iskusnije da izmuvaju...ali znas kako to vec ide, Srbija, svi maksimalno neupuceni koliko kod da se tripuju da jesu. www.roskilde-festival.dk
  3. I'd hit it.
  4. od plastike gadniji ne moze biti! i Lexone, nije se on umusio, nego se prepusio. jebi ga, kad u bloku moze samo Albanka da se pazari.
  5. mogao bi neki Dark Symphonies da se razigra
  6. ako dodje QR bicemo mi stari prog kvlt vukovi u prvom redu sa flasama rakije u ruci i oci punih suza.
  7. citao sam neki novi interview gde je tate maltene priznao da je ovaj producent skoro ceo album napisao. ne znam sta se vi raspravljate..bend je mrtav, pokusavaju jos malo para da zarade pre penzije i to je to. ja OM2 necu ni preslusati. (old)
  8. ima sam ja vesti o prog kvltovima poput och vostok i prototype ali nisa hteo evil spirta da izbedacim. pijan sam.
  9. azal

    Bjecki Djecki

  10. izgleda kao da ga je oldschool iskenjao
  11. mislim da je Sheed ustvari
  12. @ sliku edit: nasta lici yakuzetina?
  13. ah...pa dobro...evolucija i tako to...
  14. jebi ga...dok nas ne zovu mogwai ili isis da sviramo kao pregrupa, nastavicemo da razbijamo koncepcije.
  15. deftones i guns n roses potvrdjeni za roskilde.
  16. Chale: Lalicu, kakva je to piraterija?
  17. azal


    to je zato sto su jeli seven days krofne i slusali 10,000 Maniacs dok su snimali.
  18. In 2006 Primus main man/bass legend Les Claypool will be revealing his multi media talents as he releases a new solo studio album in the spring (first since 2002), publishes his first novel and releases an independent feature film that he wrote, directed and stars in. He will be doing a US tour with stops at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival in Manchester TN (June 16-18th) where he will be playing with his solo band, and the band Oysterhead featuring Trey Anastacio and Stuart Copeland. The Claypool train will also be stopping at Wakarusa festival in Lawrence Kansas in June. Les will also be releasing his first novel “SOUTH OF THE PUMPHOUSE”. A dark, clever tale of two brothers, a fishing trip, misconceptions, drugs and murder, South of the Pumphouse skillfully combines classic motifs of epic struggle and intelligent layers of imagery, reminiscent of The Old Man and the Sea, and the raw, tweaked perspective and hallucinogenic tutorial of a Hunter Thompson novel. Les' movie debut “Electric Apricot” a mockumentry on the Jam Band scene that is not only enlightening, but also hysterical at the same time. (http://www.electricapricot.com) Electric Apricot will be screened at The Tiburon Film Festival on March 15th and Portland Lonbaugh Film Festival April 6th. It features cameos by actor Seth Green, South Park co-creator Matt Stone, and such jam band legends as Bob Weir, Mike Gordon and Gov't Mule's Warren Haynes and Matt Abst.
  19. ne.
  20. azal


    TOOL Drummer: 'We Have The Most Retarded President We've Ever Had' Britain's Kerrang! magazine (web site) was granted an exclusive listening session to the just-completed, as yet-untitled fourth TOOL album, which is due out May, and has revealed that anyone expecting the Californian quartet to have gone soft with age willl be sorely disappointed. True to form, TOOL's upcoming opus is a 77-minute, 11-song prog-metal odyssey, packed with plenty of eight minute-plus twisted riff-a-thons, odd-tempo polyrhythms and the bands trademark, eerie interludes. It's also arguably their heaviest, most punishing material since their 1993 breakthrough album "Undertow", according to Kerrang! "We've all been listening to a lot of MESHUGGAH," admitted guitarist Adam Jones. "I see a lot of them in us and us in them, and they really have a very experimental prog side to them. I don't think it was like, 'Okay, right here were going to play like MESHUGGAH,' but more, 'Oh my God, that's come out a MESHUGGAH moment.'"
  21. azal


    meshuggah je idalje najbolji bend na svetu.
  22. azal


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